A multi API consuming weather forecasting superstar.
A ruby wrapper for Open Weather Map API.
OpenWeather API Ruby client.
A wrapper for the Yahoo! Weather XML RSS feed
A Ruby object-oriented interface to the Yahoo! Weather JSON API. It supports caching and i18n.
stupid simple fetching of the weather using google's api
A Ruby library and CLI to get Japanese Weather via 天気予報 API(https://weather.tsukumijima.net/) which is compatible with Livedoor Weather Web Service.
A wrapper for the Weather Channel, inc (weather.com) XML api covers most features of the api. Current Conditions, Forecasting, and access to the promotional links that you are required to display as part of the API TOS.
Ruby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data
Simple wrapper around the DarkSky Weather API
A simple wrapper for the Weather Underground JSON API
A Ruby gem for the Weather Underground API
Get weather information for cities around the world using the accuweather web API. Includes current current conditions for temperature, pressure and humidity. Forecasts include temperature highs, lows, "real feels", UV, wind speed, rain, snow, ice probabilities and amounts.
An ruboty handler to weather from livedoor API
Simple wrapper for Open Weather Map API. The API description may be found here: http://openweathermap.org/api
Get current and forecast weather using HG Weather API.
Ruby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data
Accessing the Weather Underground API through HTTPClient.
Connect to the BBC Backstage (http://backstage.bbc.co.uk) weather API and get weather observations and forecasts for thousands of cities worldwide. No login is required to the BBC for use.
A Ruby Gem that connects to Weather Underground's XML API feed. Provides current conditions, future forecasts, weather alerts, and links to weather camera images and weather radars.
A Ruby Wrapper for the Yahoo Weather API, Updated for 1.9.2
Check the weather without leaving your terminal. Uses Google's weather API to provide current conditions and forecast weather information.
Ruby client for the Open Weather Map API
A Ruby CLI wrapper using the OpenWeatherMap.org API with interactive features that allow you to search any location's current weather and 3 day forecast.
OpenWeatherMap Api Wrapper. It can use city and geocode api.
This gem will help you utilize the NOAA API for weather data
Utilizing the NDFD (National Weather Service Digital Forecast Database), weather forecasts are retrieved from NOAA's SOAP API and then translated into array/hash structures in Ruby.
Weather gem that pulls weather data from Wunderground API
Rubygem for accessing the free and premium weather APIs from World Weather Online. Inspired by Dark Sky's Forecast.IO gem.
An API to Weather Underground.
FarmsenseWrapper is a lightweight wrapper for the Farmsense API. This gem returns a list of nearby weather stations and probabilities of spring/fall frost dates for each station.
Provides a simple interface to retrieve weather information from Weather Underground.
A framework for combining natural speech processing tools with public APIs. Basic functions work out of the box, and with a bit of configuration you can get weather information, manage your google calendar, or access wolfram alpha, all using your voice or natural language text. If you want more functionality, it's easy to associate your own code with a keyword or speech category. Try the demo interface by tweeting @Cogibara
Simple weather gem to interact with the Weather Undergound Api
stupid simple fetching of the weather using google's api
A Ruby gem for consulting weather information via the Yahoo! Weather API
A command line tool for interacting with the Weather Underground API
Ruby wrapper gem for Yahoo Weather API, works with Ruby(1.9.3 +).
Ruby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data
Pretty_weather is a gem for easy implementation for openweather api with pretty icons for current weather at specific location
Multiple weather API ruby wrapper
Weatherb comes from weather + rb (ruby file extension). It's basically a Ruby gem for retrieving data about weather using the ClimaCell API in a simple way.
Fetches weather data using the OpenWeatherMap API
Given your zip code and a darkskies API key, you'll be able to get some short term weather info bout your zip code.
A wrapper around openwather api
Ruby client for the Stormglass weather API
Fetches and persists Nasa FIRMS (Fires) and Open Weather API data by geolocation
API Client for the Weather Underground
The OpenWeatherMap service provides free weather data. This gem is a wrapper around the public api. Visit openweathermap.com for more details.
Client API for Hamweather Weather Service (http://www.hamweather.com)