A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.
rwdaddresses is contact book application using rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs
A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.
This is the simple REST client for Essential Contacts API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Essential Contacts API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.
Mokio is a Content Management System that allows creation of sophisticated websites. It consists maily of administration panel for your desired website. It provides the following types of content: Article (piece of text with pictures, lists, links, etc.), Picture Gallery (easily managed article with a number of photos - thumbs and edition provided), Movie Gallery (article with links to Dailymotion, Vimeo and Youtube movies - thumbs and edition provided), Contact Page with Google map and contact form. Apart from content it is possible to manage menu structure of your website for each language and defined position (part of the screen). If this is not enough for what you need, you can also include pieces of HTML code that should be shared by some (or all) subpages - called HTML Blocks. You can define on which part of the page, these blocks should be displayed. Mokio provides also administration panel for javascripts, languages and backend users. Beside Mokio itself, there are various gems dedicated for Mokio, that extends its core functionality. Visit: http://www.mokio.org Folow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mokioCMS
This is an ActiveResource Ruby wrapper for the Freeagent API. Currently supports the following API resources: Company, Contacts, Projects, Tasks, Invoices, Invoice Items, Timeslips (more will follow).
"a contacts service powered by Git. this is the second layer, for access control & users management"
A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.
A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.
FSelector is a Ruby gem that aims to integrate various feature selection algorithms and related functions into one single package. Welcome to contact me (need47@gmail.com) if you'd like to contribute your own algorithms or report a bug. FSelector allows user to perform feature selection by using either a single algorithm or an ensemble of multiple algorithms, and other common tasks including normalization and discretization on continuous data, as well as replace missing feature values with certain criterion. FSelector acts on a full-feature data set in either CSV, LibSVM or WEKA file format and outputs a reduced data set with only selected subset of features, which can later be used as the input for various machine learning softwares such as LibSVM and WEKA. FSelector, as a collection of filter methods, does not implement any classifier like support vector machines or random forest.
A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.
NDS API is a Rubygem for easy interface with the NDS API. NDS is the National Data System for Child Care. NDS is a variety of applications and services that facilitate the work of Child Care R&Rs. This Ruby code is an interface to the new NDS API. This code is built and maintained by Exygy, in San Francisco. NDS is built by Child Care Aware of America. For any questions about using this code, please contact hello@exygy.com. For more information about NDS please see https://usa.childcareaware.org/members-providers/data-services/
A Ruby library for using the Gandi XML-RPC API. At the moment support is planned for the Domain, Contact and Operation APIs only, but Hosting and Catalog APIs support may be added in the future.
Rails engine for brochure pages. Similar to High Voltage but with named routes. Brochure pages are the semi-static pages like "home", "about us", "FAQ", "pricing", "contact us", etc. Most of the designers I have worked with really appreciate the power and convenience this plugin provides. They are able to simply create erb files in folders like they are used to with static html or php and it just works. No futzing with routes, controllers etc.
== DESCRIPTION: Blackbook automates the nitty-gritty of importing contacts from various services and files and exporting them as VCard, XML, or simple Hash. Utilize those contacts from services like AOL, GMail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail or CSV to help your social networking site become GIGANTIC overnight! You'll be able to get big and sell for millions before anyone figures out it's just like every other social network.
This is a rails gem for the superb Jasny bootstrap extensions plus @lipis bootstrap-social extension. It comes with all of the files you need to get going, so there's no need to install the Twitter Bootstrap gem seperately, it's all included. Use this with my template available at https://github.com/tipsforthings/jasny-offcanvas-nav-rails and you'll have a ready-made template that is pre-setup for this gem, which also has the Jasny off-canvas layout enabled. I'm going to be adding more features to this gem and writing some extensive documentation. One feature that I'm working on including in this gem is bootstro.js, a 'Guided Tour' feature for your website or app. If you have any other features you would like to see in the gem, please do contact me to let me know and I'll be sure to include them.
Many Google Cloud services, such as Cloud Billing, send out notifications to share important information with Google Cloud users. By default, these notifications are sent to members with certain Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles. With Essential Contacts, you can customize who receives notifications by providing your own list of contacts.
Unofficial gem for connecting to memotoo.com with their soap-api and handle your contact needs. Memotoo lets your synchronize all your contacts, events and tasks with yahoo, gmail, facebook, xing, outlook, your mobile-phone and more. You can also get your e-mails in one place.Features of memotoo: New mobile? Transfer all your data to your new device! Synchronise your data with your mobile phone (with SyncML) Access all your e-mail in a single page from Google, Yahoo, Hotmail / MSN, ...! View your data on your mobile phone (WAP / XHTML) Access your contacts using a LDAP directory Access your files via a Web Folder Access your files via FTP Add Memotoo widgets to iGoogle, Netvibes, Windows Vista, Apple Dashboard, ... Memotoo plugins for your browser
ErpCommunicationEvents add models and services to CompassAE's ERP core to handle contacts between Business Parties. For example, tracking inbound or outbound emails, customer contact events, support requests, etc. These models would be used for support and ticketing systems, marketing communications applications and the like. CommunicationEvents can be typed and can relate to one another, providing the functionality to treat several related communication events as a group.
This is the simple REST client for Contact Center AI Insights API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Contact Center AI Insights API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.
A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo. Now supporting Ruby 1.9.
Graybook is used to import email contact lists from popular webmail sites. Currently supported are AOL/AIM, Yahoo, Hotmail/Live/MSN, and Google Mail (although not Google Apps Mail yet).
A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Outlook, Address Book, Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.
it is a simple gem that sends an authenticating email to the user when signing up, it also sends an confirmating email to the users when contacting the administrator
Ruby on Rails Contacts extension for Refinery CMS
rwdaddresses is a contact book application under rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs.
A Middleman extension to automatically generate VCards based on provided configurations. It also includes some useful Middleman helpers to work with the generated VCards. This is particularly useful in contacts pages to create a vcard button.
ActsAsIcontact connects Ruby applications with the iContact e-mail marketing service using the iContact API v2.0. Building on the RestClient gem, it offers two significant feature sets: * Simple, consistent access to all resources in the iContact API; and * Automatic synchronizing between ActiveRecord models and iContact contact lists for Rails applications.
Easy Contacts Syncing over API with encrypted contacts email and phone numbers
This gem is still under active development. Please contact me directly with any questions or suggestions. To start: r = RedcapAPI.new(token, url) # your institution has it's own url, and each project has it's own token r.get(optional record_id) # returns all records in JSON format or a specific record if specified r.get_fields # returns all fields for that instrument r.post(data) # this will either update an old record or create a new one. the data should be in form of array of hashes or as a hash (for one item). dates are accepted in Date class or in strftime('%F') format. for example data = {name: 'this is a test', field_2: Date.today} r.post(data) # creates a new object using the fields above. field names must match those in the existing project "{\"count\": 1}" --> indicates the object posted. to update an existing record: data = {record_id: 3, name: 'this is a test to update', field_2: Date.today} r.post(data) # this will update the record with record_id 3. if record_id 3 does not exist it will create an entry with that record id
Distributed as a gem, relies on SimpleForm & HAML, while this is an engine, it is inteded for use with Comfortable Mexican Sofa, and it may work with other Rails apps, but is not tested against them. Why not comfy_contact or something similar? Cause keeping track of ComfyContact::Contact.contact - hurts my head.
A simple contact form for a contact page.
== E9Tags An extension to ActsAsTaggableOn[http://github.com/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on] which "improves" on custom tagging, or at least makes it more dynamic. Additionally it provides some autocomplete rack apps and the corresponding javascript. == Installation 1. E9Tags requires jquery and jquery-ui for the autocompletion and tag-adding form, be sure they're loaded in your pages where the tags form will be rendered. 2. E9Tags extends ActsAsTaggableOn and requires it. Run it's generator if you have not. 3. Run the E9Tags install script to copy over the required JS rails g e9_tags:install 4. Then make sure it is loaded, how you do that doesn't matter, e.g. <%= javascript_include_tag 'e9_tags' %> 5. Create an initializer for that sets up the taggable models and their controllers. This gives the models the tag associations and methods and prepares their controller to handle the otherwise unexpected tag params. require 'e9_tags' require 'contacts_controller' require 'contact' E9Tags.controllers << ContactsController E9Tags.models << Contact OR You can just include the modules in your classes yourself. The first way really exists for the case where the classes you wish to extend are part of another plugin/gem. # in contact.rb include E9Tags:Model # in contacts_controller.rb include E9Tags::Controller 6. Render the tags form partial in whatever model forms require it. = render 'e9_tags/form', :f => f If you pass a context, it will be locked and no longer possible to change/add the contexts on the form (and as a side effect, the tags autocompletion will be restricted to that context). = render 'e9_tags/form', :f => f, :context => :users Finally if you pass a 2nd arg to :context you can set a tag context to be "private" (default is false). In this case the tag context will be locked as private (typically suffixed with *), meaning that the tags will not be publicly searchable/visible. This is useful for organizational tags tags, say if you wanted to arbitrarily group records, or create a custom search based on a tag context. = render 'e9_tags/form', :f => f, :context => [:users, true] NOTE: The form and javascript are intended to work out of the box, but the certainly aren't going to look pretty. If you do intend to use the forms, you'll no doubt need to style them.
This is a ruby implementation of the TokBox API. Tokbox is a free video calling / video mailing platform (see http://www.tokbox.com). All API methods specified in the Tokbox Developer API wiki (http://developers.tokbox.com/index.php/API) are implemented but not all objects yet. So you may have to dig into the hash returned by the call (XML converted to a Ruby hash). For the moment, this gem currently specifically serves our needs for the implementation of video conversations and video mails on iStockCV (www.istockcv.com), an online recruitment network which we are developing. Your needs may vary so feel free to contact me (nj@belighted.com).
$Id: README.txt 204 2010-11-30 02:20:04Z pwilkins $ sm-transcript reads results of SLS processing and produces transcripts for the SpokenMedia browser. For each file in the source folder whose extension matches the source type, a file of destination type is created in the destination folder. All of these parameters have default values. Note: Examples of the commands you enter in the terminal are for *nix. The command prompt in the examples is: felix$ <command line> If you are a Windows user, make the usual adjustments. Requirements: sm-transcript is written in Ruby and packaged as a RubyGem. Since Ruby is not a compiled language, you will need to have Ruby installed on your machine to run sm-transcript. You can determine if Ruby is installed by typing "ruby -v" at a terminal prompt. It should return the version of Ruby that is installed. If Ruby is not installed on your machine, navigate to http://www.ruby-lang.org/ and follow the installation instructions. sm-transcript was developed using Ruby 1.8. Other Ruby versions have not been tested as of this release. Installation: You can get sm-transcript as either a RubyGem or as source from svn. The preferred way to install this package is as a Rubygem. You can download and install the gem with this command: felix$ sudo gem install [--verbose] sm-transcript This command downloads the most recent version of the gem from rubygems.org and makes it active. Previous versions of the gem remain installed, but are deactivated. You must use "sudo" to properly install the gem. If you execute "gem install" (omitting the "sudo") the gem is installed in your home gem repository and it isn't in your path without additional configuration. Note: You need sudo privileges to run the command as written. If you can't sudo, then you can install it locally and will need some additional configuration. Contact me (or your local Ruby wizard) for assistance. The executable is now in your path. You can cleanly uninstall the gem with this command: felix$ sudo gem uninstall sm-transcript If you have access to our svn repository, you are welcome to check out the code. Be warned that the trunk tip is not necessarily stable. It changes frequently as enhancements (and bug fixes) are added. (note that the 'smb_transcript' in the command line below is not a typo.) svn co svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/oeit-tsa/SMB/smb_transcript/trunk sm_transcript build the gem by running this command from the directory you installed the source. This is what it looks like on my machine: felix$ rake gem The gem will be built and put in ./pkg You can now use the gem installation instructions above. Using the App: Run with no command line parameters, the app reads *.wrd files out of ./results and writes *.t1.html files to ./transcripts. These directories are relative to where sm_transcript is called. Note: destination files are overwritten without a warning prompt. If you want to preserve an existing output file, rename it before running the app again. For example, run the app by navigating to the bin folder and enter projects/sm_transcript/bin felix$ sm_transcript This command run from this folder will read *.wrd files from bin/results and write *-t1.html to bin/transcripts. Usage: sm_transcript [options] --srcdir PATH Read files from this folder (Default: ./results) --destdir PATH Write files to this folder (Default: ./transcripts) --srctype wrd | seg | txt | ttml | srt Kind of file to process (Default: wrd) --desttype html | ttml | datajs | json Kind of file to output (Default: html) -h, --help Show this message There is a serious gotch'a in specifying the srctype parameter: it must match the case of the file extension that you're processing. This means that if the srt files that you are processing have the extension .SRT, then you must specify the srctype as "SRT". Pretty lame, I know. I will update the gem with a fix shortly. My apologies until then. Troubleshooting: sm-transcript requires additional gems to operate. The RubyGem installation should install dependencies automatically, but when it doesn't, you get an error that includes ... no such file to load -- builder (LoadError) in the first few lines when you run sm-transcript, the problem is a missing dependent gem. (the error above indicates that the Builder gem is missing.) Try installing the missing gem. For the error above, the command looks like this on my computer: felix$ sudo gem install builder See "Required Gems" below for more information. A warning message such as: "WARNING: Nokogiri was built against LibXML version 2.7.6, but has dynamically loaded 2.7.7"" may be safely ignored. If you continue to have trouble, feel free to contact me. Upgrading: You can easily upgrade by simply executing the same command you used to install the gem. Running install again will add the newer version and make it active. By default the most recent version is used, but older versions are still available, simply inactive. If are using svn, you should already know what to do. Required Gems: builder - create structured data, such as XML extensions - added for the 'require_relative' command. (To get this command in Ruby 1.8 you need to install this gem, for Ruby 1.9 the command is already part of the core.) htmlentities - html parsing json - create JSON structured data nokogiri - xml parsing library optparse - option parsing of command line ostruct - open data structures ppcommand - pp is a pretty printer. It is used only for debugging rake - make for Ruby rubygems - support for gems (shouldn't be needed for Ruby 1.9) shoulda - enhancement for Test::Unit This command installs gems on OSX and Linux: felix$ sudo gem install <gem name> I recommend running the following command to update to latest version of rubygems before loading new gems. felix$ sudo gem update --system Unit Tests: You may run all unit tests by navigating to the test folder and running rake with no parameters (the default rake task runs all tests). On my computer, it looks like this: projects/sm_transcript/test felix$ rake Release Notes: Initial Version - runs under Ruby 1.8.x. version 0.0.4 - fixes bug when processing .WRD files with CRLF line endings. version 0.0.5 - removed due to posting error version 0.0.6 - added srctype of ttml and desttype of json, fixed bug where beginning time of word was actually for previous word. version 0.0.7 - added srt as srctype version 0.0.8 - fixed bug that dropped last phrase from transcripts version 1.0.0 - declared this version 1.0.0 to conform more closely with gem numbering conventions. All tests run successfully. To Do: - specify individual files for processing rather than folders - fix bug in srt processing: can't read Creole srt content. - allow user to modify the "t1" file extension for addition languages of the same transcript. - update code to run under Ruby 1.9
The App Hoshies App Data Cloud is based on REST Webservices. For your convenience client frameworks are provided to interact with your data (iOS/Android/Ruby). At the moment the App Data Cloud is in private beta mode. Please contact support (at) apphoshies (dot) com if you want to try it out. Please visit http://apphoshies.com/service for more information.
FIX (describe your package)
Creates a contact sheet, a preview, of a video, usable as library or as a script. Based on VCS *NIX. Creating Thumbnails with libav, ffmpeg or mplayer and compose it with ImageMagick into nice looking sheets.
Easily add a contact page with working form to your Rails app.
ExpressPigeon Ruby API for sending transactional messages, manipulating lists, contacts and more
vCard and iCalendar support, the standard for exchange and storage of contact information and calendars
Find contacts from multiple providers
Unidom (UNIfied Domain Object Model) is a series of domain model engines. The Contact domain model engine includes Contact Subscription and Email Address models. Unidom (统一领域对象模型)是一系列的领域模型引擎。联系方式领域模型引擎包括联系方式订阅和电子邮箱地址的模型。
The contactlist-client gem is a ruby client to contactlist service which retrieves contact list of email(hotmail, gmail, yahoo, sohu, sina, 163, 126, tom, yeah, 189 and 139) and im(msn)
A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Outlook, Address Book, Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.
Ruby library for consuming Google, Yahoo!, Flickr and Windows Live contact APIs
Short description for contacted gem
A universal interface to grab contact list information from Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, Plaxo, GMX.net, Web.de, inbox.lt, seznam.cz, t-online.de.
Provides a stupidly simple contact form with bootstrap class theming for rails
remove useless iconv