Listen for web hooks in your app without creating a web service.
Ruby Websocket Game Server
A multi-threaded WebSocket client, i.e. without event machine
Lets you make a websocket rack application using Celluloid.
It provides a bridge between WebSocket and IO
Websocket VCR add-on
Socky is a WebSocket-based framework for realtime web applications.
A druby protocol of WebSocket.
Command line tool for testing WebSocket servers using scenarios.
slack-rtmapi is dumb: no EventMachine, no Celluloid, no Actor design pattern, no thread pool (thought, any of those would be trivial to add). It's a simple blocking loop on top of a SSL socket with a websocket decoder. Minimal dependency. Works out of the box. Hackable. Composable. Oh, by the way, it implements very well the Slack API.
A WebSockets abstraction for the Padrino Ruby Web Framework to manage channels, users and events regardless of the underlying WebSockets implementation.
Rev-WebSocket is a WebSocket server implementation based on Rev, a high performance event-driven I/O library for Ruby. This library conforms to WebSocket draft-75 and draft-76.
Stdin to your browser by WebSocket
The SimplePubSub gem is a messaging broker which uses Eventmachine + websockets.
EventMachine WebSocket client
This is a simple Ruby-based policy server to serve Flash's crossdomain.xml policy file. The web is increasingly realtime, but websockets still aren't supported on older browser clients. Many server push libraries (e.g. attempt to use websockets, with a Flash fallback. Others (amqp.js, for instance) are Flash only. When using Flash sockets, it's necessary to have a policy server running on port 843, in order to set cross domain policy. This library does the job.
websocket-driver implementation built over nio4r
Live HTML tags updated via a WebSocket.
The WebSocket framework implement inspired by ActionCable
CelluloidPubsub is a simple ruby implementation of publish subscribe design patterns using celluloid actors and websockets, using Reel server for inter-process communication
A lightweight proxy, for using websockets with unmodified TCP servers.
A pusher to serve your notifications through WebSockets wit ActionCable.
Sinatra WebSocketIO client for eventmachine
An implementation of an evented websocket system for rails.
A WebRTC signaling server implemented with WebSockets, EventMachine and Redis Pub-Sub
LeapMotion WebSocket wrapper for Ruby
A Ruby implementation of the WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) WebSocket subprotocol
SockJS is a WebSocket emulation library. It means that you use the WebSocket API, only instead of WebSocket class you instantiate SockJS class. In absence of WebSocket, some of the fallback transports will be used. This code is compatible with SockJS protocol 0.3.4.
A simple, fun, evented WebSocket client for your ruby projects
Socky is a WebSocket server and client for Ruby
Rack-based WebSocket server for Noodles Web Framework. Fork from
Rhet Butler is a presentation assistant. Build a slide deck in simple YAML, design it in CSS, run the presentation with your smartphone over Websockets.
Orderbook uses the Coinbase Exchange Websocket stream to maintain a real-time copy of the order book. Use it in your BTC trading bot.
A plugin for Cramp that enables websockets using the protocol
Pipe data from a Ruby IO stream to a Websocket server, broadcasting to all clients.
CapistranoSentinel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to emit websocket events before a task is invoked by Capistrano.
Accepts orders via http, returns payment info via http or streams updates via websockets, stores orders in a DB
CapistranoMulticonfigParallel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to run multiple tasks in parallel for single or multiple applications and uses websockets for inter-process communication and has a interactive menu
This is a fast web socket server built on awesome EventMachine with em-websockets help. It provides easy to use, event-oriented middleware for your web-socket powered applications.
A ruby web shell that has autocompletion and readline behavior. It uses websockets, repl.js, readline.js and ripl for the shell engine.
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipeline using $LS_HOME/bin/logstash-plugin install gemname. This gem is not a stand-alone program
This plugin adds some partials to deal with DataWedge WebSocket.
This is a Ruby client wrapper for the Datasift API. Right now, it just handles data, streams and comments. There's also a class to handle receiving data from Datasift using their websockets implementation.
Websocket uploader with progressbar.
Ruby interface to the Leap Motion Controller (via WebSocket)
A websocket client built on top of Net::HTTP.
WebsocketRails integration for Capistrano
A gem to enable seamless websocket integration with rails.
Breakout routes messages among web browsers and workers using WebSockets.
A dRuby implementation for Opal which is using WebSocket as Protocol.