pyrkbun - Python library and CLI for the API
pyrkbun is an unoffical python library and cli interface for interfacing with the API
Creating a new DNS record using pyrkbun in python:
>>> import pyrkbun
>>> x = pyrkbun.dns('',
>>> x.create()
{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'id': 253916852}
Creating a new DNS record using pyrkbun from the command line:
% pyrkbun dns create -name www -type A -content -ttl 620
{"status": "SUCCESS", "id": 256365177}
Getting Started
Install pyrkbun using pip.
pip install pyrkbun
Enable API access
You will need to ensure that you have API access enabled for your domain and an API Access Key / Secret Key. Details on how to configure your domain for API access can be found on the porkbun website
Configure Environment
Before using pyrkbun you will need to set a couple of envorinment variables to hold your API credentails.
export PYRK_API_SECRET_KEY='sk_abcdef123456789abcdef123456789abcdef'
export PYRK_API_KEY = 'sk_abcdef123456789abcdef123456789abcdef'
By default pyrkbun will utilise the default API endpoint which supports both IPv4 and IPv6. To force IPv4 only you can set an additional environement variable as follows.
export PYRK_FORCE_V4=True
If you are on a low latency path to the Porkbun service you may hit API rate limits and get 503 returned from the API resulting in ApiFailure exception being raised. You can set a rate limit environment variable to automatically add a delay in seconds before each API call. If this variable is not set no dealy will be addded.
export PYRK_RATE=1.5
If you would like pyrkbun to manage retries of API calls for you, simply set the retries environment variable with an integer representing the number of http retries on failed api calls. The default is zero.
Using pyrkbun in your python project
pyrkbun exposes all of the api functionality through a set of functions and classes. Functionality is grouped into sub-modules as follows:
- pyrkbun.ssl: Operations related to certificate management. Exposes a single function to reirieve certifcate bundle.
- pyrkbun.pricing: Operations relating to retrival of domain pricing information. Exposes a single function to retrieve pricing information.
- pyrkbun.dns: Operations relating to DNS management. This is the bulk of the functionality.
pyrkbun ssl
Retrieve provided wildcard cert bundle for your domain.
>>> import pyrkbun
>>> x = pyrkbun.ssl.get()
>>> print(x)
{'status': 'SUCCESS',
'intermediatecertificate': '<cert-data>',
'certificatechain': '<cert-data>',
'privatekey': "<cert-data>",
'publickey': '<cert-data>'}
pyrkbun pricing
Retrieve default domain pricing data.
>>> import pyrkbun
>>> x = pyrkbun.pricing.get()
>>> print(x)
{'status': 'SUCCESS',
'pricing': {'de': {'registration': '5.55', 'renewal': '4.11',
'transfer': '4.11', 'coupons': {'registration':
{'code': 'AWESOMENESS', 'max_per_user': 1, 'first_year_only': 'yes',
'type': 'amount', 'amount': 1}}},
'xof': {'registration': '6.49', 'renewal': '21.94', ... }
pyrkbun dns
DNS comprises the bulk of the functionality of pyrkbun. The dns submodule defines a class for interacting with the DNS api. You can either instantiate class instances and use the exposed instance methods, or execute class methods to interact with the API without the need to instantiate a class instance.
NOTE: When defining hostnames for A, AAAA, CNAME and ALIAS records, you should always provide the unqualified name. (e.g. if your domain is, provide hostnames as 'www' not '').
dns class instantiation
The following example shows how to instantiate a class instance and create, update and delete a DNS record.
>>> import pyrkbun
>>> x = pyrkbun.dns('',
>>> x.create()
{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'id': 253916852}
>>> = 'website'
>>> x.update()
{'status': 'SUCCESS'}
>>> x.refresh()
{'status': 'SUCCESS'}
>>> x.delete()
{'status': 'SUCCESS'}
dns class methods
The following example shows how to create, update and delete a DNS record using the provided class methods.
>>> import pyrkbun
>>> record = {'name': 'www',
'type': 'A',
'content': '',
'ttl': '620',
'prio': '0'}
>>> x = pyrkbun.dns.create_record('', record)
>>> print(x)
{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'id': 253475380}
>>> update = {'name': 'website',
'type': 'A',
'content': '',
'ttl': '620',
'prio': '0'}
>>> x = pyrkbun.dns.update_record('', update)
>>> print(x)
{'status': 'SUCCESS'}
>>> x = pyrkbun.dns.delete_record('', 'A', 'www')
>>> print(x)
{'status': 'SUCCESS'}
A class method is exposed to collect existing domain records. The method will return a list of class instances for each record returned. Arguments can be provided to the method to select specific records or set of records to be returned. To collect all records for a domain simply provide the domain name as the only argument.
>>> import pyrkbun
>>> x = pyrkbun.dns.get_records('')
>>> print(x)
[Dns(domain='', name='www', record_type='A',
content='', ttl='650', prio='0', notes='',
record_id='253440859'), Dns(domain='', .... ]
Getting help on working with dns
All methods and functions are fully documented, additional detail on working with pyrkbun is available via the python help function.
>>> import pyrkbun
>>> help(pyrkbun.dns)
pyrkbun ping
Porkbun provides a simple API endpoint for polling the API and returning your current IP address. This can be useful for usecases such as dynamic dns record creation. This is exposed in pyrkbun as
>>> import pyrkbun
>>> x =
>>> print(x)
{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'yourIp': '2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334'}
>>> x =
>>> print(x)
{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'yourIp': ''}
Using pyrkbun CLI from the terminal
You can utilise the functionality of pyrkbun directly from the terminal without the need to write your own python code.
The cli interface is availble using the command pyrkbun
Help is available from the command line
% pyrkbun -h
usage: [-h] {ping,pricing,ssl,dns} ...
CLI interface to the pyrkbun python library.
Set environment variables for API Key and API Secret Key to authenticate commands.
For API Key set:
'export PYRK_API_KEY=<your_api_key>'
For API Secret Key set:
'export PYRK_API_SECRET_KEY=<your_api_secret_key>'
positional arguments:
Pyrkbun Functions
ping Poll API and return IP address
pricing Retrieve pricing information
ssl Retrieve SSL bundle if available
dns Operate DNS records
-h, --help show this help message and exit
pyrkbun cli ssl
Retrieve provided wildcard cert bundle for your domain.
% pyrkbun ssl
{"status": "SUCCESS",
"intermediatecertificate": "<cert-data>",
"certificatechain": "<cert-data>",
"privatekey": "<cert-data>",
"publickey": "<cert-data>"}
pyrkbun cli pricing
Retrieve default domain pricing data.
% pyrkbun pricing
{"status": "SUCCESS",
"pricing": {"de": {"registration": "5.55", "renewal": "4.11",
"transfer": "4.11", "coupons": {"registration":
{"code": "AWESOMENESS", "max_per_user": 1, "first_year_only": "yes",
"type": "amount", "amount": 1}}},
"xof": {"registration": "6.49", "renewal": "21.94", ... }
pyrkbun cli dns
get record(s)
Get all records for a domain
% pyrkbun dns get
[{"name": "www", "type": "A", "content": "", "ttl": "650", "prio": "0", "notes": "", "id": "253440859"}, {"name": "mail", .... ]
Get a single record by ID
% pyrkbun dns get -id 253440859
[{"name": "www", "type": "A", "content": "", "ttl": "650", "prio": "0", "notes": "", "id": "253440859"}]
Get a single record by name and type
% pyrkbun dns get -name www -type A
[{"name": "www", "type": "A", "content": "", "ttl": "650", "prio": "0", "notes": "", "id": "253440859"}]
create record
Create a new record - Operation status and new record ID will be returned
% pyrkbun dns create -name www -type A -content "" -ttl 650
{"status": "SUCCESS", "id": 256365177}
Utilise help for details on all available options pyrkbun dns create -h
edit record
Edit a record - Operation status will be returned
Records can be selected by either unique ID or by name and type. ID is less ambiguous and is prefered as multiple records with the same name and type may exist.
Edit by ID
% pyrkbun dns edit -id 256365177 -content ""
{"status": "SUCCESS"}
Edit by name and type
% pyrkbun dns edit -name www -type A -content ""
{"status": "SUCCESS"}
Utilise help for details on all available options pyrkbun dns create -h
NOTE: If you attempt to update a record with no changes the API will return an error
delete record
Delete a record - Operation status will be returned
Records can be selected by either unique ID or by name and type. ID is less ambiguous and is prefered as multiple records with the same name and type may exist.
Edit by ID
% pyrkbun dns delete -id 256365177
{"status": "SUCCESS"}
Edit by name and type
% pyrkbun dns edit -name www -type A
{"status": "SUCCESS"}
bulk operations
Perfrom bulk operations on domain records by provding a json file containg record data. The command requires an input json file, output file (to write operation results) and mode.
The following modes are supported:
add: Add all records in the provided file.
flush: Delete ALL existing records and load records from provided file.
merge (default): Update existing records and add new records if they do not yet exist. Records not specified in the file will remain unchanged and no records will be deleted. Existing records to be updated MUST include the record ID.
Example usage:
% pyrkbun dns bulk ./records.json ./result.json -mode merge
Example input file:
"content": "",
"name": "www",
"ttl": "600",
"prio": "0",
"notes": "Company Website",
"type": "A",
"id": "256365177"
"content": "",
"name": "",
"ttl": "600",
"prio": "10",
"notes": "Primary MX Record",
"type": "MX",
NOTE: If you attempt to update a record with no changes the API will return an error
Include NS records in bulk operations
By default, pyrkbun will exclude NS records from any bulk operations. If you would like to include these records you can set the '-incns' flag.
Example usage:
% pyrkbun dns bulk ./records.json ./result.json -mode merge -incns
pyrkbun cli ping
Porkbun provides a simple API endpoint for polling the API and returning your current IP address.
Ping utilising the default v4/v6 endpoint
% pyrkbun ping
{"status": "SUCCESS", "yourIp": "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}
Ping utilising the v4 only endpoint
% pyrkbun ping -v4
{"status": "SUCCESS", "yourIp": ""}