.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qeeqbox/social-analyzer/main/readme/socialanalyzerlogo_.png
Social-Analyzer - API, CLI & Web App for analyzing & finding a person's profile across social media websites. It includes different string analysis and detection modules, you can choose which combination of modules to use during the investigation process.
The detection modules utilize a rating mechanism based on different detection techniques, which produces a rate value that starts from 0 to 100 (No-Maybe-Yes). This module intended to have less false positive, and it's documented in this Wiki <https://github.com/qeeqbox/social-analyzer/wiki>
_ link
The analysis and public extracted information from this OSINT tool could help in investigating profiles related to suspicious or malicious activities such as cyberbullying <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Cyberbullying>
, cybergrooming <https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber-Grooming>
, cyberstalking <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberstalking>
, and spreading misinformation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misinformation>
This project is "currently used by some law enforcement agencies in countries where resources are limited".
Social Analyzer is in a league of its own and is a very impressive tool that I thoroughly recommend for Digital Investigators and OSINT practitioners
- by Joseph Jones, Founder of Strategy Nord, Unita Insight and OS2INT <https://os2int.com/toolbox/investigating-usernames-with-social-analyzer>
So·cial Me·di·a
Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking - Oxford Dictionary
Security Testing
.. code:: bash
------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
| Security Testing | | Social-Analyzer |
------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
| Passive Information Gathering | <--> | Find Social Media Profiles |
| | | |
| Active Information Gathering | <--> | Post Analysis Activities |
------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Find Profile CLI (Fast)
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qeeqbox/social-analyzer/main/readme/cli.gif
- String & name analysis (Permutations and Combinations)
- Find profile using multiple techniques (HTTPS library & Webdriver)
- Multi layers detections (OCR, normal, advanced & special)
- Visualized profile information using Ixora (Metadata & Patterns)
- Metadata & Patterns extraction (Added from Qeeqbox osint project)
- Force-directed Graph for Metadata (Needs ExtractPatterns)
- Search by top ranking, or by country (Alexa Ranking)
- Profiles stats and static info (Category country)
- Auto-flirtation to unnecessary output
- Search engine lookup (Google API - optional)
- Custom search queries (Google API & DuckDuckGo API - optional)
- Profile screenshot, title, info and website description
- Find name origins, name similarity & common words by language
- Custom user-agent, proxy, timeout & implicit wait
- Python CLI & NodeJS CLI (limited to FindUserProfilesFast option)
- Grid option for faster checking (limited to docker-compose)
- Dump logs to folder or terminal (prettified)
- Adjust finding\getting profile workers (default 15)
- Re-checking option for failed profiles
- Filter profiles by good, maybe, and bad
- Save the analysis as JSON file
- Simplified web interface and CLI
Running Example (Simple)
.. code:: bash
pip3 install social-analyzer
python3 -m social-analyzer --username "johndoe" --metadata --top 100
Running Example (Custom)
.. code:: bash
#install social-analyzer
pip3 install social-analyzer
#specific websites
python3 -m social-analyzer --username "johndoe" --websites "youtube pinterest tumblr"
#specific websites with metadata and extraction
python3 -m social-analyzer --username "johndoe" --websites "youtube pinterest tumblr" --metadata --extract --trim
#all websites with metadata, extraction, filter all profiles with all status
python3 -m social-analyzer --username "johndoe" --websites "all" --metadata --extract --trim --filter "all" --profile "all"
#Screenshot detected profiles
python3 -m social-analyzer --username "johndoe" --websites "cart" --logs --screenshots
Running Example (as object)
.. code:: bash
from importlib import import_module
SocialAnalyzer = import_module("social-analyzer").SocialAnalyzer()
results = SocialAnalyzer.run_as_object(username="johndoe",silent=True)
Running Example (as object with specific websites, metadata and extraction)
.. code:: bash
from importlib import import_module
SocialAnalyzer = import_module("social-analyzer").SocialAnalyzer()
results = SocialAnalyzer.run_as_object(username="johndoe", websites="youtube pinterest tumblr", metadata=True, extract=True, silent=True)
Help (python3 -m social-analyzer --h)
.. code:: bash
Required Arguments:
--username E.g. johndoe, john_doe or johndoe9999
Optional Arguments:
--websites A website or websites separated by space E.g. youtube, tiktokor tumblr
--mode Analysis mode E.g.fast -> FindUserProfilesFast, slow -> FindUserProfilesSlow or special -> FindUserProfilesSpecial
--output Show the output in the following format: json -> json outputfor integration or pretty -> prettify the output
--options Show the following when a profile is found: link, rate, titleor text
--method find -> show detected profiles, get -> show all profiles regardless detected or not, all -> combine find & get
--filter Filter detected profiles by good, maybe or bad, you can do combine them with comma (good,bad) or use all
--profiles Filter profiles by detected, unknown or failed, you can do combine them with comma (detected,failed) or use all
--countries select websites by country or countries separated by space as: us br ru
--top select top websites as 10, 50 etc...[--websites is not needed]
--extract Extract profiles, urls & patterns if possible
--metadata Extract metadata if possible (pypi QeeqBox OSINT)
--trim Trim long strings
--gui Reserved for a gui (Not implemented)
--cli Reserved for a cli (Not needed)
Listing websites & detections:
--list List all available websites
--headers Headers as dict
--logs_dir Change logs directory
--timeout Change timeout between each request
--silent Disable output to screen
Open in Cloud Shell
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=%3E_&message=Open%20in%20Cloud%20Shell&color=3267d6&style=flat-square
:target: https://ssh.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/editor?cloudshell_git_repo=https://github.com/qeeqbox/social-analyzer&tutorial=README.md
Special Detections
Running Issues
- Remember that existing profiles show
or rate:%100
- Some websites return
or invalid
<- this is the intended behavior - Use Proxy, VPN, TOR or anything similar for periodic suspicious-profiles checking
- Do not mix FindUserProfilesFast, with FindUserProfilesSlow and ShowUserProfilesSlow
- Change the user-agent to most updated one or increase the random time between requests
- Use the slow mode (Not available in the CLIs) to avoid running into blocking\results issue
- DuckDuckGo API, Google API, NodeJS, bootstrap, selectize, jQuery, Wikipedia, font-awesome, selenium-webdriver & tesseract.js
- Let me know if I missed a reference or resource!
- Make sure to download this tool from GitHub
- This is a security project (Treat it as a security project)
- If you want your website to be excluded from this project list, please reach out to me
- This tool meant to be used locally not as a service (It does not have any type of Access Control)
- For issues related to modules that end with -private or under the private group, reach out directly to me (do not open an issue on GitHub)
Console 37 <https://console.substack.com/p/console-37>
Some News\Articles
5 Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) GitHub Repositories For Every Security Analyst (Cyber Security) <https://twitter.com/GithubProjects/status/1395205169617547266>
You can use social-analyzer in the BlackArch <https://blackarch.org/>
_ penetration testing distribution by installing blackarch-social <https://blackarch.org/social.html>
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