Stacked Waterfalls
Simple utility to plot stacked waterfalls using matplotlib
Drew inspiration from waterfall_ax
pip install stackedwaterfalls
Simple example
expects a list of list, where each sublist represents a bar, and it's elements represent stacks within that bar.
Here's a simple example:
from stackedwaterfalls import StackedWaterfalls as sw
aircomp = [[0.74] , [0.16], [0.05, 0.05]]
names = [['N$_2$'], ['O$_2$'], ['AR','H$_2$O']]
air = sw(aircomp, names)
![Simple Example](examples/simple_example.png)
The colors are automatically picked if nothing is specified in a manner that every subsequent bar has as different a color from the previous as possible based on this great answer here.
Examples on group labels
This example shows how you can do a bunch of things with this:
colors = [['silver'] , ['skyblue'], ['orange', 'royalblue']]
A = sw(LH2_wind, names, colors)
A.plot(shadecolor = 'green', total = True,
grouplabel ='Group Label = $\\frac{gas_i}{total}$',
barnames = ["Major", "Major", "Oh no!\nToo much Argon"],
legkw={'ncol':3,'framealpha':1.0, 'loc':'best', 'fontsize':15}, totalcolor = 'darkred',
linkskw={'ls':'-.','lw':0.8, 'color':'k', 'alpha':1.0}, grouplabelstyle="]-"),1.2)
Example on combining graphs
The plotting routine also returns the extent of the x axis that is used so you can use that to add graphs to the right as follows:
names = [['A'], ['B', 'C','D'], ['E', 'F']]
data_set1 = [[0.3] , [0.2, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.030]]
data_set2 = [[0.3] , [0.3, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.030]]
data_set3 = [[0.6] , [1e-16 , 0.8, 0.1], [0.01, 1e-16]]
colors = [['deepskyblue'], ['royalblue', 'silver','darkorange'], ['brown', 'grey']]
d1 = StackedWaterfalls(data_set1,names, colors)
d2 = StackedWaterfalls(data_set2,names, colors)
d3 = StackedWaterfalls(data_set3,names, colors)
ax, xst2 = d1.plot(shadecolor = 'cornflowerblue',
legend=False, linkskw={'lw':'2', 'color':'red', 'alpha':0.1}, total = True,
grouplabel = "Set 1", barnames=["One", "Two", "Three"], grouplabelstyle = ']')
ax, xst3 = d2.plot(shadecolor = 'yellow', ax = ax, xstart = xst2+0.4, total = True,grouplabel = "Set 2",
grouplabelstyle = "|-",
ax, xst4 = d3.plot(shadecolor = 'red', ax = ax, xstart = xst3+0.4, total = True, grouplabel = "Set 3",
grouplabelstyle = "|",
legend=True, legkw={'ncol':3,'framealpha':1.0, 'loc':'best', 'fontsize':15})
ax.set_ylim(0, 1.8)
![Complex Example](examples/complex_example.png)