A super simple library to read or create (Swagger)[http://swagger.io/] API documents. This is the engine used in other gems to translate API definitions (grape, rails) into Swagger definitions.
GEM providing helper scripts to manage i18n translations in Google Docs. Features: check YAML files for missing translations; export YAML files to CSV; download translations from multiple Google spreadsheets and store to YAML files
It just occurred to me that if we are encoding our HTML pages in UTF-8 to handle multiple languages and using web fonts with multilanguage support, shouldn't we be able to directly insert the simple apostrophe, ellipsis, and em-dash? RubyPants-Unicode is a Ruby port of the smart-quotes library SmartyPants that outputs unicode characters (UTF-8) instead of HTML entities. The original "SmartyPants" is a free web publishing plug-in for Movable Type, Blosxom, and BBEdit that easily translates plain ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities.
Translations for paperclip rubygem.
Tasks for extracting missing and unused translations from Rails projects
Phrase Strings is a translation management platform for software projects.
Includes ActionController helpers implementing unlocalized routes redirection + a rack_rewrite redirecting /en to /en/ for SEO + the rails-translate-routes gem to be used in target apps
Adds the humanize method for true and false to provide 'Yes' and 'No' respectively. humanize supports i18n translations too so it can be used in internationalized rails apps.
The internationalizer. Replaces plain text strings in your views and replaces them with I18n message strings so you only have to provide the translations.
== DBT (Dependencies and deBugging Tool) DBT is a tool that helps declare dependencies (+app.files_dependencies+) and assists with debugging in a RubyMotion project. It looks for 'break', 'requires', and 'provides' commands (it does a *teensy* bit of code analyzing to provide some defaults) to make your RubyMotion +Rakefile+ and +debugger_cmds+ files short and consistent. To use, include this gem, and add +DBT.analyze(app)+ to your +Rakefile+ in the <tt>Motion::Project::App.setup</tt> block. In your source code you can add DBT commands and those will be translated into directives for +app.files_dependencies+ and +debugger_cmds+. Run +rake+ or <tt>rake debug=1</tt>, and off you go!
The NCBO Annotator Gem is a Ruby client for NCBO's Annotator Web service. The NCBO Annotator (formerly referred to as the Open Biomedical Annotator (OBA)) is an ontology-based Web service that annotates public datasets with biomedical ontology concepts based on their textual metadata. The biomedical community can use the annotator service to tag their data automatically with ontology concepts. These concepts come from the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Metathesaurus and the National Center for Biomedical Ontology (NCBO) BioPortal ontologies. Such annotations facilitate translational discoveries by integrating annotated data.
Library for translating Mongoid documents, based on Globalize3 principles
The LWES Light-Weight Event System is a framework for allowing the exchange of information from many machines to many machines in a controlled, platform neutral, language neutral way. The exchange of information is done in a connectless fashion using multicast or unicast UDP, and using self describing data so that any platform or language can translate it to it's local dialect.
R18n is a i18n tool to translate your Ruby application. It has nice Ruby-style syntax, filters, flexible locales, custom loaders, translation support for any classes, time and number localization, several user language support, agnostic core package with out-of-box support for Rails, Sinatra and desktop applications.
Translate HTML sources to markup texts for slack
Internationalization development tool to help identify missing translations
A Sinatra extension that provides i18n support to translate your web application. It is just a wrapper for R18n core library. It has nice Ruby-style syntax, filters, flexible locales, custom loaders, translation support for any classes, time and number localization, several user language support, agnostic core package with out-of-box support for Rails, Sinatra and desktop applications.
I18nViz will help everyone to figure out where which i18n key is being used by adding a little overlay which can even link to any existing translation platform.
Termit is an easy way to translate stuff and use speech synthesis in your terminal.
PEG parser to vefiry and translate into different formats for JUNOS configuration.
Finds all the missing i18n translations in your Rails project
Automatic detecting missing I18n translations tool.
Ruby library for Microsoft Translate HTTP API
A ruby translation of the Kicksend mailcheck javascript library (https://github.com/Kicksend/mailcheck) which suggests a right domain when your users misspell it in an email address.
Define methods for accessing translated attributes
A i18n tool to translate your desktop application in several languages. It is just a wrapper for R18n core library. It has nice Ruby-style syntax, filters, flexible locales, custom loaders, translation support for any classes, time and number localization, several user language support, agnostic core package with out-of-box support for Rails, Sinatra and desktop applications.
Translates the Rails routes of your application into the languages defined in your locale files
This gem allows to exchange translation files between your Rails app and Lokalise TMS.
A set of I18n extensions that use OneSky. At its most basic, this allows you to easily submit translation requests to the OneSky service and download available translations as Simple backend YAML files.
A tiny gem that makes using Google Translate v2 API trivial
Use Globalize to manage Carrierwave translated fields
Pure model translations
This package brings you useful utility and library which can help you to handle locale files and translations in your Ruby projects. It is build upon i18n library and extends it's simple format so you can simply track field changes or keep translator's notes. Conversion back to simple format is possible and as simple as call 'i18n-translate strip'. Offers also built-in simple console editor. Supported formats are YAML, Ruby, Gettext po, QT Linguist TS and Java Properties. Read README.md file and run i18n-translate without parameters for more information.
Helps to update the translations of your app using the OneSky service.
Provides I18n integration and translations for Rodauth authentication framework.
Model translations for Rails 3 backed by PostgreSQL and Hstore
Used for exporting locale yaml files to CSV format. CSV files are then being imported into Excel, edited by translators, then imported back to yaml.
Synchronizes the different locales represeinted in yaml for I18n
A rails engine adding an interface for translating and writing translation files. Works with rails 3 and 4.
make translating with rails i18n fun again
Handles globalize translations in ActiveAdmin 0.6.3 and Rails 3.2.x
Validates translated attributes accessed with globalized accessors
--- DEPRECATED: The new Gengo Ruby Gem can be found here: https://rubygems.org/gems/gengo) --- Gengo is a service that offers various translation APIs, both machine and high quality human-sourced. The Gengo gem lets you interface with the Gengo REST API (http://gengo.com/services/api/dev-docs/).
Spree Extension that adds an intuitive way to translate product details in the backend
I18n backend, based on redis, with frontend panel for translations
Description of TranslationEngine.
This gem will translate an IATA into an airport name, location, city and country information. Wikipedia has provided the list of the airports
A simple utility to push/pull l10n resources of an Xcode project to/from the translators
Spree Extension that adds translations to products
Add a pirate translation layer to your Rails app! Talk, like a Pirate!