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Stock Indicators for Python
Stock Indicators for Python is a PyPI library package that produces financial market technical indicators. Send in historical price quotes and get back desired indicators such as moving averages, Relative Strength Index, Stochastic Oscillator, Parabolic SAR, etc. Nothing more.
It can be used in any market analysis software using standard OHLCV price quotes for equities, commodities, forex, cryptocurrencies, and others. We had trading algorithms, machine learning, and charting systems in mind when originally creating this community library. Stock Indicators for .NET is also available.
Visit our project site for more information:
Getting started
Install .NET SDK (6.0 or newer):
Install the package:
pip install stock-indicators
Install .NET SDK (6.0 or newer):
brew install dotnet-sdk
dotnet --info
Install the package:
pip install stock-indicators
Example usage
from stock_indicators import indicators
quotes = get_history("MSFT")
results = indicators.get_sma(quotes, 20)
Note: This is a simple example. For a step-by-step guide, see the QuickStart Guide or our documentation site.