A package for creating and enqueueing stressypy jobs
uses the python package stressypy
to create a certain number of cpu-stressing jobs for a variably
distributed amount of time, the distribution type and seed being specified by the user.
It creates stressypy
's JobBlock
objects which contain pertinent information for queueing these test jobs to
test queueing algorithms by enqueueing a certain number of randomly 'sized' jobs, which simulates the real job influx
of a webservice, for example. The jobs are enqueued with RQ (Redis Queue).
refer to https://github.com/salbrandi/stressypy#jobblock-attributes for documentation on JobBlock objects
can be installed with pip install rqpop
and will auto-install all dependencies.
Alternatively, it can be cloned manually from the url: https://github.com/salbrandi/rqpop.git
or the tarfile can be downloaded from the url: https://github.com/salbrandi/rqpop/archive/0.1.tar.gz
and setup with python setup.py install
| In order to run rqpop, you must have a REDIS server running and RQ rqworkers
listening on the default queue:
| Documentation for quickly setting up a REDIS server can be found here: https://redis.io/topics/quickstart
| Full REDIS documentaiton here: https://redis.io/documentation
| Documentation for RQ (Redis Queue) cna be found here: http://python-rq.org/
| but for most users a worker can be started, listening on the default queue with simply the rqworker
runs using the command rqpop queue
with the number of jobs desired and the max time allowed being passed as arguments.
The help page:
| Usage: rqpop queue [OPTIONS] NUM_JOBS MAX_TIME
| Options:
| --seed TEXT The seed to be internalized for the number distribution
| --dist TEXT the distirbution to be used for psuedo-random generation
| --mnc INTEGER the minimum number of cpus to be used, default 1
| --mxc INTEGER maximum number of cores a job should be able to require,
| default: maximum configured cores
| --mnt INTEGER minimum amount of time the jobs should run for, default 1
| --q TEXT the queue that the jobs should be enqueued to, default:
| "default"
| --help Show this message and exit.
Distributions supported are:
- Log Normal:
- default - Box:
- Spike/Dirac/Delta:
- Exponential/Power:
rqpop queue 10 12 --seed 0 --distribution normal
creates and enqueues 10 jobs normally distributed with seed 0 and a max time of 12 seconds
rqpop queue 21456 --seed 1023041 --distribution power --mnc 2 --mxc 10 -q high
creates and enqueues 21, 456 jobs exponentially distributed with seed 1023041, min cores 2, max cores 10 on the queue 'high