Torch Dataset Utilities
The python library torchdatasetutils produces torch DataLoader classes and utility functions for several imaging datasets. This currently includes sets of images and annotations from CVAT, COCO dataset. "torchdatasetutil" uses an s3 object storage to hold dataset data. This enables training and test to be performed on nodes different from where the dataset is stored with application defined credentials. It uses torch PyTorch worker threads to prefetch data for efficient GPU or CPU training and inference.
"torchdatasetutils" takes as an input the pymlutil.s3 object to access the object storage.
Two json or yaml dictionaries are loaded from the object storage to identify and process the dataset: the dataset description and class dictionary. The the dataset description is unique for each type of dataset. The class dictionary is common to all datasets and describes data transformation and data augmentation.
Library structure
See torchdatasetutil.ipynb for library interface and usage
Class Dictionary
COCO Dataset
To load coco dataset you must have a credentials yaml file identifying the final s3 location and credentials for the dataset with the following keys:
- name: store
type: trainer
address: <address>:<port>
access key: <access key>
secret key: <secret key>
tls: false
cert verify: false
cert path: null
dataset: {"bucket":"imgml","prefix":"data", "dataset_filter":"" }
trainingset: {"bucket":"imgml","prefix":"training", "dataset_filter":"" }
model: {"bucket":"imgml","prefix":"model", "dataset_filter":"" }
test: {"bucket":"imgml","prefix":"test", "dataset_filter":"" }
Call torchdatasetutil.getcoco to retrieve the COCO dataset and stage it into object storage
python3 -m torchdatasetutil.getcoco
To train with the coco dataset, first create dataset loaders
from torchdatasetutil.cocostore import CreateCocoLoaders
dataset_bucket = s3def['sets']['dataset']['bucket']
if args.dataset=='coco':
class_dictionary = s3.GetDict(s3def['sets']['dataset']['bucket'],args.coco_class_dict)
loaders = CreateCocoLoaders(s3, dataset_bucket,
cuda = args.cuda,
height = args.height,
width = args.width,
trainloader = next(filter(lambda d: d.get('set') == 'train', loaders), None)
testloader = next(filter(lambda d: d.get('set') == 'test' or d.get('set') == 'val', loaders), None)
for i, data in tqdm(enumerate(trainloader['dataloader']),
total=trainloader['batches'], desc="Train batches", disable=args.job):
inputs, labels, mean, stdev = data
Cityscapes Dataset
To download cityscapes, your cityscapes credentials must be included in you credentials yaml file with the following structure
username: <username>
password: <password>
Call torchdatasetutil.getcityscapes to retrieve the cityscapes dataset and stage it into object storage
python3 -m torchdatasetutil.getcityscapes
if args.dataset=='cityscapes':
class_dictionary = s3.GetDict(s3def['sets']['dataset']['bucket'],args.cityscapes_class_dict)
loaders = CreateCityscapesLoaders(s3, s3def,
src = args.cityscapes_data,
dest = args.dataset_path+'/cityscapes',
class_dictionary = class_dictionary,
batch_size = args.batch_size,
- Data from kaggle:
- Extract and move validation folder data:
- Zip ILSVRC/Data/CLS-LOC/ to ILSVRC2012_devkit_t12.tar.gz
tar -czvf ILSVRC2012_devkit_t12.tar.gz ILSVRC/Data/CLS-LOC
- Imagenet directories
- Imagenet indexes