STRkit - short tandem repeat genotyping with long reads
STRkit is a short tandem repeat (STR) genotyping and analysis toolkit for long read sequencing data, especially
PacBio HiFi data. The STRkit software package is written in Python and is available in the PyPI package registry or as
a Docker container.
If you use STRkit in published work in its current state, please cite the version you use via
Zenodo DOI.
Copyright and License
- 2021-2023: © David Lougheed (DL) and McGill University 2021-2023 (versions up to and including
created during graduate research by DL. - 2023+: (versions beyond
- Portions © DL and McGill University 2021-2023
- Portions © McGill University 2024
- Portions © DL 2024
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see
Some exclusions to this license apply; specifically portions of
the STRkit logo files (./docs/images/strkit_logo_small.png
and ./strkit/viz/static/logo.png.)
The STRkit logo is © David Lougheed 2022, and was designed by Evelyn Lougheed. It is not licensed
under the terms of the GPL 3.0; it is instead licensed under the terms of the
CC BY-ND 4.0.
Portions of viz/templates/browser.html
copyright (C) 2021-2022 Observable, Inc.
Used under the terms of the ISC license.
Via PyPI
STRkit requires Python 3.9+ and can be installed from PyPI via pip
with the following command:
python -m pip install strkit
You may need to install the Rust toolchain
to compile the strkit_rust_ext
wheel, although prebuilt wheels for this module are available
for some platforms. Compiling the wheel may take quite a long time (in the tens of minutes).
On Digital Research Alliance of Canada/Compute Canada clusters, this involves loading a few modules:
module load rust/1.76.0 clang/17.0.6 python/3.11 scipy-stack/2023b parasail/2.6.2
python -m pip install strkit
STRkit should then be available in your Python environment as a command-line tool:
strkit --help
As a Docker container
STRkit is also available as a Docker container, stored
in the GitHub Container Registry.
It can be pulled using the following command:
docker pull
Then, STRkit commands can be run mostly as normal using the Docker image:
docker run -it --help
strkit call
: Genotype caller with bootstrapped confidence intervals
A Gaussian mixture model tandem repeat genotype caller for long read data.
STRkit is tuned specifically for high-fidelity long reads, although other
long read data should still work.
- Performant, vectorized (thanks to parasail)
estimates of repeat counts from high-fidelity long reads and a supplied
catalog of TR loci and motifs.
- Re-weighting of longer reads, to compensate for their lower likelihood of observation.
- Whole-genome and targeted genotyping modes to adjust this re-weighting.
- Incorporation of single-nucleotide variation (SNVs) for better and faster calling plus
additional downstream analysis possibilities.
- Recommended for HiFi data and ONT R10 data only. In my testing, this worsens runtime and call quality for
ONT ultra-long-read data, but speeds up the tool and improves call quality for HiFi/ONT R10 data.
- Parallelized for faster computing on clusters and for ad-hoc fast analysis of single samples.
- 95% confidence intervals on calls via a user-configurable optional parametric bootstrapping process.
strkit call \
path/to/read/file.bam \
--hq \
--realign \
--ref path/to/reference.fa.gz \
--loci path/to/loci.bed \
--incorporate-snvs path/to/dbsnp.vcf.gz \
--min-reads 4 \
--min-allele-reads 2 \
--flank-size 70 \
--consensus \
--seed 183 \
--processes 10
Ideally, you should be using a read file aligned with parameters tuned for tandem repeats.
PacBio provides a
recommended workflow
for CCS alignment in this scenario.
If you're using HiFi reads as input, use the --hq
and --realign
options to get better
genotype calculation and a greater proportion of reads incorporated into the computed genotypes,
respectively. These should not add much performance overhead.
If you want to incorporate haplotagging from an alignment file (HP
tags) into the
process, which should speed up runtime and potentially improve calling results, you must pass
the --use-hp
flag. This flag is experimental, and has not been tested extensively.
If you want to incorporate SNV calling into the process, which speeds up runtime and gives
marginally better calling results, you must provide an indexed, bgzip
-compressed SNV catalog
VCF which matches your reference genome. You can find dbSNP VCFs at
The file for GRCh38 is called 00-common_all.vcf.gz
as of time of writing.
Note that this does not need to be an SNV call file for your sample, specifically; just one
which has positions, reference/alternate alleles, and the ID
field populated.
If you want to output a full call report, you can use the --json output-file.json
argument to
specify a path to output a more detailed JSON document to. This document contains 99% CIs, peak
labels, and some other information that isn't included in the normal TSV file. If you want this
file to be indented and human-readable, use the --indent-json
flag in addition to --json ...
If you want to output a VCF file (STRs and SNVs if called; currently not phased), use the
--vcf ...
argument. If you pass --vcf stdout
, the VCF will be written to stdout
instead of a
See the 'Caller catalog format & choosing a catalog' page for more on
how to format a locus catalog or choose from existing available catalogs.
Note that the reference genome must be BGZipped and indexed using samtools faidx
bgzip my-reference.fa
samtools faidx my-reference.fa.gz
Further documentation on the STRkit caller, including output format:
strkit visualize
: Call visualizer
STRkit bundles a call visualization tool which takes as input a BAM file and
a JSON call file from using the --json
flag with strkit call
It starts a web server on your local machine; the visualizations can be
interacted with in a web browser.
To use the tool, run the following command:
strkit visualize path/to/my-alignment.bam \
--ref hg38 \
--json path/to/my-calls.json \
-i 1
This will output something like the following:
* Serving Flask app 'strkit.viz.server' (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
* Running on http://localhost:5011 (Press CTRL+C to quit)
You can then go to the URL listed, http://localhost:5011
, on your local machine
to see the visualization tool:
STRkit browser histogram, showing an expansion in the HTT gene.
The same expansion, shown in the igv.js browser. Note the insertions on
the left-hand side in most reads, and the heterozygous copy number pattern.
To exit the tool, press Ctrl-C
in your command line window as mentioned in
the start-up instructions.
strkit mi
: Mendelian inheritance analysis
Using trio data, candidate de novo STR mutations (or genotyping errors/dropout rates) can be discovered
by looking at inheritance patterns. This tool provides a few different ways to do this, via:
- Mendelian inheritance % (MI) calculations for many common TR genotyping tools for both long/short reads,
including support for genotyping methods which report confidence intervals.
- Reports of loci (potentially of interest) which do not respect MI
- An optional test flag to detect de novo events and assign a p-value in trio JSON reports generated by
strkit call
. Note that this currently will over-report significance with low coverage as tested with the
chi-squared test option.
For more information on what kind of analyses can be done with this data, see the
Trio analyses with STRkit page.