Soft assertions for Python
pip install smart-assertions
Assertion is performed immediately after the call soft_assert()
but the expected result is obtained only after the call verify_expectations()
Quick example:
from smart_assertions import soft_assert, verify_expectations
def test_something():
soft_assert(1 == 1)
soft_assert(2 > 1, 'Message if test failed')
soft_assert('one' != 'two', 'Some message')
You can use asserts in loop:
from smart_assertions import soft_assert, verify_expectations
def test_asserts_in_loop():
for number in range(1, 10):
soft_assert(number % 2 == 0, '{} is not a multiple of 2'.format(number))
Also you can use it with pytest parametrized tests:
import pytest
from smart_assertions import soft_assert, verify_expectations
@pytest.mark.parametrize("number", list(range(1, 10)))
def test_pytest_example(number):
soft_assert(number % 2 == 0)
Example of output:
AssertionError: Failed conditions count: [ 4 ]
1. Exception: Custom message if test failed
Fail in "/Users/nromanov/Documents/smart-assertions/" test_mixed()
2. Exception: Lists not equals
Fail in "/Users/nromanov/Documents/smart-assertions/" test_mixed()
3. Exception: Your custom message; 4 < 5!
Fail in "/Users/nromanov/Documents/smart-assertions/" test_mixed()
4. Exception: one != two
Fail in "/Users/nromanov/Documents/smart-assertions/" test_mixed()
More examples you can find in