The code is distributed under terms of the Zope Public License version 2.1.
See also LICENSE.txt.
Z3locales is a library which translates dates in Zope 2 to the current
user language using Zope 3 technology.
Those functions are available in the module localdatetime
Return the current date formatted and translated in the current
user language. The target user language is determined via the
provided request.
get_formatted_date(date, size="full", request=_marker, locale=_marker, display_time=True)
Take a date (should be a tuple (year, month, day[, hour[, minute[, second]]])
or a Python datetime object), format it and
translate it in the target user language (determined via locale or the
given request). The modifier size and display_time can be used to
change the output.
get_month_names(request=_marker, locale=_marker, calendar='gregorian')
Return a list of month names translated in the target language
(determined via locale or the given request).
get_month_abbreviations(request=_marker, locale=_marker, calendar='gregorian')
Return a list of month abbreviations (usually the first three
letters) translated in the target user language (determined via
locale or the given request).
Return the locale representing the target user language using the
provided request. This locale can be used after by other functions
of this package.
Compatibility API exists with previous versions.
0.4.1 (2013-05-13)
- Fallback to english if the local that is asked is not available.
0.4 (2012-09-03)
- Use local information from Zope API's getPreferredLanguages when no
specific local is given.
0.3 (2010-10-06)
- Refactor API to factorize needed computation. The API changed to be
compatible PEP8.
0.2 (2008-09-25)
- First release as an egg.
- Use zope.i18n as a dependencies, not having a local copy of it.