Bundler Gem Helpers for Gemfury
A Bundler for your Chef Cookbooks that does not depends on chef.
Gem skeleton builder using bundler and rspec
help user to manager their openframeworks addons
Migration Bundler is a complete database schema management system providing migrations, dump/load, and packaging of schema artifacts.
A bundler plugin that starts a console session with your gem dependencies.
Don't update *all* of your gems at once.
Uses Bundler's "outdated" function and some ranking of your gems to generate a score for how significantly you're behind on updating gems.
Caplets modernizes your capistrano deployments. At its most basic, it provides a fast, efficient git-based deployment without copying release trees or symlink tomfoolery. In addition, it includes modules for common tasks such as writing config files and crontabs, working with bundler, and using a networked filesystem.
# Sambot Sambot is our internal Platform Engineering toolchain to help standardize and simplify our DevOps workflow. It provides an executable with a variety of commands, grouped in various areas of functionality such as session management, DNS changes and cookbook management. ## Usage To install the gem, simply run `chef gem install sambot`. This will install the gem in your ChefDK installation. If you want to use it outside Chef, run `gem install sambot`. Run `chef exec sambot` to be shown the help menu. For help on specific commands, i.e. cookbook management and specific cookbook management commands, run `chef exec sambot help cookbook` or `chef exec sambot cookbook help generate` for example. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.exacttarget.com/ads-devops/sambot. ### Installation Make sure you have `ruby >= 2.4.0` installed. Install `bundler >= 1.15.1` by running `gem install bundler` Run `bundle install` from the root of the project to install the required Ruby gems. ### Running Sambot If you want to test your changes locally, you can run `bundle exec bin/sambot`. ### Running Tests Run `bundle exec rspec spec` to execute the unit tests. Run `cd integration_tests && bundle exec rspec .` to execute the integration tests. These require that you have Docker Compose available. ### Linting There is nothing here yet
bundler_audit_notifier is a ruby gem that will automatically scan source code for ruby gem vulnerabilities and then email you a list of the vulnerabilities
shell scripts packaged as rubygems, activated with bundler
Add rake task for generating ctags from bundler
Explains the presence of a dependency.
Capistrano recipes to support RVM installations with bundler
A hack for using shorthand like `:github => 'ambethia/recaptcha'` instead of a full git repository URI in your Gemfiles
commont gemfile
Here combined talks functionalities for bundler
Creating a gem using bundler.
Automates most of the gem update process for Rails applications managed with bundler. By producing updating them, running the tests and then commiting them.
A Gem for creating and managing bonnie bundles
Write a gem description
Use bundler to get your .NET assembly dependencies.
The smarter_bundle retries installing gems, and if that fails it tries installing an earlier version by adjusting the Gemfile
Very Basic Asset Bundler for Capistrano 3.x
A collection of capistrano plugins and recipes. Recipes include passenger, pre installing gems like bundler, installing gems (i.e. rake gems:install), symlinking config files, updating crontab, and more ...
drop in replacement for bundler
# Fancy Logger An easily customizable logger with style. ## Install ### Bundler: `gem 'fancy_logger'` ### RubyGems: `gem install fancy_logger` ## Usage Simply use as if you were using the normal Ruby `Logger` class: ```ruby require 'fancy_logger' logger = FancyLogger.new(STDOUT) logger.info "Hello" ``` ### Config The `config` instance method allows you to modify the configuration of the Logger within a DSL. Continuing with our last example: ```ruby logger.config do timestamp_format "%c" styles do info do foreground :yellow blink true end end end logger.debug 'Look here!' logger.info 'Doing things...' logger.warn 'Watch out!' logger.error 'Bad' logger.fatal 'VERY bad' logger.unknown 'Weird unknown stuff' ``` #### Output ![][output_example] ### Config ```ruby # The format of the timestamp in the log. Follows the strftime standards. timestamp_format "%F %r" # On the first logged message, FancyLogger will prepend a help message # containing a list of all the severities (debug, info, warn, etc) styled # according to your config as reference. # You can disable this by setting the below option to false. show_help_message true # Under styles, you have a configuration for each severity. # Each severity has a configuration with the following valid options: # Key: foreground # Value: # :default, :black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :white # # Key: background # Value: # :default, :black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :white # # Key: reset # Value: true or false # # Key: bright # Value: true or false # # Key: italic # Value: true or false # # Key: underline # Value: true or false # # Key: # blink # Value: true or false # # Key: inverse # Value: true or false # # Key: hide # Value: true or false styles do debug do foreground :black background :cyan end info do foreground :default background :default end warn do foreground :yellow background :default blink true end error do foreground :red background :default end fatal do foreground :black background :red bold true underline true end unknown do foreground :black background :white underline true end end ``` ## Contributing * Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet * Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it * Fork the project * Start or switch to a testing/unstable/feature/bugfix branch * Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution * Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, VERSION or gemspec. ## Copyright Copyright © 2012 Ryan Scott Lewis <ryan@rynet.us>. The MIT License (MIT) - See LICENSE for further details. [output_example]: http://oi44.tinypic.com/sfwlkp.jpg
Use Bundler's rake tasks to release to your geminabox server.
Bundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many machines, systematically and repeatably
The best way to cache your gems
Adapted from asset bundling functionality in ActionPack.
Painless code dependency management. Think Bundler, but for managing file load ordering dependencies.
A Rails Engine that allows you to put assets in app/assets and use a Rails template engine to render them. This version is compatible with Rails 3.0
vagrant-bundler is a vagrant plugin to make it possible to interact with the guest's bundled gems directory from the host.
Creates widget for iBook using html, javascript, stylesheet and images files
Engage is a CLI for rapid bootstrap for your ruby apps using Git, RVM and Bundler.
tvdinner: tvd-bundler
An improved version of bundler-audit provides patch-level verification for Bundled apps
Generate ctags for bundler projects
A simple CMD module bundler
This plugin checks a list of requirements against the installed plugins.
Bundles gems into jars.
bundler patch to support private gem server (pgs)
cartage-bundler is a plug-in for {cartage}[https://github.com/KineticCafe/cartage] that uses Ruby {Bundler}[http://bundler.io] to install application dependencies into the <tt>vendor/bundle</tt> path to allow for clean deployments in environments with strict access control rules and without requiring development tools on production servers. Cartage provides a repeatable means to create a package for a server-side application that can be used in deployment with a configuration tool like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, or Salt.
rubygem utililty: bundler and git wrapper
A package manager that leverages the power of RubyGems to package OpenSCAD libraries.
Bundler plugin for showing diffs of bundled gems against latest versions
Integrate bower and bundler, by making bower aware of gem bundles.
Just wrapper which simplify debugging with ruby-debug over Bundler + RVM with different Ruby versions