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This is a Python module that is be able to read Perl storable files. Storable
is a nice and efficient binary format for Perl that is very popular. A lot of
other serialization/deserialization modules exist that are even more or less
standardized: JSON, XML, CSV,.. etc. Storable is more or less Perl specific.
To ease integration between Perl - where storable sometimes is the only option
- and Python this module is a bridge.
The module has been tested to work with Python 2.7 and upwards.
.. warning:: Perl Scalar Handling
Care has to be taken when dealing with Perl "scalars". They are a bit
"magical" in that they can behave like different types depending on how
they are used. This is currently not supported directly in Python, and
**neither does this library provide a suitable abstraction!**
The way this is currently handled is that types are "guessed" in a fairly
iffy manner! The value is tried to be converted to different types (at the
time of this writing: float → int → ASCII-string). The first one that
matches wins. This means that **The Perl scalar "123" will always be
returned as an integer**
Quick Usage
from storable import retrieve
data = retrieve('/path/to/file.storable')
from storable.output import serialize
# only works (so far) for JSON-able types and recursion-limited depth
# This will not serialize to the exact same object in perl as retrieve/thaw-ing
# but will be readable by perl to load json-like values
serialized_bytes = serialize({'x': 'bar', 'y': 1, 'z': 1.23, 'w':[], 'v':[1,2,3]})