Vertica dialect for sqlalchemy.
Forked from the sqlalchemy-vertica repository <https://github.com/startappdev/sqlalchemy-vertica>
Unfortunately, sqlalchemy-vertica was removed from pypi. As of Sept 28, 2018 this version supports
querying views. This is version is not a state of the art, nor does it follow the principles
outlinedb by SQLAlchemy at:https://github.com/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/blob/master/README.dialects.rst.
However, I will slowly start upgrading the code base to meet standards and submit so that it
becomes an external dialect in SQLAlchemy. Anyone interested in helping is welcome to contribute
and/or submit issues/ideas.
.. code-block:: python
import sqlalchemy as sa
import urllib
# for pyodbc connection
sa.create_engine('vertica+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s' % (urllib.quote('DSN=dsn'),))
# for turbodbc connection
# for vertica-python connection
From PyPI: ::
pip install sqlalchemy-vertica[pyodbc,turbodbc,vertica-python] # choose the relevant engines
From git: ::
git clone https://github.com/startappdev/sqlalchemy-vertica
cd sqlalchemy-vertica
pip install pyodbc turbodbc vertica-python # choose the relevant engines
python setup.py install