A simple and expressive (like peewee) sql-like orm for elasticsearch.
- Defining index model in a Django way:
from sqlorm4es import *
class LogCenter(BaseModel):
__index__ = 'lala'
__database__ = {
"host": ""
ok = Boolean(default=True)
lineno = Integer(required=True)
message = Text(default='xixi')
timestamp = Date(name="@timestamp", timezone="+8")
bigbrother = Object(
- Search elasticsearch in a expressive way:
res = LogCenter.select(LogCenter.ok, LogCenter.lineno, 'max(lineno)') \
.where(((LogCenter.ok == False) & (LogCenter.message != 'error')) |
(LogCenter.timestamp >= '2017-10-12') |
(LogCenter.bigbrother.head >> ' ( tough; soft, medium soft ) '))\
- Note that and(&)/or(|) expression in where can be nested
- Also support group by aggregation: MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, COUNT...
- Also support order by, LIMIT, OFFSET:
res = LogCenter.select('max(lineno)')\
.group_by(LogCenter.ok, LogCenter.timestamp)\
.order_by((LogCenter.timestamp, 'asc'))\
- Manipulate document like a normal python object, value will be validated when assigning it (eg. value in Date Field all stored as UTC):
new_log = LogCenter(ok=False, message='oops', timestamp='2019-10-10')
new_log.bigbrother = {
"head": 'tough',
"hand": {
"finger": "long",
"nail": "clean"
- Create a single document:
- Insert, Delete, Update and Index operation: Coming soon...
Sqlorm4es has been packaged to pypi, so just need one simple command to install it:
pip install sqlorm4es
Elasticsearch driver
Sqlorm4es implemented a simple almost lock-free connection pool based on official Elasticsearch client. As it is lock-free, so i am not sure whether it is thread-safe, but it works fine under my own multi-thread tests :)
- Note that if you did not set config of your model, it will use the default config as below:
config = {
'hosts': [''],
'maxsize': 20,
'sniff_on_start': False,
'sniff_on_connection_fail': False,
'sniff_timeout': .1,
'sniffer_timeout': None,
'retry_on_timeout': False,
'timeout': 60,