📦 Tonutils
Tonutils is a high-level object-oriented library for Python designed to facilitate interactions with the TON
blockchain. It seamlessly integrates three prominent services for working with TON:
- tonapi.io - REST api to TON blockchain explorer.
- toncenter.com - Fast and reliable HTTP API for The Open Network.
- pytoniq - Library for direct interaction with Lite servers.
By combining these services, Tonutils provides a powerful and flexible toolset for developers, making it easier to work
with the TON ecosystem.
pip install tonutils
To use the LiteserverClient
, which requires the pytoniq library, install it
with the
optional dependencies:
pip install 'tonutils[pytoniq]'
Your donation supports the future of this project. Every contribution helps stimulate innovation and sustain
TON - UQCDrgGaI6gWK-qlyw69xWZosurGxrpRgIgSkVsgahUtxZR0
USDT (TRC-20) - TGKmm9H3FApFw8xcgRcZDHSku68vozAjo9
• TonapiClient To use you need to obtain an API key on the tonconsole.com.
Client Initialization
from tonutils.client import TonapiClient
API_KEY = "your api key"
client = TonapiClient(api_key=API_KEY, is_testnet=IS_TESTNET)
• ToncenterClient To use you need to obtain an API key from the bot.
Client Initialization
from tonutils.client import ToncenterClient
API_KEY = "your api key"
client = ToncenterClient(api_key=API_KEY, is_testnet=IS_TESTNET)
• LiteserverClient For better performance, pass your own config, available from the bot.
Client Initialization:
from tonutils.client import LiteserverClient
config = {}
client = LiteserverClient(config=config, is_testnet=IS_TESTNET)
Getting Testnet Assets
Obtain free testnet TON by interacting with the official bot:
Open Bot
NOT Jettons (9 decimals):
Claim testnet NOT by scanning the QR code at the following link:
Scan to Claim Testnet NOT
USD₮ Jettons (6 decimals):
Claim testnet USD₮ by scanning the QR code at the following link:
Scan to Claim Testnet USD₮
Ton Connect Integration
Wallet Operations
Jetton Operations
NFT Operations
DNS Operations
Vanity Operations
We welcome your contributions! If you have ideas for improvement or have identified a bug, please create an issue or
submit a pull request.
Supported by TON Society, Grants and Bounties program.
This repository is distributed under the MIT License.
Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code in accordance with the terms of the license.