Calculates the time some text takes the average human to read, based on Medium's read time forumula.
Medium's Help Center says,
Read time is based on the average reading speed of an adult (roughly 265 WPM). We take the total word count of a post and translate it into minutes, with an adjustment made for images. For posts in Chinese, Japanese and Korean, it's a function of number of characters (500 characters/min) with an adjustment made for images.
Source: (Read Sept 23rd, 2018)
Double checking with real articles, the English algorithm is:
seconds = num_words / 265 * 60 + img_weight * num_images
With img_weight
starting at 12
and decreasing one second with each image encountered, with a minium img_weight
of 3
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install readtime
Or if you like to live dangerously:
sudo pip install readtime
Import readtime
and pass it some text, HTML, or Markdown to get back the time it takes to read:
>>> import readtime
>>> result = readtime.of_text('The shortest blog post in the world!')
>>> result.seconds
>>> result.text
u'1 min'
The result can also be used as a string:
>>> str(readtime.of_text('The shortest blog post in the world!'))
u'1 min read'
To calculate read time of Markdown:
>>> readtime.of_markdown('This is **Markdown**')
1 min read
To calculate read time of HTML:
>>> readtime.of_html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>')
1 min read
To customize the WPM (default 265):
>>> result = readtime.of_text('The shortest blog post in the world!', wpm=5)
>>> result.seconds
>>> result.text
u'2 min'
>>> result.wpm
Before contributing a pull request, make sure tests pass:
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install tox
Many thanks to all contributors!