Servey - A Flexible Action Framework For Python
This project specifying metadata for python functions (In a manner similar to FastAPI) which is then used to
build REST, GraphQL, and Scheduled services. These are locally runnable / runnable in a hosted environment using
Starlette, Strawberry and Celery.
They may also be run on AWS infrastructure using Serverless and Lambda. Tests and examples may also be specified for
actions. General design goals are:
- We want to cover the basic utility that almost any application will require as simply as possible.
- Convention over configuration
- Configurability
- Openness and playing nicely with the other children - not just doing something, but exposing details of what is being
done to external services
- We want the utility offered by things like AWS while being as minimally tied to them as possible.
Install servey in your project using:
pip install servey[server]
Create a file containing the following:
from servey.action.action import action
from servey.trigger.web_trigger import WEB_GET
def say_hello(name: str) -> str:
""" Greet a user! """
return f"Hello {name}!"
- The action decorator indicates that the say_hello function will be special!
- The actions module (and any submodules of it) is the default location in which Servey will look for actions.
This may be overridden by specifying a different value in the SERVEY_ACTION_PATH environment variable
- We specify a trigger for this action - WEB_GET
- Servey uses marshy to marshall arbitrary python objects.
- Servey uses schemey for schema generation / validation.
Run an action from the terminal
Actions should have unique names, which taken from the function name by default, but can also be overridden in the
decorator. This name can be used to run an action explicitly from the command line (or cron):
python -m servey --run=action --action=say_hello "--event={\"name\": \"World\"}"
Run Server
Start the Starlette server using:
python -m servey
You should see console output regarding keys and temporary passwords (More on this in the Authorization section), as
well as information indicating that Uvicorn is running on port 8000. (You override this
using the SERVER_PORT environment variable)
The following endpoints deployed by default:
Servey populates the OpenAPI Schema using the annotations on your function,
the action decorator, and any documentation you provided.
Specifying Example Usage for Actions
You can specify action usage examples using the action decorator.
These will be available in the OpenAPI schema as well as potentially being used to generate unit tests. Update your with the following:
from servey.action.action import action
from servey.action.example import Example
from servey.trigger.web_trigger import WEB_GET
description='Say hello to the developer',
params={'name': 'Developer'},
result='Hello Developer!'
def say_hello(name: str) -> str:
""" Greet a user! """
return f"Hello {name}!"
Restart the server, to update your OpenAPI schema.
Run pip install pytest
, add an empty tests/
and then
specify the following tests/
from servey.servey_test.test_servey_actions import define_test_class
TestActions = define_test_class()
- Run tests with
python -m unittest discover -s tests
- TestActions will include tests of all your examples from your actions where include_in_tests is True
- Nothing prevents you from creating your own unit tests for actions - they're just functions with an additional
servey_action attribute!
Actions should be able to provide recommended caching strategies to clients. (The clients can ignore this of course!)
Http caching available for REST endpoints, but not GraphQL - though technologies like
React Query could be used to add it. Consider the following
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from servey.action.action import action
from servey.cache_control.ttl_cache_control import TtlCacheControl
from servey.trigger.web_trigger import WEB_POST
@action(triggers=(WEB_POST,), cache_control=TtlCacheControl(30))
def slow_get_with_ttl() -> datetime:
This function demonstrates http caching with a slow function. The function will take 3 seconds to return, but
the client should cache the results for 30 seconds.
Notice that when you restart the server and run this from the OpenAPI test page, the first time it runs it should
take ~3 seconds. Subsequent runs are instant as the disk cache retains the result for 30 seconds.
Servey Provides a pluggable authorization mechanism. By default, Servey uses JWT tokens and scopes for authorization,
with a key for generating them either specified in the JWT_SECRET_KEY environment variable or regenerated on each
server restart. (The AWS Lambda implementation uses KMS by default for key storage.) Note that we are talking about
Authorization here rather than Authentication.
Servey does not want to specify how a valid token should be issued,
though we do include debug authenticator implementation
based on OAuth2. It generates a random password which is printed to the logs on server restart.
Alternatively you may specify a password in the SERVEY_DEBUG_AUTHENTICATOR_PASSWORD environment variable.
A REAL Authenticator would be backed by a database of some kind, and could be plugged in to replace this one,
or even run from a different server.
Actions may specify an access_control to limit access. Consider the following
from typing import Optional
from servey.action.action import action
from import ScopeAccessControl
from import Authorization
from servey.trigger.web_trigger import WEB_GET
def echo_authorization(
authorization: Optional[Authorization],
) -> Optional[Authorization]:
By default, authorization is derived from signed http headers - this just serves as a way
of returning this info
return authorization
@action(triggers=(WEB_GET,), access_control=ScopeAccessControl(execute_scope='root'))
def only_for_root() -> str:
This can only be executed if the user has the root scope
return 'Some Secret Data!'
- The OpenAPI docs page now includes an OAuth2 section.
- echo_authorization gets the authorization from the http headers, decodes and confirms it and echos it. By default,
we look for parameters with type Authorization and inject them from the context rather than directly from input parameters.
- only_for_root can only be executed by users with the root scope
- GraphQL uses the same access_controllers, reading tokens from the Authorization http header. (Graphiql lets
you specify this)
So far we have demonstrated usage of WebTrigger, but triggers are pluggable and other
implementations are possible. One additional type included is the
FixedRateTrigger This allows you to specify that a function should run at
regular intervals.
- In a single server / development environment, Background Threads
are used.
- If the environment specifies a CELERY_BROKER, Servey uses Celery to run background tasks in a distributed fashion
- In a Serverless / AWS lambda environment, servey implements scheduling by deploying triggers for the generated lambdas
Here is a celery deployment example.
Nested Actions
Out of the box, actions may be defined on a function of a returned type, allowing for nested actions to be
defined and resolved lazily in graphql. (Nested actions may have a WebTrigger too if required):
from dataclasses import dataclass
from servey.action.action import action
from servey.trigger.web_trigger import WEB_GET
class NumberStats:
value: int
async def factorial(self) -> int:
This demonstrates a resolvable field, lazily resolved (Usually by graphql)
result = 1
index = self.value
while index > 1:
result *= index
index -= 1
return result
def number_stats(value: int) -> NumberStats:
return NumberStats(value)
- We define a return type NumberStats that is simply a python dataclass
- The field factorial is only resolved if requested in the graphql request
- Nested Actions may specify caching and access controls
Event Channels
Event Channels (Reworked from Subscriptions) model the case where events are sent somewhere outside the responsibility
of the server - be it an external process, queue, webhook, or event to a connected client. Although pluggable (Like
everything else in servey), there are 3 default implementations:
- BackgroundActionChannel Run an action as a background
process (Using either asyncio, celery, or SQS depenending on circumstances) with the event as a parameter
- WebhookActionChannel Invoke a webhook with the event marshalled as
a payload
- WebsocketEventChannel Send the event to connected clients
over a websocket. An access controller determines who may connect to a channel, and an event filter hides events
from users who should not get them. In an AWS environment, APIGateway, Lambda and Dynamodb are used to implement this.
In a single server environment, Starlette is used. In a clustered server environment, Celery and Starlette are used.
Create a
file with the following content:
from servey.event_channel.websocket.websocket_event_channel import (
messenger = websocket_event_channel("messenger", str)
Open your
and add the following:
from servey.action.action import action
from subscriptions import messager
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def broadcast_message(message: str, connection_id: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
""" Send a message to all connected users or to a single subscriber. """
messenger.publish(message, connection_id)
return True
Restart the server, to go to https://localhost:8000/asyncapi.json
Unfortunately there is no studio where you can try it out with asyncapi like there is with OpenApi right now.
I have been using the "Browser WebSocket Client" chrome extension to test subscriptions Using the url:
ws://localhost:8000/subscription/messager/some_unique_subscriber_id) and the openapi docs to send messages.
You might have noticed that we do not actually implement graphql subscriptions. The
reason for this is we wanted to provide a unified interface for subscriptions across all platforms, and the way appsync
implements Graphql subscriptions is quite frankly, weird. (Each subscription is triggered by a mutation, there is no
admin interface, you trigger the subscription by invoking the graphql mutation. Even if you can secure these, you
end up with mutations which are not useful to most users. And don't get me started on event filtering
type TriggerMessageEvent {
subscriber_id: string
event: Message
Mutation {
triggerMessage(subscriber_id: string, event: Message): TriggerMessageEvent
Subscription {
message(subscriber_id: string): TriggerMessageEvent
Up until this point, we have mostly discussed development environments / deploying to a container. Servey also allows
your code to be deployed to AWS using Serverless. Servey will generate serverless definitions in yaml files in order to
facilitate this. We assume that you already have an aws account with appropriate access, and that you are set up
with serverless (You probably have a $HOME/.aws/credentials file set up). First, you'll need some extras to get this
pip install servey[serverless]
Then you can regenerate your serverless.yml definitions using:
python -m servey --run=sls
- This will generate a new serverless.yml file for you if it is missing. (override environment variable
MAIN_SERVERLESS_YML_FILE to choose a different name)
- Servey uses file includes to attempt to make the modifications to the main serverless yaml minimal.
- Actions get implemented as Lambdas - one per action.
- We implemented GraphQL using Appsync
- We implemented REST using API Gateway
- We implemented Authorizers using KMS
- We implements subscriptions to actions using SQS
- The generated lambdas as designed to allow direct invocation where the event contains unmarshalled parameters, or
access by Appsync or API Gateway.
- Once you deploy your serverless project, you should be able to test from the Appsync, Api Gateway, and Lambda consoles
Although the focus of the project is on building out REST / Graphql APIs, we also included an integration with the Jinja2
Templating Engine, and the ability to deploy static files. Actions are linked to templates by means of a WebPageTrigger
def current_time_page() -> datetime:
No template or path were defined, so these are derived from the action name
('/current-time-page' and 'templates/current_time_page.j2' respectively
The template is passed the result of the action as a model
variable. e.g.:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Current Time</title>
<h1>The current time is {{ model }}</h1>
This allows opportunities for bootstrapping.
Note: We currently do not automatically deploy static files to AWS - it is assumed you will add S3 / Cloudfront / Route53
resources to your serverless definition manually, as there is a lot of variability in how you may want to set this up. We
do however include an example that includes S3, Route53 and cloudfront (here)[examples/b_end_2_end]
Dynamic / Generated Actions
There are cases where actions must be dynamically generated, and servey supports this.
Consider the following example from an
, which will create 3 dynamically
generated actions:
def _generate(action_name: str):
@action(name=action_name, triggers=WEB_GET)
def my_action() -> str:
return f"action_name was {action_name}"
return my_action
generated_1 = _generate('generated_1')
generated_2 = _generate('generated_2')
generated_3 = _generate('generated_3')
These are handles in the AWS Lambda environment slightly differently
from regular actions - they share a lambda rather than each action having
their own. (Though you can specify this behaviour for regular actions too
to 1
when running
python -m servey --run=sls
handler: servey.servey_aws.lambda_router.invoke
timeout: 900
- http:
path: /actions/generated-1
method: get
cors: true
- http:
path: /actions/generated-2
method: get
cors: true
- http:
path: /actions/generated-3
method: get
cors: true
An example deployment for this is located at examples/c_generated
Command line tools
Produce an openapi schema in openapi.json
python -m servey --run=openapi
Produce a graphql schema in servey_schema.graphql
python -m servey --run=graphql-schema
We use marshy for pluggable components. See (marshy_config_servey)[marshy_config_servey/]
Deployment Patterns
- API in ApiGateway / AppSync, SPA hosted on S3 and cloudfront out in front, Deployment of all via serverless.
- Docker Image containing Nginx / Starlette app deployed to Heroku / Linode.
Installing local development dependencies
python install easy_install "servey[dev]"
Release Procedure
The typical process here is:
- Create a PR with changes. Merge these to main (The
workflows make sure that your PR
meets the styling, linting, and code coverage standards). - New releases created in github are automatically uploaded to pypi