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:target: https://regret.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
is a library for deprecating functionality in Python
libraries and applications.
Its documentation lives on Read the Docs <https://regret.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>
can deprecate:
- [x] callables
- [x] functions
- [x] classes
- [ ] subclassable classes
- [ ] attributes
- [ ] of modules
- [ ] of classes (& methods)
- [ ] of instances
- [ ] descriptors
- [ ] classmethod
- [ ] modules
- [ ] current module
- [ ] other module
- [ ] parameters to callables
- [x] previously required parameters that will be removed
- [x] optional parameters that are now required
- [ ] deprecated values for parameters
- [ ] type changes for parameters
- [ ] mutual exclusion
- [ ] interfaces
- [ ] PEP 544 protocols
- [ ] ``zope.interface``\s
- [x] inheritability of a class
Design Goals
is meant to cover all of the deprecations an author may encounter.
It is intended to:
* be versioning system agnostic (i.e. `SemVer
<https://semver.org/>`_, `CalVer <https://calver.org/>`_, `HipsTer
etc.), because deprecations originate from a version, a point in
time, or both.
* be documentation system aware (i.e. `Sphinx
<https://www.sphinx-doc.org>`_, `epydoc
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epydoc>`_, `Plaintext
<https://www.google.com/search?q=use+sphinx>`_, etc.), because
deprecations need communication.
* be itself fully tested, because deprecations must not break the
code they deprecate
* support removal date indication, and likely "policies" which
automate choosing default removal dates, because deprecations
ultimately intend some ultimate change
* make "clean code" trivially easy to deprecate, and make complex
code *possible* to deprecate, because the deprecation process is
fraught with edge cases and unforeseen necessity.
* minimize the amount of deprecation-related code required for
authors, since deprecations are boring, and we all want to focus on
developing our libraries instead.
In particular, as a lofty first milestone, it is intended to cover all
of the specific deprecations required for these jsonschema issues <https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=label%3A%22Pending+Deprecation%22>
and with luck, to subsume all the functionality present in
twisted.python.deprecate <https://docs.twistedmatrix.com/en/stable/api/twisted.python.deprecate.html>