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:target: https://travis-ci.org/shuup/shuup
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:target: https://coveralls.io/github/shuup/shuup?branch=master
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:alt: PyPI
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Shuup is an Open Source E-Commerce Platform based on Django and Python.
Copyright (c) 2012-2021 by Shuup Commerce Inc. support@shuup.com
Shuup is International Registered Trademark & Property of Shuup Commerce Inc.,
Business ID: BC1126729,
Business Address: 1500 West Georgia Suite 1300, Vancouver, BC, V6G-2Z6, Canada.
Contributor License Agreement is required for any contribution to this
project. Agreement is signed as a part of pull request process. See
the CLA.rst file distributed with Shuup.
Shuup is published under Open Software License version 3.0 (OSL-3.0).
See the LICENSE file distributed with Shuup.
Some external libraries and contributions bundled with Shuup may be
published under other compatible licenses. For these, please
refer to VENDOR-LICENSES.md file in the source code tree or the licenses
included within each package.
We have a Gitter chat room for Shuup. Come chat with us! |Join chat|
.. |Join chat| image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg
:target: https://gitter.im/shuup/shuup
Docker quick start
Fastest way to get Shuup up and running is to use Docker <https://www.docker.com>
.. code-block:: shell
docker-compose up
Open localhost:8000/sa <http://localhost:8000/sa>
_ in a browser,
log in with username: admin
password: admin
Full Shuup installation guide
See Getting Started <http://shuup.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howto/getting_started.html>
For simple project example see our Django-project template <https://github.com/shuup/shuup-project-template>
Getting Started with Shuup development
See Getting Started with Shuup Development <http://shuup.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howto/getting_started_dev.html>
Contributing to Shuup
Interested in contributing to Shuup? Please see our Contribution Guide <https://www.shuup.com/contributions/>
Shuup documentation is available online at Read the Docs <http://shuup.readthedocs.org/>
Documentation is built with Sphinx <http://sphinx-doc.org/>
Issue the following commands to build the documentation:
.. code:: sh
pip install -r requirements-doc.txt
cd doc && make html
To update the API documentation rst files, e.g. after adding new
modules, use command:
.. code:: sh
v3 (Q4 2021)
- Initial Django 3.x support
- Latest Jinja support
- Deprecate theme folders under Shuup front which are used to override
individual macros in macro folders. This does not work well with latest
Jinja and adds extra complexity.
v4 (Q1 2022)
- Move Shuup front, xtheme and theming features to own addons. This so that
projects not ready for updating theme or front can still get latest Shuup.
- Introduce new default theme and overhaul templates structure to be more
simple (likely Bootstrap 5 will be used).
- Bump admin Bootstrap version to match with the new front
- Move various other not essential apps in this repository to addons for
better version management.
Additional Material
Django-project template <https://github.com/shuup/shuup-project-template>
__. Django-project template.Provides system <https://shuup.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ref/provides.html>
__.Core settings <https://shuup.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/shuup.core.html#module-shuup.core.settings>
__.Front settings <https://shuup.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/shuup.front.html#module-shuup.front.settings>
__.Admin settings <https://shuup.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/shuup.admin.html#module-shuup.admin.settings>
__.Extending Shuup <https://shuup.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#extending-shuup>
Admin Preview
.. image:: doc/_static/admin_shop_product.png
:target: doc/_static/admin_shop_product.png
:height: 300px
.. image:: doc/_static/admin_order_detail.png
:target: doc/_static/admin_order_detail.png
:height: 300px