Wagtail Favicon
Easily add shortcut icons to any wagtail site. Upload a .png image from a wagtail settings page and wagtail-favicon will resize it and add provide markup to your pages via a template tag.
Version 0.3.0 is for Wagtail versions 3+.
Installation & Setup
Install with pip
pip install wagtail-favicon
poetry add wagtail-favicon
Add to Django installed apps
'wagtail.contrib.settings' # <-- ensure you have wagtail settings loaded
Add routes to app.urls
from wagtail_favicon.urls import urls as favicon_urls
urlpatterns += [
path('documents/', include(wagtaildocs_urls)),
path('search/', search, name='search'),
path('', include(wagtail_urls)),
path('', include(favicon_urls)), # <------ add urls to existing urls
Once you've completed setup you will now be able to access the folloing urls:
Add template tag to tag in templates/base.html
{% load favicon_tags %}
{% favicon_meta %}
Edit Settings
Go to Wagtail Admin >> Settings >> Favicon
Configure settings
For best results use a transparent png at 1024 x 1024.
Ideally pre optimised with a tool like tinypng.com.