This is a package containing type annotations
for pysaml2.
Simply run the following in the environment in which you want to install this package:
# install types-pysaml2
$ python -m pip install types-pysaml2
or add it to your requirements file.
This is a partial stub package, only covering a part of the functions and objects available in pysaml2
Contributions (both in adding stubs for more functions, or keeping up to date with pysaml2
itself) are
All the formatting is done using pre-commit. To use this, run the following:
# install pre-commit
$ python -m pip install pre-commit
# Set up the hooks (so pre-commit automatically runs when you do a commit)
$ cd root/directory/of/the/pulled/repository
$ pre-commit install
# This will run automatically whenever a commit is created
# To run it manually, use:
$ pre-commit run --all-files