File dialogs for Windows
![Python Version](
pip install windows-filedialogs
Source Code:
Implements easy Windows file dialog functions. Requires the pywin32 module.
Basic use:
from filedialogs import save_file_dialog, open_file_dialog, open_folder_dialog
open_path = open_file_dialog()
if open_path:
with open(open_path, "r") as f:
save_path = save_file_dialog()
if save_path:
with open(save_path, "w") as f:
open_folder = open_folder_dialog()
if open_folder:
with open(os.path.join(open_folder, ...), "w") as f:
- title: str - Dialog title. Default is no title.
- directory: str - Directory to open file dialog in. Default is the current working directory.
- default_name: str - Default file name on dialog open. Default is empty.
- default_ext: str - Default file extension on dialog open. Default is no extension.
- ext: list[tuple[str, str | tuple[str, ...]]] - List of available extensions as (description, extension) tuples. Default is ("All files", "*").
- multiselect: bool - Allow multiple files to be selected. Default is False.
Returns: Path to a file to open if multiselect=False. List of the paths to files which should be opened if multiselect=True. None if file open dialog canceled.
Raises: IOError - File open dialog failed.
- title: str - Dialog title. Default is no title.
- directory: str - Directory to open file dialog in. Default is the current working directory.
- default_name: str - Default file name on dialog open. Default is empty.
- default_ext: str - Default file extension on dialog open. Default is no extension.
- ext: list[tuple[str, str | tuple[str, ...]]] - List of available extensions as (description, extension) tuples. Default is ("All files", "*").
Returns: Path file should be save to. None if file save dialog canceled.
Raises: IOError - File save dialog failed.
- title: str - Dialog title. Default is no title.
- encoding: str - Encoding for the folder. Default is Latin-1.
Returns: Path to folder. None if no folder selected.