The tcia_utils package contains functions to simplify common tasks one might perform when interacting with The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) via Jupyter/Python. Learn more about TCIA and its open-access datasets at https://www.cancerimagingarchive.net/. Please be sure to comply with the TCIA Data Usage Policy.

pip install tcia_utils
To import functions related to Wordpress, which holds metadata for TCIA datasets:
from tcia_utils import wordpress
To import functions related to the NBIA software, which holds TCIA's DICOM radiology data:
from tcia_utils import nbia
To import functions related to the PathDB software, which holds TCIA's histopathology data:
from tcia_utils import pathdb
To import functions related to Datacite, which holds information about citations and Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for TCIA datasets:
from tcia_utils import datacite
Example notebooks demonstrating tcia_utils functionality can be found at https://github.com/kirbyju/TCIA_Notebooks.