Spell out numbers in indian currency. It converts numbers in words(rupees)
Adds ISO 4217 currency names to Carmen::Country
A currency conversion that fetch from external source and also let's you add a fixed rate for different currencies
TCMB gem
Simple local DRb-service for Currency-Conversion.
Adds sale pricing functionality to Spree Commerce. It enables timed sale planning for different currencies.
A toolkit for the Nano cryptocurrency, allowing you to derive keys, generate seeds, hashes, signatures, proofs of work and blocks.
A simple service which returns the current exchange rate of a currency w.r.t. euro
Ruby Library for the currencylayer API, Reliable Exchange Rates & Currency Conversion, https://currencylayer.com/
a wrapper for google finance currency converter
With the use to this gem , The two major issues will be solved the first one is to find out the various contry related details using either the contry code or the ip-address and the second one is to convert an amount from one currency to another, There are various scenarios where user has to show user locale related information based up on his/her ip-address So in those cases this gem will be really useful.
Recursively traverse a hash or array *ha* (potentially of other nested hashes and/or arrays), doing manipulations. Two methods are available: rsubhak (do substitutions to hash values) and rstrip (strip whitespace from params hash).. Though the initial intent of the rsubhak method was to sanitize the params hash as far as removing currency symbols and/or commas from attributes such as price and quantity, there is a better approach: see the note on the homepage.
Allows you to add a currency select field in formtastic
This gem provides functionality for calculating exchange rates using the wego currency exchange rate API.
A little library for grabbing currency rates and providing conversion between currencies.
Fetches currencies from nbp.pl
A gem to perform currency conversion and arithmetics with different currenciesS
Ruby REST + Websocket clients for crypto currency exchange Bibox's API
Converts decimal currency numbers into text in Bulgarian language. For use in financial applications, documents, and all other instances requiring currency verbalization.
A gem to convert currencies with ease and at real time .
Money and MicroMoney with currency exchange support library (with millicents).
Concurrency utilities including Delays, Promises, Futures, Event Loops, Thread Pools, and Synchronizing wrappers
Convert your currency with simple lib
Currency Handling done simple
Write your timesheets in ruby after the __END__. Supports currencies and tells you how much you've earned so far to keep you motivated
K-Payment Gateway is a payment service for processing credit card transactions that accept VISA Cards, MasterCard Cards, American Express, JCB Cards and China UnionPay Cards issued by banks worldwide. Participating online merchants can receive real time approval of credit card online transactions 24 hours a day in 35 different currencies.
wrapper for oscurrency
Currency Conversion using the European Central Bank's Euro foreign exchange reference rates.
Provides an easy to use API to get currency rates data from the Bloomberg website
parse crypto currency from bip0044
Provides a helper to get a country list along with ISO code, currency code and currency symbol by following ISO 3166 country list.
Represents an amount of money in a particular currency. Backed by BigDecimal, so is safe from float rounding errors.
A gem to deal with money, convert to another currency and perform different comparisons.
VanUnits is a units system providing both SI units and web-updated currency units, via a very easy to use method-based interface. It also include a large set of real world contants, provided in "m kg s" and "cm kg s" measures.
Currency conversion using the European Central Bank's foreign exchange rates. Rates for the last 90 days are fetched and cached on demand. All calculations are performed and returned as BigDecimal.
exchange_rates is a gem that allows currency conversion and rate history tracking.
Convert currency, temperature, lenght...
Show currency conversion.
Providers: Yahoo, Google, OpenExchangeRates
Fetches currency from CBR
Currency data acquired from the Swiss Association for Standardization
It's a simple wrapper under <http://content.finance.ua/ru/xml/currency-cash>
ISO country code and currency library
GoogleCurrency extends Money::Bank::Base and gives you access to the current Google Currency exchange rates. This fork allows caching of exchange rate data in Rails.cache and removes the necessity for the Mutex.
Returns a currency string thanks to GeoIP's ip database.
The mycoins gem calculates the current value of your crypto-currency portfolio.
Class aiding in the handling of Money and Currencies. It supports easy pluggable bank objects for customized exchange strategies. Can be used as composite in ActiveRecord tables.
Money and currency exchange support library.
A Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion.
Converts currencies and accepts conversion rates