tlparse: Parse structured PT2 logs
parses structured torch trace logs and outputs HTML files analyzing data.
Quick start:
Run PT2 with the TORCH_TRACE environment variable set:
Feed input into tlparse:
tlparse /tmp/my_traced_log -o tl_out/
Adding custom parsers
You can extend tlparse with custom parsers which take existing structured log data and output any file. To do so, first implement StructuredLogParser with your own trait:
pub struct MyCustomParser;
impl StructuredLogParser for MyCustomParser {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn get_metadata<'e>(&self, e: &'e Envelope) -> Option<Metadata<'e>> {
fn parse<'e>(&self,
lineno: usize,
metadata: Metadata<'e>,
_rank: Option<u32>,
compile_id: &Option<CompileId>,
payload: &str
) -> anyhow::Result<ParserResult> {
How to release
- Make a release commit by updating Cargo.toml and then running cargo update
- Push the release commit and a tag for it. This will trigger PyPI release
- cargo publish