kramdown-math-ritex uses ritex to convert math elements to MathML
The alpha-math is a Ruby gem which allows you to solve some problems related to the numbers.
This gem will help you to test math exercises from Abramov book
AsciiMath plugin for Jekyll
A converter for Jekyll to turn math into images.
A math helper gem that can find the nth root of a number.
Tempura is a library for temperature math and conversion. Currently supported scales are Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin, Delisle, Newton, Rankine, Réaumer, and Rømer.
Defines UTF-8 symbols for common math concepts
Round time using logic and not complex math.
Ruby bindings for calc, an arbitrary precision maths library. ruby-calc provides access to a the large number of mathematical functions that come with calc.
== DESCRIPTION: Stops spam with a math test == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: stops spam by adding a simple math questions to a form
Permite la creación y uso de matrices densas y dispersas.
Omega is a powerful set of extensions to the basic ruby standard. Things like efficient memoization, meta-helpers, easy class tree traversal and advanced math are included.
Need to preprocess CMYK colors with Sass? The sass-cmyk plugin lets you construct CMYK color objects with cmyk(), adds support for performing math operations (+, *, /) on CMYK colors, and provides functions for mixing and scaling color components. sass-cmyk outputs CMYK color values using cmyk() function syntax supported by AntennaHouse and PrinceXML PDF formatters, making it a great fit for doing print typesetting with CSS.
This library handles unit conversions and unit math
You can do color math now!
Basic math and operations on 2D Vectors. Ported and expanded upon Daniel Shiffman's Vector2D/PVector class for Processing (
A simple ruby gem to generate different types of math series like Odd, Even, Fibonacci series
A simple HMTime object for representing and performing simple math on hours and minutes. HHH:MM
Marks math problems
Handles doing math with unknown values so you can avoid doing nil checks on formulas
Wrapper around Math module; Has additional methods.
Upgrade Ruby to 21st century math
Extension of the standard mathematical package(Math)
safemath - safe math operations (with overflow 'n' underflow protection) on signed and unsigned integer types (U8, U16, U32, U64, U256, I8, I16, I32, I64, I256)
Wector does what we all wish the built-in Vector class did; it makes vector math easy by allowing any method of the Numeric interface to be used to combine two arrays or an array and a number.
Simple gem for some math tasks.
This gem makes math fun!
Shows possible solutions to any problems in the 24 math game
Another ruby units library for doing dimensional math, this one to be used with rails, preferrably commerce-related apps
Clases que permiten trabajar con matrices densas y dispersas
Some extra math ops to the standard library which include prime number operations and the least common multiple of an array of numbers. See the Documentation link below for further details.
This gem has methods that take 2 numbers and make math operations (sum, sub, mul, div)
Evalute a basic arithmetic expression using postfix parsing approach.
Marks math problems
Gets the distance between two points through two functions (math and 3rd API)
Will provide a set of methods for the arrays to do statistics math.
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
This gem can fingerprint from small to large pieces of wav audio and run a math to compare them (this is very handy to compare audio notes)
IQ, Math Captcha
custom555, will provide some of the useful math functionalities like add, substract, multiply, division etc.
This gem will help you solve some math task.
Converts LaTeX math into MathML.
== Maths Units Conveniently convert degrees and gradians to radians, for use in the trig functions in the `Math` module. See the documentation at <>.
Math calculator evalutaes expressions containg terms supported bt the Ruby's Math module.
Convert numbers e.g. between 0.0 - 1.0 and 0.0 - Math::PI and vice-versa.
SassScript extension to bring the math behind Photoshop's powerful soft-light gradient blending mode to Sass, which eliminates the need for making soft-light gradient backgrounds manually.
To expand ruby math operations this gem call to others such as Numo:narray and others and implements methods onto them to deal with our needs
MathML parsing library based on the math_ml gem with modification.
Simple tests for math taks.