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Python Client library for interacting with Community, Developer, and Enterprise Editions SonarQube's REST APIs and SonarCloud's REST APIs.
python-sonarqube-api provides a simple interface for clients to interact with SonarQube via the REST API.
There are two editions of python-sonarqube-api:
- Community Edition (CE) is available freely under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.
- Professional Edition (PE) includes
extra features <https://python-sonarqube-pro-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#api-reference>
that are more useful for developers with more than 280 interface functions. To use PE and get timely Email support and continuous updates,
please become a Purchaser(https://shijl0925.gumroad.com/l/nlokc) and become a subscriber(https://shijl0925.gumroad.com/subscribe).
Notice: Professional Edition's extra features have been remarked by using Only available on the professional edition in API Document.
| Differences | Community Edition | Professional Edition |
| License | GNU AGPLv3 License | MIT License |
| Commercial Use | No | Yes |
| Supported APIs | 40 | more than 280 |
| (SonarQube Web APIs)| | |
| Compatibility | 7.9.x - 8.9.x | 7.9.x - 10.x |
| (SonarQube Versions)| | |
Payment only needs to be made once, and library updates will be provided for free.
Change Log
See the CHANGELOG-CE.md <https://github.com/shijl0925/python-sonarqube-api/blob/master/CHANGELOG-CE.md>
_ file for Community Edition.
Professional Edition
See the CHANGELOG-PE.md <https://github.com/shijl0925/python-sonarqube-api/blob/master/CHANGELOG-PE.md>
_ file for Professional Edition.
The easiest way to install the latest version is by using pip to pull it from PyPI::
pip install --upgrade python-sonarqube-api
Professional Edition
Use command pip to install the Python wheel or source package, Use --force-reinstall to force an installation If necessary::
pip install python_sonarqube_pro_api-x.y.z-py3-none-any.whl
where x, y, and z should be replaced by the current version number.
The full documentation for API is available on readthedocs <https://python-sonarqube-pro-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>
- This package is compatible Python versions 2.7, 3.3+.
- Tested with SonarQube Community Edition 8.9.x LTS and SonarCloud Server.
donations are not mandatory but very welcomed
If you like my work and want to support development or buy me a coffee PayPal Donate <https://paypal.me/shijialiang0925>
The Client is easy to use, you just need to initialize it with the
connection parameters (default sonarqube url is http://localhost:9000).
from sonarqube import SonarQubeClient
sonar = SonarQubeClient(sonarqube_url="http://localhost:9000", username='admin', password='admin')
Sonar authentication tokens can also be used in place of username and password::
sonar = SonarQubeClient(sonarqube_url="http://localhost:9000", token='*****************')
API example
The example documentation for SonarQubeClient APIs is available on API examples <https://python-sonarqube-pro-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html>
See the LICENSE <https://github.com/shijl0925/python-sonarqube-api/blob/master/LICENSE>
_ file for licensing information as it pertains to files in this repository.