This package provided a second way to access those shared data types with atomic operations.
can be used on
macOS x86_64,
Microsoft Windows 10 x64, Windows Server 2019 x64
Centos7,9/RHEL7,9 x86_64,
Ubuntu Linux 18, 20, 22 x86_64 and
Suse Linux Enterprise Server 12, 15 x86_84.
This is copyright software, you should buy it at to get a licence to use it. For the price and details, please check
Included Datatypes
atomic_set, package bitarray >= 2.4.0 is needed.
atomic_list, package bitarray >= 2.4.0 is needed.
CPython 3.7 - 3.11
Pypy 3.8 - 3.10(numpy should be installed to use the atomic_shared_memory)
The package requires libatomic and libgomp installed on the Linux platforms
bitarray if you need to use atomic_set or atomic_list
urwid==2.1.2 to activate the package
CPython 3.7 - 3.11
Pypy TBD
Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable(X64)
bitarray if you need to use atomic_set or atomic_list
for CPython, windows-curses==2.3.1 and urwid==2.1.2 to activate the package on windows
To install shared_atomic, use pip:
The binary distribution of the software is compiled and delivered in different epochs.
macOS only x86_64 platform supported, silicon not supported
epoch 1: version 1!3.3.2
Redhat or Centos Linux, only centos7,9/rhel7,9 on x86_64 platform supported.
epoch 2: version 2!3.3.2
Ubuntu Linux 18, 20, 22 on x86_64 platform supported
epoch 3: version 3!3.3.2
Suse Linux Enterprise Server 12, 15 on x86_64 platform supported
epoch 4: version 4!3.3.2
Microsoft Windows x64, Windows 10 and Windows server 2019 supported
epoch 5: version 5!3.3.5
On Linux, you need assistance from the root user,
If you are a root user, it is ok, then only root can run this package.
If you are not root user, in the activation process you will need assistance from the root user.
cd (the directory where the package is installed )
chown root shared_atomic/atomic_python_suid
chmod u+s shared_atomic/atomic_python_suid
then the user who installed the package can run the package.
For documentation, please go to: