Parallel integration of single degree-of-freedom systems.
This package solves scalar differential equations of the form
m \ddot{u} + c \dot{u} + k u = f(t)
Integration is carried out using a Generalized - $\alpha$ integrator that
is implemented under the hood in highly optimized multi-threaded C code.
Generalized - $\alpha$ is an implicit method that allows for high frequency energy
dissipation and second order accuracy. With the right selection of parameters,
the method can be specialized to the Hibert-Hughes-Taylor (HHT), or Newmark
families of integration schemes.
Python API
import numpy as np
from sdof import integrate, peaks, spectrum
k = 10.0
c = 0.1592
m = 0.2533
f = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 5*np.pi, 100))
dt = 5*np.pi/100
u, v, a = integrate(f, dt, k, c, m)
D, V, A = spectrum(f, dt, periods=(0.02, 3.0, 100), damping=[0.02, 0.05])
See Also