Gas Turbine engine and its components math models written in ruby
Simple Ruby gRPC microservice that does math.
Standard rails extentions I find quite handy time to time
CLI client for
Fast Ruby financial math operations, using native code
Enjoy MATH!
scbi_math is a ruby gem based on narray to do some additional statistics,
Mathematical expression parser and executor
kramdown-math-itex2mml uses itex2mml to convert math elements to MathML
Math functions, like log, sum etc
Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. It is a direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks.
Arbitrary precision mathematics with application to real and complex linear algebra, graphical representation of functions, and 2D Kepler motion
Simple math extension that performs f(x)==0 equation numerical root calculation. Takes a block as an equation and tries to call it the least amount of times.
Mathmatical expression calculator
Provides users with methods for performing common math functions on arrays.
Peas defines constants from music theory and allows one to perform math with them. Currently supports pitches (as MIDI values), pitch classes, and intervals using semitones, wholetones, chromatic, latin or diatonic abbreviations.
Geomerative art using the ruby Matrix class to generate circumcircles around triangles, created from moving points
This gem allows perform mathematical operations in the field.
Kramdown based markdown to HTML tool with math rendering
This is a proof-of-concept experiment inspired by Sage
Enjoy MATH!
Adds Math::TAU as the radius-based circle constant, equal to 2 * Math::PI. See
This Jekyll plugin is heavily inspired by Gerby, the tool used to build the Stacks Project and Kerodon. It allows you to build math textbooks as static websites which require no complex infrastructure to run.
kramdown-math-mathjaxnode uses mathjax-node to convert math elements to MathML
External DSL to express math operations like you do in MSExcel formula bar. The parser generate a AST (Hash) for a given expression.
Implement CMath with C.
Physical quantity and units of measure conversion and math library
charcoal grids are fluid on the inside, ready to respond at any moment, but contained in the candy shell of your choice, so they respond how and when and where you want them to. We don't design your site or dictate your markup, we just do the math and get out of your way.
This library provides a flient API to write math expressions that can be manipulated and solved programmatically.
A personnal library to check my math homeworks
Spherical Mercator provides projection math for converting between mercatormeters, screen pixels (of 256x256 or configurable-size tiles), and latitude/longitude
A CLI gem that does a cool math trick
Extmath is a library that extends Ruby's built-in math library. This gem reflects the current version (2.3.0) of the extmath library originally written by Josef Schugt.
cpp_engine is an build system for C++ projects, It works like Make but much better. Compring to Rake, cpp_engine is more targeted at building C++ project I just started developing this system. Since I am a student in NYU, the effort I can put on this project is limited. if you are interested in it, please send me email:) To use this system, you need to create a file named "enginespec" in your working dir. An example of enginespec is as follows: compile(["*.cpp"]){|config| config.flags=["-O3", "-msse2", "-msse3", "-mfpmath=sse"] config.header_dirs=["include1","include2"] config.lib_dirs=["libdir1","libdir2"] config.libs=["math","openGL"] config.product="xxx" } After this file is created, you can simply run cppengine to build your project
Simple utility for parsing durations from strings and comparing them. Basic math is also supported.
Provides some basic statistical functions for a given data set.
Adds a few methods to the Time class, more significant: strtotime which returns a Time object based on a string. also methods add and substract that allow you to do some easy date math (doesn't take leap months/years into account) also tomorrow and yesterday methods witch are like +- 1 day =~ to see if two Time objects are "close enough"
Math functions
Methodes mathematique permettant de simplifier le calcul des cubes, carres, logs....
A library of missing math functions.
This gem contains four modular Sinatra applications: Pi, Euler, Sqrt2, Phi (golden ratio). These applications can be used to play with: * experiment with new and existing Rack Middleware * combine modular Sinatra app with Rack::Builder * embed one Rack application into another Rack application
ruby-libtommath is a ruby extension encapsulating the LibTomMath multi-precision integer library ( It has been written to be an almost complete drop in replacement for ruby's Bignum.
A client to connect to the PocketMath advertising API.
Marks math problems
Just when you thought you could ruin someones day by requiring mathn. Try mathf and put the surprise back into math
Provides various overloads, classes and methods to allow for more complex mathematics
Using this package, you can do powerful pattern recognition easily from your shell command line using a simple suite of tools. Applications include music cateogrization, text classification, handwritten digit recognition, and evolutionary tree reconstruction. The technique is based on a very general theoretical notion of Kolmogorov Complexity, and so is undoubtedly applicable to many as yet unknown disciplines. See the webpage for research papers explaining the math behind these techniques.
Cinch Plugin that passes simple numeric math propblems to the Calc gem
A thin jruby wrapper for commons-math (mainly just a way to load the jars in a structured way for now)
random math questions generator