|Scroll pHAT HD| https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/scroll-phat-hd
17x7 pixels of single-colour, brightness-controlled, message scrolling
Full install (recommended):
We've created an easy installation script that will install all
pre-requisites and get your Scroll pHAT HD up and running with minimal
efforts. To run it, fire up Terminal which you'll find in Menu ->
Accessories -> Terminal on your Raspberry Pi desktop, as illustrated
.. figure:: http://get.pimoroni.com/resources/github-repo-terminal.png
:alt: Finding the terminal
In the new terminal window type the command exactly as it appears below
(check for typos) and follow the on-screen instructions:
.. code:: bash
curl https://get.pimoroni.com/scrollphathd | bash
Alternatively, on Raspbian, you can download the ``pimoroni-dashboard``
and install your product by browsing to the relevant entry:
.. code:: bash
sudo apt-get install pimoroni
(you will find the Dashboard under 'Accessories' too, in the Pi menu -
or just run ``pimoroni-dashboard`` at the command line)
If you choose to download examples you'll find them in
Manual install:
Library install for Python 3:
on Raspbian:
.. code:: bash
sudo apt-get install python3-scrollphathd
other environments:
.. code:: bash
sudo pip3 install scrollphathd
Library install for Python 2:
on Raspbian:
.. code:: bash
sudo apt-get install python-scrollphathd
other environments:
.. code:: bash
sudo pip2 install scrollphathd
If you want to contribute, or like living on the edge of your seat by
having the latest code, you should clone this repository, ``cd`` to the
library directory, and run:
.. code:: bash
sudo python3 setup.py install
(or ``sudo python setup.py install`` whichever your primary Python
environment may be)
In all cases you will have to enable the i2c bus.
Documentation & Support
- Guides and tutorials - https://learn.pimoroni.com/scroll-phat-hd
- Function reference - http://docs.pimoroni.com/scrollphathd/
- GPIO Pinout - https://pinout.xyz/pinout/scroll\_phat\_hd
- Get help - http://forums.pimoroni.com/c/support
Unofficial / Third-party libraries
- Java library by Jim Darby - https://github.com/hackerjimbo/PiJava
- Rust library by Tiziano Santoro -
- Go library by Tom Mitchell -
.. |Scroll pHAT HD| image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pimoroni/scroll-phat-hd/master/scroll-phat-hd-logo.png
* Improvement: Default i2c library is now smbus2
* Improvement: Significant restructure of library around generic is31fl3731 driver
* Improvement: Allow for alternate i2c addresses
* BugFix: Add missing get_buffer_shape
* BugFix: Fix malformed chars in font5x7
* New: Fonts, fonts, fonts, and a set_font method to use them
* New: Exposed set_gamma method for user gamma correction
* Improvement: Removed web API import to prevent hard dependency on Flask
* Improvement: Many improvements to the HTTP API including autoscroll
* Optimisation: write_string will calculate string size and grow buffer once to fit
* Optimisation: set_graph will grow buffer to fit the graph
* Bugfix: Fixed ASCII font to place accented characters at correct codepoints
* New: Added set_font to set current font for all write_string calls
* New: Added before_display argument to show to modify the display buffer
* Bugfix: Removed Flask HTTP API entry_point to prevent bin file conflict between Python 2 and 3
* New: Added Flask HTTP API
* New: Init is deferred until the library is used
* New: Added gamma correction
* New: Added set_brightness to globally set maximum display brightness
* New: Added get_buffer_shape to return internal buffer shape
* New: Added get_shape to return display shape
* New: Added set_clear_on_exit, pass True/False to set/clear
* Improvement: draw_char no longer fills black pixels, which was incongruent with letter spacing
* Improvement: '1' in font3x5 is now 3 pixels wide
* Improvement: Monospacing option for fonts
* Improvement: Fonts can now be indexed by char in addition to ordinal
* Improvement: Clear now resets scroll position
* Improvement: Fill now grows buffer and fills in single operations
* Improvement: scroll(0,0) no longer enforces a default scroll
* Improvement: width/height now private, reimplemented as read-only properties
* Improvement: initialization now detects disabled i2c or missing pHAT and emits a friendly error
* Improvement: cleared display sooner to mitigate flash of lit pixels on startup
* Bugfix: Corrected default scroll direction
* Bugfix: 90 and 270 degree rotations are no longer cropped to 7 pixels wide
* Bugfix: Fixed missing version_info
* Bugfix: Graph catches IndexError and gracefully ignores missing values
* Initial release