Open-source Python API with a graphical and command-line interface to measure surface tension coefficients from images of pendent drops.
Simply use
pip install pypendentdrop[full]
or, if you only want to use the command-line version (resp. the graphical version), you can replace [full]
by [cli]
(resp. [gui]
). Use no option to download a minimal working version of the library.
Using PyPendentDrop
Graphical interface
To launch the gui version, use the command
Use the relevant fields to provide an image, the pixel density of your image and the relevant physical parameters (density contrast, acceleration of gravity). Buttons allow you to estimate the parameters coarsely and to optimize this estimation. You can manually change and/or fix the values of the parameters.
To use the command-line version, use
Use the -h
(help) option to list the availables options and the -v
(verbose) option to display more information as the program goes.
In a python script
In the import section of your script, write
import pypendentdrop as ppd
and you can then use the functions defined in the library. An example script
is provided on the GitHub repository.
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