Meditation timer for vipassana (insight meditation) with different postures.
For context - this package was originally created to work with Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu's online meditation style, which includes (optional) prostration at the beginning of the meditation, then walking meditation and then sitting. If you just want to do 'normal' sitting practice, you can still use this package, just type 's' followed by the minutes you want to do. Also, you can add your own 'postures' if you want multiple bells in the sitting session - see below.
pip install vipassana-timer
git clone
cd vipassana-timer
python install
>meditate -h
usage: meditate [-h] [times]
Simple vipassana meditation timer
positional arguments:
times Times for each meditation posture (format: 'p5w30s30')
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The script takes inputs for the three postures: prostration, walking, and sitting -
represented by the letters 'p', 'w', 's', each followed by the desired time, in minutes.
For example, if one wanted to do 10 minutes walking and 10 sitting:
>meditate w10s10
Enter times (format: 'p5w30s30'): w10s10
Walking: 10
Sitting: 10
Walking: 10:00 remaining
Or, to do 35 minutes of sitting:
>meditate s35
Sitting: 35
Sitting: 35:00 remaining
If you want to add your own posture, just edit the POSTURES
variable in
Good luck meditating! :)