Generates a list of dependencies in package.json, with name, version and a link to the source code of the specific version on the NPM registry.
Simulates setting up a Treasure Hunt (scavenger hunt) in the form of a linked list.
This is a simple stack implementation for ruby it has array, singly and doubly linked list implementation
Provides a circular linked list data structure for Ruby with the most common methods
This CocoaPods plugin linking functionality allows to easily test their pods. This plugin adds the following commands to the CocoaPods command line: * pod link <name> * pod unlink <name> * pod list links
An iterable doubly linked list which can be used as a stack, queue or array list
Standardize linking from a resource list to edit and show pages
Marks in an email HTMl-links and creates a list of all links at the bottom of the mail-text. Best used with the Mutt MUA
A Scraping data gem for displaying current NYC events from Its first call shows the user the last 20 events from the page. The events are displaying in an ordered list from 1 to 20. Typing "more" will present the past 20 from the current events list. The events can be selected by their numbers, which when entered, it displays info about them, including their summary, dates, hours and locations, as well as a link for more information and tickets purchase sub-links.
Adds the linked list structure to Ruby as a proper `Enumerable` class, like `Set` or `Array`. Has a similar set of methods to `Array` and `Set`.
# Otto AsciiDoc static site generator. # Quickstart **Install Otto** ``` sh gem install ottogen ``` **Initialize a new site** ``` sh mkdir mysite && cd mysite otto init ``` **Build the site** ``` sh otto build ``` **Serve the site** ``` sh otto serve ``` **View the site** ``` sh open ``` # AsciiDoc Crash Course TODO **Paragraphs** **Text formatting** **Links** **Document header** **Section titles** **Automatic TOC** **Includes** **Lists** **Images** **Audio** **Videos** **Keyboard, button, and menu macros** **Literals and source code** **Admonitions** **More delimited blocks** **Tables** **IDs, roles, and options**
The Tripletex API is a **RESTful API**, which does not implement PATCH, but uses a PUT with optional fields. **Actions** or commands are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed `:`. Example: `/v2/hours/123/:approve`. **Summaries** or aggregated results are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed <code>></code>. Example: <code>/v2/hours/>thisWeeksBillables</code>. **"requestID"** is a key found in all validation and error responses. If additional log information is absolutely necessary, our support division can locate the key value. **Download** the [swagger.json](/v2/swagger.json) file [OpenAPI Specification]( to [generate code]( This document was generated from the Swagger JSON file. **version:** This is a versioning number found on all DB records. If included, it will prevent your PUT/POST from overriding any updates to the record since your GET. **Date & DateTime** follows the **ISO 8601** standard. Date: `YYYY-MM-DD`. DateTime: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ` **Sorting** is done by specifying a comma separated list, where a `-` prefix denotes descending. You can sort by sub object with the following format: `, -date`. **Searching:** is done by entering values in the optional fields for each API call. The values fall into the following categories: range, in, exact and like. **Missing fields or even no response data** can occur because result objects and fields are filtered on authorization. **See [FAQ]( for more additional information.** ## Authentication: - **Tokens:** The Tripletex API uses 3 different tokens - **consumerToken**, **employeeToken** and **sessionToken**. - **consumerToken** is a token provided to the consumer by Tripletex after the API 2.0 registration is completed. - **employeeToken** is a token created by an administrator in your Tripletex account via the user settings and the tab "API access". Each employee token must be given a set of entitlements. [Read more here.]( - **sessionToken** is the token from `/token/session/:create` which requires a consumerToken and an employeeToken created with the same consumer token, but not an authentication header. See how to create a sessionToken [here]( - The session token is used as the password in "Basic Authentication Header" for API calls. - Use blank or `0` as username for accessing the account with regular employee token, or if a company owned employee token accesses <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> or <code>/token/session/>whoAmI</code>. - For company owned employee tokens (accounting offices) the ID from <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> can be used as username for accessing client accounts. - If you need to create the header yourself use <code>Authorization: Basic <base64encode('0:sessionToken')></code>. ## Tags: - <div class="tag-icon-beta"></div> **[BETA]** This is a beta endpoint and can be subject to change. - <div class="tag-icon-deprecated"></div> **[DEPRECATED]** Deprecated means that we intend to remove/change this feature or capability in a future "major" API release. We therefore discourage all use of this feature/capability. ## Fields: Use the `fields` parameter to specify which fields should be returned. This also supports fields from sub elements. Example values: - `project,activity,hours` returns `{project:..., activity:...., hours:...}`. - just `project` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345, "url": "" }`. - `project(*)` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345 "name":"ProjectName" "number.....startDate": "2013-01-07" }`. - `project(name)` returns `"project" : { "name":"ProjectName" }`. - All elements and some subElements : `*,activity(name),employee(*)`. ## Changes: To get the changes for a resource, `changes` have to be explicitly specified as part of the `fields` parameter, e.g. `*,changes`. There are currently two types of change available: - `CREATE` for when the resource was created - `UPDATE` for when the resource was updated NOTE: For objects created prior to October 24th 2018 the list may be incomplete, but will always contain the CREATE and the last change (if the object has been changed after creation). ## Rate limiting in each response header: Rate limiting is performed on the API calls for an employee for each API consumer. Status regarding the rate limit is returned as headers: - `X-Rate-Limit-Limit` - The number of allowed requests in the current period. - `X-Rate-Limit-Remaining` - The number of remaining requests. - `X-Rate-Limit-Reset` - The number of seconds left in the current period. Once the rate limit is hit, all requests will return HTTP status code `429` for the remainder of the current period. ## Response envelope: ``` { "fullResultSize": ###, "from": ###, // Paging starting from "count": ###, // Paging count "versionDigest": "Hash of full result", "values": [...list of objects...] } { "value": {...single object...} } ``` ## WebHook envelope: ``` { "subscriptionId": ###, "event": "object.verb", // As listed from /v2/event/ "id": ###, // Object id "value": {... single object, null if object.deleted ...} } ``` ## Error/warning envelope: ``` { "status": ###, // HTTP status code "code": #####, // internal status code of event "message": "Basic feedback message in your language", "link": "Link to doc", "developerMessage": "More technical message", "validationMessages": [ // Will be null if Error { "field": "Name of field", "message": "Validation failure information" } ], "requestId": "UUID used in any logs" } ``` ## Status codes / Error codes: - **200 OK** - **201 Created** - From POSTs that create something new. - **204 No Content** - When there is no answer, ex: "/:anAction" or DELETE. - **400 Bad request** - - **4000** Bad Request Exception - **11000** Illegal Filter Exception - **12000** Path Param Exception - **24000** Cryptography Exception - **401 Unauthorized** - When authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided - **3000** Authentication Exception - **9000** Security Exception - **403 Forbidden** - When AuthorisationManager says no. - **404 Not Found** - For content/IDs that does not exist. - **6000** Not Found Exception - **409 Conflict** - Such as an edit conflict between multiple simultaneous updates - **7000** Object Exists Exception - **8000** Revision Exception - **10000** Locked Exception - **14000** Duplicate entry - **422 Bad Request** - For Required fields or things like malformed payload. - **15000** Value Validation Exception - **16000** Mapping Exception - **17000** Sorting Exception - **18000** Validation Exception - **21000** Param Exception - **22000** Invalid JSON Exception - **23000** Result Set Too Large Exception - **429 Too Many Requests** - Request rate limit hit - **500 Internal Error** - Unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable - **1000** Exception
Given a list of parent-child relationships, it will return a list of links ancestor-descendant, with count. Can be used to restore a list of links in `act-as-dag`, providing that the direct links are correct.
+js-rails-routes+ is a utility for generating JavaScript equivalents to the +<route>_path+ functions provided by {Ruby on Rails}[]. This allows you to do very similar things in your {+ejs+}[] JavaScript templates as you would in your +erb+ ruby templates. You can move html rendering to the client and keep it looking very similar to how it would look on the server. For example, if you have a model +Item+ and a simple route to list all the items, a link to that items page (using an explicit +a+ anchor tag instead of the Rails +link_to+) would look the same in either an +erb+ file or an +ejs+ file: <a href="<%= items_path() %>">List all Items</a> This gem was originally developed as part of the {MVCoffee}[] suite of tools, and integrates strongly with the {mvcoffee.js}[] CoffeeScript MVC framework.
basic circular linked list
<!-- TABLE OF CONTENTS --> <details open="open"> <summary>Table of Contents</summary> <ol> <li> <a href="#about-the-project">About The Project</a> <ul> <li><a href="#built-with">Built With</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a> <ul> <li><a href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a></li> <li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li> <li><a href="#roadmap">Roadmap</a></li> <li><a href="#contributing">Contributing</a></li> <li><a href="#license">License</a></li> <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></li> </ol> </details> <!-- ABOUT THE PROJECT --> ## About The Project [![Product Name Screen Shot][Screenshot of gameplay and test list]]( This game is a project built following the [Pragmatic Studio Ruby Course]( I absolutely adored going through this course, because it was unlike other courses in that the main focus wasn't syntax, but how to build a principle-driven, object-oriented program that contains many of the skills we'd need to build real-world projects. The instructors purposefully created exercises to let us build a program using the skills they demonstrated by building a different program. This wasn't a copy and paste kind of course. This game was actually my second run-through, where I test-drove everything from the start based on the objectives only. Skills I valued developing further with this project: - Test-driven development (50+ tests). - Using inheritance to model "is-a" relationships. For example, a clumsy player *is a* kind of player. - Using mixins (modules) to reuse behaviours that are common between classes, but should not be modeled with an inheritance relationship. A good tip was to look for 'able' behaviors in a class to extract, like 'playable', 'printable', 'taxable' etc. - Using a file block which lets you add in class usage examples that are only run when you run the class file specifically. - Overriding default methods (like sort, and renaming things so that they keep a specific format) Things I struggled with: - Testing behaviour that uses blocks. I had a lightbulb moment when I realised I should test the behaviour performed inside the block on a single item. Testing the output of an entire block is like testing Ruby syntax works. Alternatively, test the before and after state of something that changes as a result of using a block. Cooool. - Puts. It felt wrong to use puts to show the output in the console. I'd like to learn how to seperate the view logic for a command-line project later. Things I did to make it my own: - Wrote a lot more tests for my second run-through. - Noticed and extracted further 'able' behaviours into modules (like printing stats, formatting output and handling csv files). ### Built With * [Ruby (language)]( * [RSpec (framework)]( * [Vim (text-editor)]( <!-- GETTING STARTED --> ## Getting Started To get a local copy up and running follow these steps: ### Prerequisites This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them. * gem ```sh npm install npm@latest -g ``` ### Installation 1. Install the gem ```sh gem install studio_game_2021 ``` <!-- USAGE EXAMPLES --> ## Usage To play a game from the command-line, open a new command project and run the command-line script like so: ```sh studio_game ``` Or, if you'd like to use the game as a library, here's an example of how to use it in `irb`. You can also check the bottom of each class or module file for further usage instructions ``` >> require 'studio_game/game' => true >> game ="Knuckleheads") => #<StudioGame::Game:0x007fdea10252d8 @title="Knuckleheads", @players=[]> >> player ="Moe", 90) => I'm Moe with health = 90, points = 0, and score = 90. >> game.add_player(player) => [I'm Moe with health = 90, points = 0, and score = 90.] >> ``` <!-- ROADMAP --> ## Roadmap I plan to customize this game further now that I have a solid foundation to explore from. It'll be fun to let the players interact with each other more, like swapping treasures, and maybe add some kind of board game with it's own features. That's my next focus. ## Contributing Feel free to fork this project and play around with it. Open to feedback-related pr requests. <!-- LICENSE --> ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE` for more information. <!-- CONTACT --> ## Contact Becca - [@becca9941]( - Project Link: []( <!-- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --> ## Acknowledgements - [Pragmatic Studio]( for empowering me with awesome new development skills. - [Best-README-Template]( for helping me write a README for this project.
Ruby script to parse Youtube channels listing title and link to the video
Linked List project
appending elements to a linked list generates successive list nodes
A linked node list implementation.
A simple wrapper for gem can extract Title,Price and Link in given listing page.
You get break down of retry queue by error messages and also direct link to view a list of identical errors
<div id="top"></div> <!-- *** Thanks for checking out the Best-README-Template. If you have a suggestion *** that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request *** or simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". *** Don't forget to give the project a star! *** Thanks again! Now go create something AMAZING! :D --> <!-- PROJECT SHIELDS --> <!-- *** I'm using markdown "reference style" links for readability. *** Reference links are enclosed in brackets [ ] instead of parentheses ( ). *** See the bottom of this document for the declaration of the reference variables *** for contributors-url, forks-url, etc. This is an optional, concise syntax you may use. *** --> [![Contributors][contributors-shield]][contributors-url] [![Forks][forks-shield]][forks-url] [![Stargazers][stars-shield]][stars-url] [![Issues][issues-shield]][issues-url] [![MIT License][license-shield]][license-url] [![LinkedIn][linkedin-shield]][linkedin-url] <!-- PROJECT LOGO --> <br /> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="images/logo.png" alt="Logo" width="80" height="80"> </a> <h3 align="center">Best-README-Template</h3> <p align="center"> An awesome README template to jumpstart your projects! <br /> <a href=""><strong>Explore the docs »</strong></a> <br /> <br /> <a href="">View Demo</a> · <a href="">Report Bug</a> · <a href="">Request Feature</a> </p> </div> <!-- TABLE OF CONTENTS --> <details> <summary>Table of Contents</summary> <ol> <li> <a href="#about-the-project">About The Project</a> <ul> <li><a href="#built-with">Built With</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a> <ul> <li><a href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a></li> <li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li> <li><a href="#roadmap">Roadmap</a></li> <li><a href="#contributing">Contributing</a></li> <li><a href="#license">License</a></li> <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="#acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</a></li> </ol> </details> <!-- ABOUT THE PROJECT --> ## About The Project [![Product Name Screen Shot][product-screenshot]]( There are many great README templates available on GitHub; however, I didn't find one that really suited my needs so I created this enhanced one. I want to create a README template so amazing that it'll be the last one you ever need -- I think this is it. Here's why: * Your time should be focused on creating something amazing. A project that solves a problem and helps others * You shouldn't be doing the same tasks over and over like creating a README from scratch * You should implement DRY principles to the rest of your life :smile: Of course, no one template will serve all projects since your needs may be different. So I'll be adding more in the near future. You may also suggest changes by forking this repo and creating a pull request or opening an issue. Thanks to all the people have contributed to expanding this template! Use the `` to get started. <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> ### Built With This section should list any major frameworks/libraries used to bootstrap your project. Leave any add-ons/plugins for the acknowledgements section. Here are a few examples. * [Next.js]( * [React.js]( * [Vue.js]( * [Angular]( * [Svelte]( * [Laravel]( * [Bootstrap]( * [JQuery]( <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- GETTING STARTED --> ## Getting Started This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps. ### Prerequisites This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them. * npm ```sh npm install npm@latest -g ``` ### Installation _Below is an example of how you can instruct your audience on installing and setting up your app. This template doesn't rely on any external dependencies or services._ 1. Get a free API Key at []( 2. Clone the repo ```sh git clone ``` 3. Install NPM packages ```sh npm install ``` 4. Enter your API in `config.js` ```js const API_KEY = 'ENTER YOUR API'; ``` <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- USAGE EXAMPLES --> ## Usage Use this space to show useful examples of how a project can be used. Additional screenshots, code examples and demos work well in this space. You may also link to more resources. _For more examples, please refer to the [Documentation]( <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- ROADMAP --> ## Roadmap - [x] Add Changelog - [x] Add back to top links - [ ] Add Additional Templates w/ Examples - [ ] Add "components" document to easily copy & paste sections of the readme - [ ] Multi-language Support - [ ] Chinese - [ ] Spanish See the [open issues]( for a full list of proposed features (and known issues). <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- CONTRIBUTING --> ## Contributing Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**. If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again! 1. Fork the Project 2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`) 3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`) 4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`) 5. Open a Pull Request <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- LICENSE --> ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE.txt` for more information. <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- CONTACT --> ## Contact Your Name - [@your_twitter]( - Project Link: []( <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --> ## Acknowledgments Use this space to list resources you find helpful and would like to give credit to. I've included a few of my favorites to kick things off! * [Choose an Open Source License]( * [GitHub Emoji Cheat Sheet]( * [Malven's Flexbox Cheatsheet]( * [Malven's Grid Cheatsheet]( * [Img Shields]( * [GitHub Pages]( * [Font Awesome]( * [React Icons]( <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- MARKDOWN LINKS & IMAGES --> <!-- --> [contributors-shield]: [contributors-url]: [forks-shield]: [forks-url]: [stars-shield]: [stars-url]: [issues-shield]: [issues-url]: [license-shield]: [license-url]: [linkedin-shield]: [linkedin-url]: [product-screenshot]: images/screenshot.png
This is the Songtradr API. Use it to retrieve deep music metadata and trigger processes like auto-tagging. You can also use the API to manage your account and musicube cloud data. **Authentication** 1. Reach out to to receive a free account or use your login data if you are already signed up. 2. To authenticate, you need to login via the POST /api/v1/user/login endpoint. 3. The endpoint responds with a jwtToken which you can use in all following API requests as a bearer token. **Rate Limiting** The current limit is 120 Requests per minute. Reach out to us via if you need to request more. **Getting Started with auto-tagging** 1. If you want to get your own files auto-tagged, use the POST /api/v1/user/file/{name}/initUpload endpoint. It responds with a presigned S3 link where you can upload your file. 2. You can check the processing status of your file via the GET /api/v1/user/file/{name}/filesStatus endpoint. 3. As soon as processing is done, you can request the generated data via the GET /api/v1/user/files endpoint. **Getting Started with search** You can either search the released music via the /public/recording endpoints or your own private uploaded music via the /user/file/ endpoints. 1. If you want to search the world's released music, a good starting point is the GET /api/v1/public/recording/search endpoint. Please find the extensive list of parameters that serve as semantic search filters. 2. If you want to search your own previously uploaded music, a good starting point is the GET GET /api/v1/user/files endpoint. It has the same extensive list of parameters that serve as semantic search filters.
# foundationallib <h2>Finally, a cross-platform, portable, well-designed, secure, robust, maximally-efficient C foundational library — Making Engineering And Computing Fast, Secure, Responsive And Easy.</h2> <br> <h2><i>Library Uses - What It Does, What It Is, And What It Is A Solution For</i></h2> <ul class="features-list"> <li><strong>Enables better Engineering Solutions and Security broadly and foundationally where Software Creation or Development or Script Creation is concerned - whether this be on a local, business, governmental or international basis, and makes things easier - and Computing in General.</strong> Don't Reinvent the Wheel - Use Good Wheels - Be Safe And Secure.</li> <br> <li><strong>Enables a free-flowing dynamic computer usage that you need, deserve and should have, simply because you have a computer. With full speed and with robustness. You deserve to be able to use your computer wholly and fully, with proper and fast operations.</strong></li> <br><li><strong>Enables flexibility and power - makes C accessible to the masses (and faster and more secure) with easy usage and strives to bring people up, not degrade the character or actions of people.</strong> This is a fundamental and unequivocal philosophy difference between this library and many subsections of Software Engineering and the mainstream engineering establishment. For instance, in Python, you cannot read a file easily – you have to read it line-by-line or open a file, read the lines, then close it. With this library, you can efficiently read 10,000 files in one function call. This library gives power. Any common operation, there ought to be a powerful function for.<br><br>We should not bitch around with assembly when we don't want to; we should also have full speed. Some old "solutions" deliver neither, then culturally degrade programmers because their tools are bad - actually, it just degrades programmers, and gives them bad tools. COBOL is an example ...<br><br>Human technology is about empowerment – people must fight for it to be empowerment, we don't have time to have AI systems kill us because we want to have bad tools and be weak. We must fight.</li> </ul> <br> <ul> <h2><i>About Foundationallib</i></h2> <li>→<strong>Cross platform</strong> - works perfectly in embedded, server, desktop, and all platforms - tested for Windows and UNIX - 64-bit and 32-bit, includes a 3-aspect test suite, with more to come.</li> <li>→<strong>Bug free. Reliable. Dependable. Secure. Tested well.</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Zero Overhead</strong> - Only 1 byte due to the power of the error handling, can be configured will full power.</li> <li>→<strong>Static Inline Functions if you want them</strong> (optional) - Eliminating function call overhead to 0 if you wish, for improved performance.</li> <li>→<strong>Custom allocators</strong> - if you want it.</li> <li>→<strong>Custom error handling</strong> - if you want it.</li> <li>→<strong>Safe functions</strong> warn the programmer about NULL values and unused return values. Can be configured to not compile if not Secure. Optional null-check macros in every library function. Does not use any of <code>"gets", "fgets", "strcpy", "strcat", "sprintf", "vsprintf", "scanf", "fscanf", "system", "chown", "chmod", "chgrp", "alloca", "execl", "execle", "execlp", "execv", "execve", "execvp", "bcopy", "bzero"</code>. You can configure it to never use any unsafe functions.</li> <li>→<strong>Portable</strong> - works on all platforms, using platform specific features (using #ifdefs) to make functions better and faster.</li> <li>→<strong>Multithreading support</strong> (optional), with list_comprehension_multithreaded (accepts any number of threads, works in parallel using portable C11 threads)</li> <li>→<strong>Networking support</strong> (optional), using libcurl - making it extremely easy to download websites and arrays of websites - features other languages do not have.</li> <li>→Very good and thorough <strong>Error Handling</strong> and <strong>allocation overflow</strong> checking (good for <strong>Security and Robustness</strong>) in the functions. Allows the programmer to dynamically choose to catch all errors in the functions with a handler (default or custom), or to ignore them. No need to ALWAYS say "if (.....) if you don't want to. Can be changed at runtime.</li> <li>→<strong>Public Domain</strong> so you make the code how you want. (No need to "propitiate" to some "god" of some library).</li> <li>→<strong>Minimal abstractions or indirection of any kind or needless slow things that complicate things</strong> - macros, namespace collision, typedefs, structs, object-orientation messes, slow compilation times, bloat, etc., etc.</li> <li>→<strong>No namespace pollution</strong> - you can generate your <span style=font-style:normal;><b>own version</b></span> with any prefix you like!</li> <li>→<strong>Relies <span style=font-style:normal;>minimally</span> on C libraries - it can be fully decoupled from LIB C and can be statically linked.</strong></li> <li>→<span style=font-style:normal;><b>Very small</b></span> - 13K Lines of Code (including Doxygen comments and following of Best Practices)</li> <li>→<strong>No Linkage Issues or dependency hell</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Thorough and clear documentation</strong>, with examples of usage.</li> <li>→<strong>No licensing restrictions whatsoever - use it for your engineering project, your startup, your Fortune 500 company, your personal project, your throw-away script, your government.</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Makes C like Python or Perl or Ruby in many ways - or more easy</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Easy Straightforward Transpilation Support</strong> - to make current code, much faster - all without any bloat (See transpile_slow_scripting_into_c.rb). <li><h4>In many cases, there is now a direct mapping of functions from other languages into optimized C. See the example script in this repository. This makes optimizing your Python / Perl / Ruby / PHP etc. script very easy, either manually or through the use of AI.</h4></li> </ul> </p> </div> <div class=pane style='border: 0;border-right: 1px dotted rgb(200, 200, 200); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 190);'> <div class="library-details"><h2 style=color:green;><i>Foundationallib Features</i></h2> <p class=feature> <strong>Functional Programming Features</strong> - <code>map, reduce, filter,</code> List Comprehensions in C and much more!</p> <p class=feature><strong>Expands C's Primitives for easy manipulation of data types</strong> such as Arrays, Strings, <code>Dict</code>, <code>Set</code>, <code>FrozenDict</code>, <code>FrozenSet</code> - <strong>and enables easy manipulation, modification, alteration, comparison, sorting, counting, IO (printing) and duplication of these at a very comfortable level</strong> - something very, very rare in C or C++, <i>all without any overhead.</i></p> <p class=feature><strong>More comfortable IO</strong> - read and write entire files with ease, and convert complex types into strings or print them on the screen with ease. </p> <p class=feature><strong>A powerful general purpose Foundational Library</strong> - <i>which has anything and everything you need</i> - from <code>replace_all()</code> to <code>replace_memory()</code> to <code>find_last_of()</code> to to <code>list_comprehension()</code> to <code>shellescape()</code> to <code>read_file_into_string()</code> to <code>string_to_json()</code> to <code>string_to_uppercase()</code> to <code>to_title_case()</code> to <code>read_file_into_array()</code> to <code>read_files_into_array()</code> to <code>map()</code> to <code>reduce()</code> to <code>filter()</code> to <code>list_comprehension_multithreaded()</code> to <code>frozen_dict_new_instance()</code> to <code>backticks()</code> - everything you would want to make quick and optimally efficient C programs, this has it.</p> <div style='height: 1px; border: 0;border-bottom: 1px dashed rgb(200, 200, 200);'></div> <p class=performance><span>Helps to make programs hundreds of times faster than other languages with similar ease of creation.</span> <hr> <p class=feature><strong>Easily take advantage of CPU cores with list_comprehension_multithreaded()</strong>.<br><br>You can specify the number of threads, the transform and the filter functions, and this will transform your data - all in parallel. Don't have a multithreaded environment? Then disable it (set the flag).</p> <hr> <h3>You don't want to be reinventing the wheel and hoping that your memory allocation is secure enough - and then failing. <strong>Security Is Paramount.</strong></h3> <h3>You don't want to be waiting <span style='color:rgb(240, 0, 0);'>a day</span> for an operation to complete when it could take <span style='color:rgb(30, 30, 255);'>less than an hour</span>.</h3> <br><p>This library is founded on very strong and unequivocal goals and philosophy. In fact, I have written many articles about the foundation of this library and more relevantly the broader context. See the Articles folder - for some of the foundation of this library.</p> <br><p>This library is an ideal and a dream - not just a Software Library. As such, I would highly suggest that you support me in this mission. Even if it's different from the status quo. Are you a Rust or Zig fan? Then make a Rust or Zig version of this ideal. Let's go. Give me an email.</p> </div> </div> <br> No Copyright - Public Domain - 2023, Gregory Cohen <> DONATION REQUEST: If this free software has helped you and you find it valuable, please consider making a donation to support the ongoing development and maintenance of this project. Your contribution helps ensure the availability of this library to the community and encourages further improvements. Donations can be made at: Note: The best way to contact me is through email, not social media. Please feel very free to email me if you want to express feedback, suggest an improvement, desire to collaborate on this free and open source project, want to support me, or want to create something great. Complacency and obstructionism and whining are not tolerated. I desire to make this library the best theoretically possible, so please, let us connect. <h1>This code is in the public domain, fully. You can do whatever you want with it. See docs.html for API reference. ![Alt text]( </h1> <h1>Here's some examples of some things you can do easily with Foundationallib.<br><br> <h3>Use it for scripting purposes...</h3> </h1> ![Alt text]( <h1>Take control of the Web - in C.<br><br></h1> ![Alt text](
# foundationallib <h2>Finally, a cross-platform, portable, well-designed, secure, robust, maximally-efficient C foundational library — Making Engineering And Computing Fast, Secure, Responsive And Easy.</h2> <br> <ul class="features-list"> <li><strong>Enables better Engineering Solutions and Security broadly and foundationally where Software Creation or Development or Script Creation is concerned - whether this be on a local, business, governmental or international basis, and makes things easier - and Computing in General.</strong> Don't Reinvent the Wheel - Use Good Wheels - Be Safe And Secure.</li> <br> <li><strong>Enables a free-flowing dynamic computer usage that you need, deserve and should have, simply because you have a computer. With full speed and with robustness. You deserve to be able to use your computer wholly and fully, with proper and fast operations.</strong></li> <br><li><strong>Enables flexibility and power - makes C accessible to the masses (and faster and more secure) with easy usage and strives to bring people up, not degrade the character or actions of people.</strong> This is a fundamental and unequivocal philosophy difference between this library and many subsections of Software Engineering and the mainstream engineering establishment. For instance, in Python, you cannot read a file easily – you have to read it line-by-line or open a file, read the lines, then close it. With this library, you can efficiently read 10,000 files in one function call. This library gives power. Any common operation, there ought to be a powerful function for.<br><br>We should not bitch around with assembly when we don't want to; we should also have full speed. Some old "solutions" deliver neither, then culturally degrade programmers because their tools are bad - actually, it just degrades programmers, and gives them bad tools. COBOL is an example ...<br><br>Human technology is about empowerment – people must fight for it to be empowerment, we don't have time to have AI systems kill us because we want to have bad tools and be weak. We must fight.</li> </ul> <br> <ul> <h2>About Foundationallib</h2> <li>→<strong>Cross platform</strong> - works perfectly in embedded, server, desktop, and all platforms - tested for Windows and UNIX - 64-bit and 32-bit, includes a 3-aspect test suite, with more to come.</li> <li>→<strong>Bug free. Reliable. Dependable. Secure. Tested well.</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Zero Overhead</strong> - Only 1 byte due to the power of the error handling, can be configured will full power.</li> <li>→<strong>Static Inline Functions if you want them</strong> (optional) - Eliminating function call overhead to 0 if you wish, for improved performance.</li> <li>→<strong>Custom allocators</strong> - if you want it.</li> <li>→<strong>Custom error handling</strong> - if you want it.</li> <li>→<strong>Safe functions</strong> warn the programmer about NULL values and unused return values. Can be configured to not compile if not Secure. Optional null-check macros in every library function. Does not use any of <code>"gets", "fgets", "strcpy", "strcat", "sprintf", "vsprintf", "scanf", "fscanf", "system", "chown", "chmod", "chgrp", "alloca", "execl", "execle", "execlp", "execv", "execve", "execvp", "bcopy", "bzero"</code>. You can configure it to never use any unsafe functions.</li> <li>→<strong>Portable</strong> - works on all platforms, using platform specific features (using #ifdefs) to make functions better and faster.</li> <li>→<strong>Multithreading support</strong> (optional), with list_comprehension_multithreaded (accepts any number of threads, works in parallel using portable C11 threads)</li> <li>→<strong>Networking support</strong> (optional), using libcurl - making it extremely easy to download websites and arrays of websites - features other languages do not have.</li> <li>→Very good and thorough <strong>Error Handling</strong> and <strong>allocation overflow</strong> checking (good for <strong>Security and Robustness</strong>) in the functions. Allows the programmer to dynamically choose to catch all errors in the functions with a handler (default or custom), or to ignore them. No need to ALWAYS say "if (.....) if you don't want to. Can be changed at runtime.</li> <li>→<strong>Public Domain</strong> so you make the code how you want. (No need to "propitiate" to some "god" of some library).</li> <li>→<strong>Minimal abstractions or indirection of any kind or needless slow things that complicate things</strong> - macros, namespace collision, typedefs, structs, object-orientation messes, slow compilation times, bloat, etc., etc.</li> <li>→<strong>No namespace pollution</strong> - you can generate your <span style=font-style:normal;><b>own version</b></span> with any prefix you like!</li> <li>→<strong>Relies <span style=font-style:normal;>minimally</span> on C libraries - it can be fully decoupled from LIB C and can be statically linked.</strong></li> <li>→<span style=font-style:normal;><b>Very small</b></span> - 13K Lines of Code (including Doxygen comments and following of Best Practices)</li> <li>→<strong>No Linkage Issues or dependency hell</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Thorough and clear documentation</strong>, with examples of usage.</li> <li>→<strong>No licensing restrictions whatsoever - use it for your engineering project, your startup, your Fortune 500 company, your personal project, your throw-away script, your government.</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Makes C like Python or Perl or Ruby in many ways - or more easy</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Easy Straightforward Transpilation Support</strong> - to make current code, much faster - all without any bloat (See transpile_slow_scripting_into_c.rb). <li><h4>In many cases, there is now a direct mapping of functions from other languages into optimized C. See the example script in this repository. This makes optimizing your Python / Perl / Ruby / PHP etc. script very easy, either manually or through the use of AI.</h4></li> </ul> </p> </div> <div class=pane style='border: 0;border-right: 1px dotted rgb(200, 200, 200); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 190);'> <div class="library-details"><h2 style=color:green;>Foundationallib Features</h2> <p class=feature> <strong>Functional Programming Features</strong> - <code>map, reduce, filter,</code> List Comprehensions in C and much more!</p> <p class=feature><strong>Expands C's Primitives for easy manipulation of data types</strong> such as Arrays, Strings, <code>Dict</code>, <code>Set</code>, <code>FrozenDict</code>, <code>FrozenSet</code> - <strong>and enables easy manipulation, modification, alteration, comparison, sorting, counting, IO (printing) and duplication of these at a very comfortable level</strong> - something very, very rare in C or C++, <i>all without any overhead.</i></p> <p class=feature><strong>More comfortable IO</strong> - read and write entire files with ease, and convert complex types into strings or print them on the screen with ease. </p> <p class=feature><strong>A powerful general purpose Foundational Library</strong> - <i>which has anything and everything you need</i> - from <code>replace_all()</code> to <code>replace_memory()</code> to <code>find_last_of()</code> to to <code>list_comprehension()</code> to <code>shellescape()</code> to <code>read_file_into_string()</code> to <code>string_to_json()</code> to <code>string_to_uppercase()</code> to <code>to_title_case()</code> to <code>read_file_into_array()</code> to <code>read_files_into_array()</code> to <code>map()</code> to <code>reduce()</code> to <code>filter()</code> to <code>list_comprehension_multithreaded()</code> to <code>frozen_dict_new_instance()</code> to <code>backticks()</code> - everything you would want to make quick and optimally efficient C programs, this has it.</p> <div style='height: 1px; border: 0;border-bottom: 1px dashed rgb(200, 200, 200);'></div> <p class=performance><span>Helps to make programs hundreds of times faster than other languages with similar ease of creation.</span> <hr> <p class=feature><strong>Easily take advantage of CPU cores with list_comprehension_multithreaded()</strong>.<br><br>You can specify the number of threads, the transform and the filter functions, and this will transform your data - all in parallel. Don't have a multithreaded environment? Then disable it (set the flag).</p> <hr> <h3>You don't want to be reinventing the wheel and hoping that your memory allocation is secure enough - and then failing. <strong>Security Is Paramount.</strong></h3> <h3>You don't want to be waiting <span style='color:rgb(240, 0, 0);'>a day</span> for an operation to complete when it could take <span style='color:rgb(30, 30, 255);'>less than an hour</span>.</h3> <br><p>This library is founded on very strong and unequivocal goals and philosophy. In fact, I have written many articles about the foundation of this library and more relevantly the broader context. See the Articles folder - for some of the foundation of this library.</p> <br><p>This library is an ideal and a dream - not just a Software Library. As such, I would highly suggest that you support me in this mission. Even if it's different from the status quo. Are you a Rust or Zig fan? Then make a Rust or Zig version of this ideal. Let's go. Give me an email.</p> </div> </div> <br> No Copyright - Public Domain - 2023, Gregory Cohen <> DONATION REQUEST: If this free software has helped you and you find it valuable, please consider making a donation to support the ongoing development and maintenance of this project. Your contribution helps ensure the availability of this library to the community and encourages further improvements. Donations can be made at: Note: The best way to contact me is through email, not social media. Please feel very free to email me if you want to express feedback, suggest an improvement, desire to collaborate on this free and open source project, want to support me, or want to create something great. Complacency and obstructionism and whining are not tolerated. I desire to make this library the best theoretically possible, so please, let us connect. <pre><code> Mirror Links Blog - Github - Ruby Gem Mirror - Ruby Gem Mirror - Library Instagram - Google Drive Mirrors ZIP - TAR.GZ - TAR.BZ2 - </code></pre> <h1>This code is in the public domain, fully. You can do whatever you want with it. See docs.html for API reference. ![Alt text]( </h1> <h1>Here's some examples of some things you can do easily with Foundationallib.<br><br> <h3>Use it for scripting purposes...</h3> </h1> ![Alt text]( <h1>Take control of the Web - in C.<br><br></h1> ![Alt text](
A command line tool to list links.