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An authentication policy for Pyramid that proxies to a stack of other
authentication policies.
MultiAuthenticationPolicy is a Pyramid authentication policy that proxies to
a stack of other IAuthenticationPolicy objects, to provide a combined auth
solution from individual pieces. Simply pass it a list of policies that
should be tried in order::
policies = [
IPAuthenticationPolicy("127.0.*.*", principals=["local"])
IPAuthenticationPolicy("192.168.*.*", principals=["trusted"])
authn_policy = MultiAuthenticationPolicy(policies)
This example uses the pyramid_ipauth module to assign effective principals
based on originating IP address of the request. It combines two such
policies so that requests originating from "127.0.." will have principal
"local" while requests originating from "192.168.." will have principal
In general, the results from the stacked authentication policies are combined
as follows:
* authenticated_userid: return userid from first successful policy
* unauthenticated_userid: return userid from first successful policy
* effective_principals: return union of principals from all policies
* remember: return headers from all policies
* forget: return headers from all policies
Deployment Settings
It is also possible to specify the authentication policies as part of your
paste deployment settings. Consider the following example::
use = egg:mypyramidapp
multiauth.policies = ipauth1 ipauth2 pyramid_browserid
multiauth.policy.ipauth1.use = pyramid_ipauth.IPAuthentictionPolicy
multiauth.policy.ipauth1.ipaddrs = 127.0.*.*
multiauth.policy.ipauth1.principals = local
multiauth.policy.ipauth2.use = pyramid_ipauth.IPAuthentictionPolicy
multiauth.policy.ipauth2.ipaddrs = 192.168.*.*
multiauth.policy.ipauth2.principals = trusted
To configure authentication from these settings, simply include the multiauth
module into your configurator::
In this example you would get a MultiAuthenticationPolicy with three stacked
auth policies. The first two, ipauth1 and ipauth2, are defined as the name of
of a callable along with a set of keyword arguments. The third is defined as
the name of a module, pyramid_browserid, which will be processed via the
standard config.include() mechanism.
The end result would be a system that authenticates users via BrowserID, and
assigns additional principal identifiers based on the originating IP address
of the request.
If necessary, the group finder function and the authorization policy can
also be specified from configuration::
use = egg:mypyramidapp
multiauth.authorization_policy = mypyramidapp.acl.Custom
multiauth.groupfinder = mypyramidapp.acl.groupfinder
MultiAuthPolicySelected Event
An event is triggered when one of the multiple policies configured is selected.
from pyramid_multiauth import MultiAuthPolicySelected
# Track policy used, for prefixing user_id and for logging.
def on_policy_selected(event):
print("%s (%s) authenticated %s for request %s" % (event.policy_name,
config.add_subscriber(on_policy_selected, MultiAuthPolicySelected)