Validata Table
Validata Table is python package used as a tabular data validation service.
It includes four subpackages, where you can find their respective documentations :
It offers also a command line tool validata
used to validate tabular data.
See validata_core/ for more details.
Using validata-table
You can use locally this package validata-table
, doing:
pip install validata-table
This allows you to use validata
command line tool to validate tabular data:
validata --help
This project is based on Docker to use a local developement environement.
This project includes a Makefile, which allows you to run predefined actions
by running specific commands.
Dependency management tool used : Poetry version 1.6.1
First install Docker Engine and docker-compose >= version 2
on your machine if not already done.
Then you may clone source code in your development directory:
git clone
cd validata-table
Run on a local development environment
Configuration is done by editing environment variables in .env
(see .env.example
file to set .env
Warning: Docker env files do not support using quotes around variable values!
Launch the local development environment, thanks to the makefile command:
make serve_dev
This launches two docker containers:
- validata-api-dev
- validata-ui-dev
Validata Table API (using validata-table-api-dev
docker container)
To access to the API of Validata Table click on http://localhost:5000/
Try Validata Table API
Validata Table UI (using validata-table-ui-dev
docker container)
To access to the API of Validata Table click on http://localhost:5001/
Validata Table command line tool (using validata-table-api-dev
docker container)
To use validata command line tool in the docker development environment, run:
docker exec -it validata-api-dev bash
validata --help
To launch tests in the development environment, run:
make test
Some code linting tools are configured for this project:
black: to format code, run make black
isort: to format import, run make isort
flake8: to enforce style coding, run make flake8
pyright: to check static types.
will be executed in local virtual environment with poetry
First you need to create a virtual environment .venv at the root of the project
and configure it:
# At /validata-table/ root
python3.9 -m venv .venv # install virtual environement locally
poetry config true
poetry config --list # Check if correctly configured
... = true
poetry install # install project dependencies
Then execute locally pyright
with poetry
poetry run pyright .
Continuous Integration
The continuous integration is configured in .gitlab-ci.yml
Release a new version
On master branch :
- Update version in pyproject.toml and files
- Update version Docker images used in docker-compose.yml file:
- Update
- Commit changes using
as commit message - Create git tag (starting with "v" for the release)
git tag -a
- Git push:
git push && git push --tags
- Check that pypi package is created and container images for validata_ui and validata_api are well-built
(validata-table pipelines)
Creating and pushing a new release will trigger the pipeline in order to automatically:
- publish a new version of
package on PyPI - build a new tag of the Docker image
, based on the new version just created of the package validata-table
, and publish it on the gitlab container
registry validata-table-ui,
used to run user interface Validata - build a new tag of the Docker image
, based on the new version just created of the package validata-table
and publish it on the gitlab container
registry validata-table-api,
used to run the API of Validata
This pipeline runs when a new tag under the format 'vX.X.X' is pushed.
Deploy to production
You can deploy this project on your own production server by using Docker.
Production environment is based on Docker images validata-table-ui
and validata-table-api
hosted on gitlab container registries validata-table-ui
and validata-table-api
To deploy in production, you can follow these steps described below.
First you may clone source code in your deployment directory:
git clone
cd validata-table
Configuration is done by editing environment variables in .env
(see .env.example
file to set .env
Warning: Docker env files do not support using quotes around variable values !
Launch the docker production environment with makefile:
make serve_prod
OR launch the docker production environment with docker compose
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build -d
- To access to the API of Validata Table click on http://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER_API>/
(replacing PORT_NUMBER_API with the value you choose)
- To access to the UI of Validata Table click on http://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER_UI>/
(replacing PORT_NUMBER_UI with the value you choose)
- To access to the
command lines tool:
docker exec -it validata-table-api bash
validata --help
To keep track of the project's history, Validata Table
comes from the merge of four gitlab repositories :