Python Bindings for Tree Sitter with All Languages
This is a fork!
It is based on @Freed_Wu's pull request
_ which adds support for many additional
tree-sitter language parsers beyond the original.
As the package seems unmaintained, I decided to fork it based on the PR. Note that
this version may not see additional support and you should switch back to the
original once it gets going again.
The package has been renamed to avoid collision with the original.
The Windows and ARM Arch64 packages still only get the original languages, for
Windows because the extended commandline busted the link.exe
command line length
limit, and for ARM Arch64 because the Github action uses QEMU to build on ARM,
which is slow, so the additional languages cause the Github runner to time out.
Original README
Binary Python wheels for all tree sitter languages.
_ is a fantastic library that provides Python bindings for the
even more fantastic tree-sitter
_ parsing library.
_ provides binary Python wheels for all tree sitter
languages. The binary wheels remove the need to download and compile support
for individual languages.
This package is based on
.. _py-tree-sitter-languages
: https://github.com/grantjenks/py-tree-sitter-languages
.. _@Freed_Wu's pull request
: https://github.com/grantjenks/py-tree-sitter-languages/pull/53
pip install tree_sitter_languages_freed_wu_pr
Source installs are not supported. To see how the binary wheels are built, look
— Python package setup.
, lockfile.json
— Json files that contain a list of included language repositories and their commit hashes.
— Python script to download and build the language repositories.
— GitHub action to invoke cibuildwheel
_ and
release to PyPI.
.. _cibuildwheel
: https://github.com/pypa/cibuildwheel
.. code:: python
from tree_sitter_languages_freed_wu_pr import get_language, get_parser
language = get_language('python')
parser = get_parser('python')
That's the whole API!
Refer to py-tree-sitter
_ for the language and parser API. Notice the
step can be skipped! The binary wheel includes
the language binary.
.. _py-tree-sitter
: https://github.com/tree-sitter/py-tree-sitter
Want to know something crazy? Python lacks multi-line comments. Whhaaa!?!
It's really not such a big deal. Instead of writing
.. code:: python
My awesome
Simply write
.. code:: python
My awesome
So multi-line comments are made by putting multiple single-line comments in
sequence. Amazing!
Now, how to find all the strings being used as comments?
Start with some example Python code
.. code:: python
example = """
License blah blah (Apache 2.0)
"This is a module docstring."
a = 1
b = 2
class Test:
"This is a class docstring."
'This is bogus.'
def test(self):
"This is a function docstring."
"Please, no."
return 1
c = 3
Notice a couple things:
Python has module, class, and function docstrings that bare a striking
resemblance to the phony string comments.
Python supports single-quoted, double-quoted, triple-single-quoted, and
triple-double-quoted strings (not to mention prefixes for raw strings,
unicode strings, and more).
Creating a regular expression to capture the phony string comments would be
exceedingly difficult!
Enter tree-sitter
.. code:: python
from tree_sitter_languages_freed_wu_pr import get_language, get_parser
language = get_language('python')
parser = get_parser('python')
Tree-sitter creates an abstract syntax tree (actually, a concrete syntax tree
_) and supports queries
.. code:: python
tree = parser.parse(example.encode())
node = tree.root_node
.. _concrete syntax tree
: https://stackoverflow.com/q/1888854/232571
Look for statements that are a single string expression
.. code:: python
stmt_str_pattern = '(expression_statement (string)) @stmt_str'
stmt_str_query = language.query(stmt_str_pattern)
stmt_strs = stmt_str_query.captures(node)
stmt_str_points = set(
(node.start_point, node.end_point) for node, _ in stmt_strs
Now, find those statement string expressions that are actually module, class,
or function docstrings
.. code:: python
doc_str_pattern = """
(module . (comment)* . (expression_statement (string)) @module_doc_str)
body: (block . (expression_statement (string)) @class_doc_str))
body: (block . (expression_statement (string)) @function_doc_str))
doc_str_query = language.query(doc_str_pattern)
doc_strs = doc_str_query.captures(node)
doc_str_points = set(
(node.start_point, node.end_point) for node, _ in doc_strs
With the set of string expression statements and the set of docstring
statements, the locations of all phony string comments is
.. code:: python
comment_strs = stmt_str_points - doc_str_points
Copyright 2022-2023 Grant Jenks
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The project also includes the following other projects distributed in binary
.. _tree-sitter
: https://tree-sitter.github.io/