selectable_attr generates extra methods dynamically for attribute which has options
convert your csv data and html tables to excel data
Oedipus Lex is a lexer generator in the same family as Rexical and Rex. Oedipus Lex is my independent lexer fork of Rexical. Rexical was in turn a fork of Rex. We've been unable to contact the author of rex in order to take it over, fix it up, extend it, and relicense it to MIT. So, Oedipus was written clean-room in order to bypass licensing constraints (and because bootstrapping is fun). Oedipus brings a lot of extras to the table and at this point is only historically related to rexical. The syntax has changed enough that any rexical lexer will have to be tweaked to work inside of oedipus. At the very least, you need to add slashes to all your regexps. Oedipus, like rexical, is based primarily on generating code much like you would a hand-written lexer. It is _not_ a table or hash driven lexer. It uses StrScanner within a multi-level case statement. As such, Oedipus matches on the _first_ match, not the longest (like lex and its ilk). This documentation is not meant to bypass any prerequisite knowledge on lexing or parsing. If you'd like to study the subject in further detail, please try [TIN321] or the [LLVM Tutorial] or some other good resource for CS learning. Books... books are good. I like books.
GSMEncoder encodes and decodes Ruby Strings to and from the SMS default alphabet. It also supports the default extension table. The default alphabet and it's extension table is defined in GSM 03.38
Provides an easy to use and understand event model. If you want a simple, light-weight way to add events to your classes this is the solution for you.
Migrate large tables without downtime by copying to a temporary table in chunks. The old table is not dropped. Instead, it is moved to timestamp_table_name for verification.
n-dimensional table interpolation
Using the Area 120 Tables API, you can query for tables, and update/create/delete rows within tables programmatically. Note that google-area120-tables-v1alpha1 is a version-specific client library. For most uses, we recommend installing the main client library google-area120-tables instead. See the readme for more details.
Stores draft versions of your ActiveRecord models' data in a single table or split up into separate tables. Works with Ruby on Rails and Sinatra.
Workbook contains workbooks, as in a table, contains rows, contains cells, reads/writes excel, ods and csv and tab separated files, and offers basic diffing and sorting capabilities.
Allows developers to define tables with specifically-sized columns, which can then have entries printed to them that are automatically formatted, truncated, and padded to fit in the console window.
Selects records from a table.
Sort HTML table columns in Rails 4 applications.
ActiveRecord plugin designed to allow simple multiple table inheritance.
Simulate multi-table inheritance for activerecord models using a polymorphic association
A command line interface for generating Markdown table of contents.
QueryBuilder is an interpreter for the "pseudo sql" language. This language can be used for two purposes: 1. protect your database from illegal SQL by securing queries 2. ease writing complex relational queries by abstracting table internals
The html-table library provides an interface for generating HTML tables in a syntax comfortable to Ruby programmers, but with some enforcement of where certain elements can be placed.
Devise Traceable For Traceing Devise Models Logins and Logouts in separate model table
Inserts or updates records to a table.
Move ActiveRecord records across tables like it ain't no thang
Rails builder for creating tables and calendars inspired by ActionView's FormBuilder.
The base engine for the muck system. Contains common tables, custom for, css and javascript.
Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. It is a direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks.
Aurita::GUI provides an intuitive and flexible API for object-oriented creation of primitive and complex HTML elements, such as tables and forms. It is a core module of the Aurita application framework, but it can be used as stand-alone library in any context (such as rails). As there seems to be a lack of ruby form generators, i decided to release this part of Aurita in a single gem with no dependencies on aurita itself.
Jekyll::Paginate::Content splits pages and posts (and other collections/content) into multiple parts/URLs automatically via h1-h6 headers, or manually by inserting something like <!--page--> where you want page breaks. Features: Automatic content splitting into several pages, single-page view, configurable permalinks, page trail/pager, SEO support, self-adjusting internal links, multipage-aware Table Of Contents.
A tight DSL to build tables of ActiveRecord or Mongoid models with sorting, pagination, finding/filtering, selecting and batch actions. Tries to do for tables what formtastic and simple_form did for forms.
You can think of Neo4j as a high-performance graph engine with all the features of a mature and robust database. The programmer works with an object-oriented, flexible network structure rather than with strict and static tables yet enjoys all the benefits of a fully transactional, enterprise-strength database. It comes included with the Apache Lucene document database.
ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table
Selects records from a table.
CITIER (Class Inheritance & Table Inheritance Embeddings for Rails) is a solution for single and multiple class table inheritance. For full information: For the original version by ALTRABio see
Selects records from a table.
Flounder is the missing piece between the database and your Ruby code. It allows very simple access to database tables without going all the way to begin an object mapper.
Automatically userstamps create and update operations if the table has created_by and/or updated_by columns
Simple data preparation from Mongoid to the jQuery DataTables plugin
Quickly get a count estimation for large tables.
Rake task to dump ActiveRecord tables into yaml fixtures
Inserts or updates records to a table.
Moderated fields or whole model instances are serialized and saved into a separate moderations table. The moderation can then be accepted and the changes will be applied to the model. This way, lookups for existing, accepted fields or entries will be much faster than if using something like Papertrail, since the changes that have not yet been accepted are stored outside of the model table - in the moderations table.
Keep your code DRY by inferring column validations from table properties! Automagically validate presence, length, numericality, inclusion and uniqueness of ActiveRecord backed columns.
Audit model events like update/create/delete + attribute changes + group them by transaction, in normalized table layout for easy query access.
simple, flexible and fast html table generator
Functions and tools for tranforming and changing tab delimited and comma separated table files - useful for Excel sheets and SQL/RDF output
A useless gem prepending (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to exception messages
This plugin makes it possible to define has_many :through relationships that go through other has_many :through relationships, possibly through an arbitrarily deep hierarchy. This allows associations across any number of tables to be constructed, without having to resort to find_by_sql (which isn't a suitable solution if you need to do eager loading through :include as well).
Rails tables builder gem that makes creating tables painless. Includes ability to write custom column formatters or even customize row completely. Includes library of predefined column formatters. Also has ability to generate "totals" row.
Automatic Foreign Key automatically generates foreign-key constraints when creating tables or adding columns. It uses SQL-92 syntax and as such should be compatible with most databases that support foreign-key constraints.
Format cli output in different ways: tab, table, csv, json, etc