-h, --help | ==SUPPRESS== | show this help message and exit |
-hf, --helpFormatted | False | Print the --help command in markdown table format |
-m, --mode | run_and_wait | Mode of operation: run_and_wait: Run Analysis & Wait ** Default Value, async_init: Async Init, async_result: Async Result For more information about scan modes, visit https://github.com/soos-io/kb-docs/blob/main/SCA/Script.md |
-of, --onFailure | continue_on_failure | On Failure: fail_the_build: Fail The Build continue_on_failure: Continue On Failure ** Default Value |
-dte, --directoriesToExclude | None | Listing of directories (relative to ./) to exclude from the search for manifest files. Example - Correct: bin/start/ Example - Incorrect: ./bin/start/ Example - Incorrect: /bin/start |
-fte, --filesToExclude | None | Listing of files (relative to ./) to exclude from the search for manifest files. Example - Correct: bin/start/requirements.txt Example - Incorrect: ./bin/start/requirements.txt Example - Incorrect: /bin/start/requirements.txt |
-wd, --workingDirectory | None | Absolute path where SOOS may write and read persistent files for the given build. Example - Correct: /tmp/workspace/ Example - Incorrect: ./bin/start/ Example - Incorrect: tmp/workspace |
-armw, --resultMaxWait | 300 | Maximum seconds to wait for Analysis Result. Default 300. |
-arpi, --resultPollingInterval | 10 | Polling interval (in seconds) for analysis result completion (success/failure). Min value: 10 |
-pm, --packageManagers | None | A list of package managers, delimited by comma, to include when searching for manifest files. |
-buri, --baseUri | https://api.soos.io/api/ | SOOS API URI Path. Default Value: https://api.soos.io/api/ Intended for internal use only. |
-scp, --sourceCodePath | None | Root path to begin recursive search for manifests. Default Value: ./ |
-pn, --projectName | None | Project name for tracking results, (this will be the one used inside of the SOOS App) |
-cid, --clientId | None | Client ID, get yours from https://app.soos.io/integrate/sca |
-akey, --apiKey | None | API Key, get yours from https://app.soos.io/integrate/sca |
-v, --verbosity | INFO | Set logging verbosity level value (INFO/DEBUG) |
--verbose | False | Enable verbose logging |
-ch, --commitHash | None | Commit Hash Value |
-bn, --branchName | None | Branch Name |
-bruri, --branchUri | None | Branch URI |
-bldver, --buildVersion | None | Build Version |
-blduri, --buildUri | None | Build URI |
-oe, --operatingEnvironment | None | Operating Environment |
-appver, --appVersion | None | App Version. Intended for internal use only. |
-intn, --integrationName | None | Integration Name (e.g. Provider) |
-intt, --integrationType | None | Integration Type. Intended for internal use only. |
-sarif | False | Generates SARIF Report that later can be uploaded to GitHub |