Haskell grammar for tree-sitter.
Supported Language Extensions
These extensions are supported ✅, unsupported ❌ or not applicable because they don't involve parsing ➖️:
- AllowAmbiguousTypes ➖️
- ApplicativeDo ➖️
- Arrows ❌
- BangPatterns ✅
- BinaryLiterals ✅
- BlockArguments ✅
- CApiFFI ✅
- ConstrainedClassMethods ✅
- ConstraintKinds ✅
- CPP ✅
- CUSKs ✅
- DataKinds ✅
- DatatypeContexts ✅
- DefaultSignatures ✅
- DeriveAnyClass ➖️
- DeriveDataTypeable ➖️
- DeriveFoldable ➖️
- DeriveFunctor ➖️
- DeriveGeneric ➖️
- DeriveLift ➖️
- DeriveTraversable ➖️
- DerivingStrategies ✅
- DerivingVia ✅
- DisambiguateRecordFields ➖️
- DuplicateRecordFields ➖️
- EmptyCase ✅
- EmptyDataDecls ✅
- EmptyDataDeriving ✅
- ExistentialQuantification ✅
- ExplicitForAll ✅
- ExplicitNamespaces ✅
- ExtendedDefaultRules ➖️
- FlexibleContexts ✅
- FlexibleInstances ✅
- ForeignFunctionInterface ✅
- FunctionalDependencies ✅
- GADTs ✅
- GADTSyntax ✅
- GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving ➖️
- GHCForeignImportPrim ✅
- Haskell2010 ➖️
- Haskell98 ➖️
- HexFloatLiterals ✅
- ImplicitParams ✅
- ImplicitPrelude ➖️
- ImportQualifiedPost ✅
- ImpredicativeTypes ➖️
- IncoherentInstances ➖️
- InstanceSigs ✅
- InterruptibleFFI ✅
- KindSignatures ✅
- LambdaCase ✅
- LexicalNegation ❌
- LiberalTypeSynonyms ✅
- LinearTypes ✅
- ListTuplePuns ✅
- MagicHash ✅
- Modifiers ❌
- MonadComprehensions ➖️
- MonadFailDesugaring ➖️
- MonoLocalBinds ➖️
- MonomorphismRestriction ➖️
- MultiParamTypeClasses ✅
- MultiWayIf ✅
- NamedFieldPuns ✅
- NamedWildCards ✅
- NegativeLiterals ➖️
- NondecreasingIndentation ✅
- NPlusKPatterns ➖️
- NullaryTypeClasses ✅
- NumDecimals ➖️
- NumericUnderscores ✅
- OverlappingInstances ➖️
- OverloadedLabels ✅
- OverloadedLists ➖️
- OverloadedRecordDot ✅
- OverloadedRecordUpdate ✅
- OverloadedStrings ➖️
- PackageImports ✅
- ParallelListComp ✅
- PartialTypeSignatures ✅
- PatternGuards ✅
- PatternSynonyms ✅
- PolyKinds ➖️
- PostfixOperators ➖️
- QualifiedDo ✅
- QuantifiedConstraints ✅
- QuasiQuotes ✅
- Rank2Types ✅
- RankNTypes ✅
- RebindableSyntax ➖️
- RecordWildCards ➖️
- RecursiveDo ✅
- RequiredTypeArguments ✅
- RoleAnnotations ✅
- Safe ➖️
- ScopedTypeVariables ✅
- StandaloneDeriving ✅
- StandaloneKindSignatures ✅
- StarIsType ✅
- StaticPointers ❌
- Strict ➖️
- StrictData ✅
- TemplateHaskell ✅
- TemplateHaskellQuotes ✅
- TraditionalRecordSyntax ➖️
- TransformListComp ✅
- Trustworthy ➖️
- TupleSections ✅
- TypeAbstractions ✅
- TypeApplications ✅
- TypeData ✅
- TypeFamilies ✅
- TypeFamilyDependencies ✅
- TypeInType ✅
- TypeOperators ✅
- TypeSynonymInstances ➖️
- UnboxedSums ✅
- UnboxedTuples ✅
- UndecidableInstances ➖️
- UndecidableSuperClasses ➖️
- UnicodeSyntax ✅
- UnliftedFFITypes ➖️
- UnliftedNewtypes ✅
- Unsafe ➖️
- ViewPatterns ✅
Preprocessor #elif
and #else
directives cannot be handled correctly, since the parser state would have to be
manually reset to what it was at the #if
As a workaround, the code blocks in the alternative branches are parsed as part of the directives.
The grammar contains several supertypes,
which group multiple other node types under a single name.
Supertype names do not occur as extra nodes in parse trees, but they can be used in queries in special ways:
- As an alias, matching any of their subtypes
- As prefix for one of their subtypes, matching its symbol only when it occurs as a production of the supertype
For example, the query (expression)
matches the nodes infix
, record
, projection
, constructor
, and the second
and third variable
in this tree for cats <> Cat {mood = moods.sleepy}
(field_name (variable))
(projection (variable) (field_name (variable)))))))))
The two occurrences of variable
in field_name
and sleepy
) are not expressions, but record field names part
of a composite record
Matching variable
nodes specifically that are expressions is possible with the second special form.
A query for (expression/variable)
will match only the other two, cats
and moods
The grammar's supertypes consist of the following sets:
Rules that are valid in any expression position, excluding type applications, explicit types and expression
Rules that are valid in any pattern position, excluding type binders, explicit types and pattern signatures.
Types that are either atomic (have no ambiguous associativity, like bracketed constructs, variables and type
constructors), applied types or infix types.
Types prefixed with a forall
, context or function parameter.
Almost the same rules as type
, but mirrored for use in contexts.
Analog of quantified_type
, for constraints with forall
or context.
Atomic nodes in type and class heads, like the three nodes following A
in data A @k a (b :: k)
All top-level declarations, like functions and data types.
Shorthand for declarations that are also valid in local bindings (let
and where
) and in class and instance bodies,
except for fixity declarations.
Consists of signature
, function
and bind
and instance_decl
All declarations that are valid in classes and instances, which includes associated type and data families.
Different forms of do
-notation statements.
Different forms of list comprehension qualifiers.
Different forms of guards in function equations and case alternatives.
The main driver for generating and testing the parser for this grammar is the tree-sitter CLI.
Other components of the project require additional tools, described below.
Some are made available through npm
– for example, npx tree-sitter
runs the CLI.
If you don't have tree-sitter
available otherwise, prefix all the commands in the following sections with npx
Output path
The CLI writes the shared library containing the parser to the directory denoted by $TREE_SITTER_LIBDIR
If that variable is unset, it defaults to $HOME/.cache/tree-sitter/lib
In order to avoid clobbering this global directory with development versions, you can set the env var to a local path:
The grammar
The javascript file grammar.js
contains the entry point into the grammar's production rules.
Please consult the tree-sitter documentation for a comprehensive introduction to the syntax and
Parsing starts with the first item in the rules
rules: {
haskell: $ => seq(
Generating the parser
The first step in the development workflow converts the javascript rule definitions to C code in src/parser.c
$ tree-sitter generate
Two byproducts of this process are written to src/grammar.json
and src/node-types.json
Compiling the parser
The C code is automatically compiled by most of the test tools mentioned below, but you can instruct tree-sitter to do
it in one go:
$ tree-sitter generate --build
as mentioned above, the shared object will be written to $PWD/.lib/
Aside from the generated src/parser.c
, tree-sitter will also compile and link src/scanner.c
into this object.
This file contains the external scanner, which is a custom extension of the built-in lexer whose purpose is to handle
language constructs that cannot be expressed (efficiently) in the javascript grammar, like Haskell layouts.
The parser can be compiled to WebAssembly as well, which requires emscripten
$ tree-sitter build --wasm
The resulting binary is written to $PWD/tree-sitter-haskell.wasm
Testing the parser
The most fundamental test infrastructure for tree-sitter grammars consists of a set of code snippets with associated
reference ASTs stored in ./test/corpus/*.txt
$ tree-sitter test
Individual tests can be run by specifying (a substring of) their description with -f
$ tree-sitter test -f 'module: exports empty'
The project contains several other types of tests:
test/parse/run.bash [update] [test names ...]
parses the files in test/parse/*.hs
and compares the output with
If update
is specified as the first argument, it will update the .target
file for the first failing test.
test/query/run.bash [update] [test names ...]
parses the files in test/query/*.hs
, applies the queries in
and compares the output with test/query/*.target
, similar to test/parse
contains a few tests that use tree-sitter's Rust API to extract the test ranges for
terminals in a slightly more convenient way.
This requires cargo
to be installed, and can be executed with cargo test
(which also runs the tests in
test/parse-libs [wasm]
clones a set of Haskell libraries to test/libs
and parses the entire codebase.
When invoked as test/parse-libs wasm
, it will use the WebAssembly parser.
This requires bc
to be installed.
test/parse-lib name [wasm]
parses only the library name
in that directory (without cloning the repository).
The shared library built by tree-sitter test
includes debug symbols, so if the scanner segfaults you can just run
coredumpctl debug
to inspect the backtrace and memory:
newline_lookahead () at src/scanner.c:2583
2583 ((Newline *) 0)->indent = 5;
(gdb) bt
#0 newline_lookahead () at src/scanner.c:2583
#1 0x00007ffff7a0740e in newline_start () at src/scanner.c:2604
#2 scan () at src/scanner.c:2646
#3 eval () at src/scanner.c:2684
#4 tree_sitter_haskell_external_scanner_scan (payload=<optimized out>, lexer=<optimized out>,
valid_symbols=<optimized out>) at src/scanner.c:2724
#5 0x0000555555772488 in ts_parser.lex ()
For more control, launch gdb tree-sitter
and start the process with run test -f 'some test'
, and set a breakpoint
with break tree_sitter_haskell_external_scanner_scan
To disable optimizations, run tree-sitter test --debug-build
The test
and parse
commands offer two modes for obtaining detailed information about the parsing process.
With tree-sitter test --debug
, every lexer step and shift/reduce action is printed to stderr.
With tree-sitter test --debug-graph
, the CLI will generate an HTML file showing a graph representation of every step.
This requires graphviz
to be installed.