Guard::WebsocketRails allows you to automatically start and stop your websocket-rails standalone server.
This is NEM's WebSocket client.t will be able to handle NEM's WebSocket API without knowledge of WebSocket or STOMP.
Communicate through WebSocket with same interface as TCPSocket.
a rails controller class make you can write web-socket code
Uses the Coinbase Pro (formerly GDAX, formerly Coinbase Exchange) Exchange Websocket stream to maintain a real-time copy of the order book, place and track orders, and calculate historic rates by the minute in real-time.
Integration of MaterialRaingular and Websocket-Rails.
Gem for add realtime functionality for ruby on rails apps, it use em-websocket gem sor use websockets and channels
Simple, upgradable WebSockets for Thin.
An EventMachine based WebSocket server.
A fast HTTP / Websocket Server with built-in Pub/Sub support (with or without Redis), static file support and many other features, optimized for Ruby MRI on Linux / BSD / macOS / Windows
Simple gem to help with serializing channel returns
A Ruby wrapper around OBS Websocket v5
Twitch chat client gem using websockets and twitch irc
A bridge between Ruby and HTML5 canvas using Websocket
WebSocket server supporting the WAMP subprotocol
Bifrost is a crystal websocket server, this is a client library to simplify broadcasting messages to it.
DrunkMonkey is a rack middleware providing realtime two-way http communication with API for Portal, a javascript messaging library. It provides just two protocols currently; websocket and longpoll comet. You can write code once for each protocols.
Tuppari is an experimental implementation of unbreakable message broadcasting system using WebSocket and Amazon Web Services by @hakobera.
Proxy SSH connection through Websocket (nginx)
Sinatra can be aynchronous and provide WebSockets using Thin and Skinny.
Controls OBS Studio remotely using obs-websocket protocol
A simple implementation of a Websocket client.
rails_assistant gem connects via a websocket to your Rails Assistant project, currently this allows Rails Assistant to reload the site, in future we'll use it to facilitate communication. This gem will not affect your production environment, or your development environment outside of Rails Assistant.
Framework for em-websocket that uses actions and triggers for real-time communication with your app.
Multicast upstream data to websocket clients
Ruby client for consuming WebSockets from
Implements Kucoin 2.0 API and Websocket
Interacts with the web browser via websockets using a SimplePubSub broker. Note: Tested using Firefox.
Simple pusher based on websocket
Happybara is an integration testing platform providing a webserver in Ruby that accepts connections over a websocket where test clients can dispatch RPCs to Ruby from a different language like JavaScript.
Web chat system using Celluloid+Reel+Websockets
Fluent plugin that uses em-websocket as input. Don't have tests yet, but it works for me. For more info visit homepage
Transmits notifications in Rails to a websocket. Born as a supporting gem for "Rails panel" extension in Chrome.
This gem library allows you to access a WebSocket server in a sequential way instead of an event-driven way.
a generator for a sinatra websockets app
WebSocket client without EventMachine
Ruby gem to access the wisebed API via REST and websockets
Gem to listen updates via websocket
Seamless Ruby on Rails websocket integration. Forked from websocket-rails by wonderweblabs.
It works as a WebSocket client by simply implementing a block that handles messages.
kitten is an evented webserver written in ruby for exposing application logic, models and assets in ruby web apps over websockets
A simple ruby client for Node.js's Socket.IO v1.1.x, Supports only WebSocket.
Very small and simple gem that makes using websockets really easy.
A general purpose popup notifier sender/receiver using WebSockets (via Pusher)
Execute Javascript in the browser from the server using WebSockets
Eliminates performance degradation of Movitto/rjr websocket json-rpc client under heavy load
Generate a skeleton of WebSocket application with Ruby(Sinatra)
Eventmachine-based library for building real-time ruby applications using the Mt.Gox websocket API
Easy server on websockets.