Example of output of contour to mask and contour to distance map on a polygon in the form of a circle when varying the number of nodes
$pip install torch_contour
Overview of the Toolbox
- Pytorch layers for differentiable contour (polygon) to image operations.
- Contour to mask
- Contour to distance map
- Draw contour
- Contour to isolines
- Smooth contour
if using the layers above please cite the following paper:
title={Deep ContourFlow: Advancing Active Contours with Deep Learning},
author={Antoine Habis and Vannary Meas-Yedid and Elsa Angelini and Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin},
- Pytorch functions for contour feature extraction.
- Area
- Perimeter
- Curvature
- Hausdorff distance
- Function for NumPy arrays only to remove loops inside contours and interpolate along the given contours.
Pytorch Layers
This library contains 3 pytorch non trainable layers for performing the differentiable operations of :
- Contour to mask
- Contour to distance map.
- Draw contour.
- Contour to isolines
- Smooth contour
It can therefore be used to transform a polygon into a binary mask/distance map/ drawn contour in a completely differentiable way.
In particular, it can be used to transform the detection task into a segmentation task or do detection with any polygon.
The layers in 1, 2, 3 use the nice property of polygons such that for any point inside the sum of oriented angle is $\pm 2\pi$ and quickly converge towards 0 outside.
The three layers have no learnable weight.
All they do is to apply a function in a differentiable way.
Input (Float) (layer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
A list of polygons of shape $B \times N \times K \times 2$ with:
- $B$ the batch size
- $N$ the number of polygons for each image
- $K$ the number of nodes for each polygon
Output (Float) (layer 1, 2, 3):
A mask/distance map/contour drawn of shape $B \times N \times H \times H$ with :
- $B$ the batch size
- $N$ the number of polygons for each image
- $H$ the Heigh of the distance map or mask
Output (Float) (layer 4):
Isolines of shape $B \times N \times I \times H \times H$ with :
- $B$ the batch size
- $N$ the number of polygons for each image
- $I$ the number of isolines to extract for each image
- $H$ the Heigh of the distance map or mask
Output (Float) (layer 5):
Contours of shape $B \times N \times K \times 2$ with :
- $B$ the batch size
- $N$ the number of polygons for each image
- $K$ the number of nodes for each polygon
The polygon must have values between 0 and 1.
from torch_contour.torch_contour import Contour_to_distance_map,Contour_to_isolines, Contour_to_mask, Draw_contour, Smoothing, CleanContours
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
polygons1 = torch.tensor(
[0.1640, 0.5085],
[0.1267, 0.4491],
[0.1228, 0.3772],
[0.1461, 0.3027],
[0.1907, 0.2356],
[0.2503, 0.1857],
[0.3190, 0.1630],
[0.3905, 0.1774],
[0.4595, 0.2317],
[0.5227, 0.3037],
[0.5774, 0.3658],
[0.6208, 0.3905],
[0.6505, 0.3513],
[0.6738, 0.2714],
[0.7029, 0.2152],
[0.7461, 0.2298],
[0.8049, 0.2828],
[0.8776, 0.3064],
[0.9473, 0.2744],
[0.9606, 0.2701],
[0.9138, 0.3192],
[0.8415, 0.3947],
[0.7793, 0.4689],
[0.7627, 0.5137],
[0.8124, 0.5142],
[0.8961, 0.5011],
[0.9696, 0.5158],
[1.0000, 0.5795],
[0.9858, 0.6581],
[0.9355, 0.7131],
[0.9104, 0.7682],
[0.9184, 0.8406],
[0.8799, 0.8974],
[0.8058, 0.9121],
[0.7568, 0.8694],
[0.7305, 0.7982],
[0.6964, 0.7466],
[0.6378, 0.7394],
[0.5639, 0.7597],
[0.4864, 0.7858],
[0.4153, 0.7953],
[0.3524, 0.7609],
[0.3484, 0.7028],
[0.3092, 0.7089],
[0.2255, 0.7632],
[0.1265, 0.8300],
[0.0416, 0.8736],
[0.0000, 0.8584],
[0.0310, 0.7486],
[0.1640, 0.5085],
width = 200
Mask = Contour_to_mask(width)
Draw = Draw_contour(width)
Dmap = Contour_to_distance_map(width)
Iso = Contour_to_isolines(width, isolines=[0.1, 0.5, 1])
smoother = Smoothing(sigma=1)
mask = Mask(polygons1).cpu().detach().numpy()[0, 0]
draw = Draw(polygons1).cpu().detach().numpy()[0, 0]
distance_map = Dmap(polygons1).cpu().detach().numpy()[0, 0]
isolines = Iso(polygons1).cpu().detach().numpy()[0, 0]
contour_smooth = smoother(polygons1)
Pytorch functions
This library also contains batch torch operations for performing:
- The area of a batch of polygons
- The perimeter of a batch of polygons
- The curvature of a batch of polygons
- The haussdorf distance between 2 sets of polygons
from torch_contour.torch_contour import area, perimeter, hausdorff_distance, curvature
import torch
polygons2 = torch.tensor([[[[0.0460, 0.3955],
[0.0000, 0.2690],
[0.0179, 0.1957],
[0.0789, 0.1496],
[0.1622, 0.1049],
[0.2495, 0.0566],
[0.3287, 0.0543],
[0.3925, 0.1280],
[0.4451, 0.2231],
[0.4928, 0.2692],
[0.5436, 0.2215],
[0.6133, 0.1419],
[0.7077, 0.1118],
[0.7603, 0.1569],
[0.7405, 0.2511],
[0.6742, 0.3440],
[0.6042, 0.4099],
[0.6036, 0.4780],
[0.6693, 0.5520],
[0.7396, 0.6100],
[0.8190, 0.6502],
[0.9172, 0.6815],
[0.9818, 0.7310],
[0.9605, 0.8186],
[0.8830, 0.9023],
[0.8048, 0.9205],
[0.7506, 0.8514],
[0.6597, 0.7975],
[0.5866, 0.8195],
[0.5988, 0.9145],
[0.6419, 1.0000],
[0.6529, 0.9978],
[0.6253, 0.9186],
[0.5714, 0.8027],
[0.5035, 0.6905],
[0.4340, 0.6223],
[0.3713, 0.6260],
[0.3116, 0.6854],
[0.2478, 0.7748],
[0.1732, 0.8687],
[0.0892, 0.9420],
[0.0353, 0.9737],
[0.0452, 0.9514],
[0.1028, 0.8855],
[0.1831, 0.7907],
[0.2610, 0.6817],
[0.3113, 0.5730],
[0.3090, 0.4793],
[0.2289, 0.4153],
[0.0460, 0.3955]]]], dtype = torch.float32)
area_ = area(polygons2)
perimeter_ = perimeter(polygons2)
curvs = curvature(polygons2)
hausdorff_dists = hausdorff_distance(polygons1, polygons2)
NumPy remove loops and interpolate
cleaner = CleanContours()
cleaned_contours = cleaner.clean_contours(polygons2.cpu().detach().numpy())
cleaned_interpolated_contours = cleaner.clean_contours_and_interpolate(polygons2.cpu().detach().numpy())