.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/wazimap.svg
:target: http://badge.fury.io/py/wazimap
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/Code4SA/wazimap.svg
:target: http://travis-ci.org/Code4SA/wazimap
This is the latest version of wazimap. Version 1 is located in the releases-v1 branch.
Wazimap is a Django application for exploring census and other similar data. It makes it easy to understand a place
through the eyes of the data, and to explore data across a range of places. It is most suited for census data
but can easily be used with other data that is similarly focused on places in a country.
Check out Wazimap South Africa <http://wazimap.co.za>
_ and HURUmap <https://hurumap.org>
_ to
get an idea of what Wazimap is about.
Wazimap is a fork of the excellent Censusreporter <https://censusreporter.org>
_ project which was funded by a
Knight News Challenge grant <http://www.niemanlab.org/2012/10/knight-funding-expands-ires-journalist-friendly-census-site/>
You can also find Censusreporter on GitHub <https://github.com/censusreporter/censusreporter>
Wazimap builds on Censusreporter and makes it easier to re-use. Wazimap was originally built by
OpenUp <https://openup.org.za>
_ with the support of Media Monitoring Africa <http://www.mediamonitoringafrica.org/>
It is maintained by OpenUp.
- Wazimap is on Twitter as
@Wazimap <https://twitter.com/@Wazimap>
_. - Read the
full Wazimap documentation <http://wazimap.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>
Using Wazimap
Read the full Wazimap documentation <http://wazimap.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>
_ to get started.
Releasing a New Version
Run the tests::
python manage.py test
Update VERSION appropriately
Update the CHANGES.rst
Commit and push to github
Release to PyPI::
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel upload
License and Copyright
Copyright (c) 2014 Census Reporter.
Wazimap is licensed under the MIT License.
The Wazimap name and branding is Copyright 2013-2017 Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) and may not be used without permission.
If you use this software, please provide attribution to Census Reporter, Wazimap, Media Monitoring Africa and OpenUp.