gem file to convert currency in number to currency in words currency rates fetcher and converter
Allows easy calculation of revenue sharing by app and in-app purchases. Munges the monthly CSV reports from Google Play or Amazon Android app stores. Does Amazon currency conversions and verifies against payment amounts.
A ruboty handler to show a foreign currency rate
Crypto currencies formatter
Genial, is a simple gem that allows you to check the current value of a currency in Brazilian Real.
This library aids one in handling money and different currencies.
A complete open source e-commerce solution with multi-store, multi-currency and multi-language capabilities
MasterCard CurrencyConversion Description
Worldwise is a Rails gem that provides your application with a series of ActiveRecord models representing various aspects of our world, such as geographic/political divisions, languages, currencies and more. Globalize3 is used to provide translations for each model. More information can be found at:
"A cli of countries based on the REST Countries API. It allows you to look for information on countries based on population, region, currency, subregion, name, capital, language, and countries with a given initial substring."
Rails 4 helper to_words that displays a currency amount in words (eg. 'one hundred dollars')
Conver integer into Indonesian Currency Format
Arbitrage calculator for crypto currencies. Currently focused on Argentina moving funds from btc-e to mt.gox, then into an asian bank account and finally into Argentina as USD which may be sold at the unofficial price.
Google currency convert by google finance API (
Money and currency exchange support library.
Find the currency used in any country in the world
Currency classes that can represent GBP or Chips
The easiest way to craft your own transactions for multiple crypto currencies
Prevent multiple sidekiq jobs with the same arguments from running at the same time.
A gem that calculates the historical exchange rate using published rates from Compatible with the money gem.
Currency converter
Paragoz parses currency JSON data from currency api and you can create a currency object that includes world currencies rate and cost of buying a currency. Also you can compare two currencies as you can print all rates and costs and comparation differences.
Ruby gem to fetch Crypto currency prices from Coin Market Cap
Translate any numeric value into Turkish text, currency notation, or text representation of money.
Create currency objects for easy conversion and calculations
ConversMoney it's a Money Conversor given by fixed currency and change rates of your choice. From the version and further '1.0.1' it's a full working version
Currency Layer API is a light wrapper for API for Rubyists. It gives nice struct objects for currencies and conversions. It uses Faraday for HTTP requests.
Ruby API for converting currency using official exchange rate list of National Bank Of Serbia
Currency converter
Fetches currency rates from
Provide various functions to support multi currency in activerecord object.
Library for working with Banano currency. Implements parts of the RPC protocol for access to Banano node. Convertion between raw and banano units etc.
Convert numbers and currencies to text in Greek and English. Usefull where a full text number representation is needed as in cheques and invoices.
A simple gem
Working with monetary values as well as performing currency exchange.
Gem for currency conversion
* Currency conversion API based on Yahoo Finance
Ruby API for converting currency using official exchange rate list of National Bank Of Serbia
A library that download currency rates for PLN (polish zloty).
Paypal Currency Exchange Library
Chilean financial indicators and currency conversion
The gem adds a simple command line tool for currency conversion by given currencies in a json file.
A simple currency exchange library.
get current currency spot rates with ruby
Convert money in one currency into another
Get latest or historic currency rates for base EUR from
Rails On Rails engine to import and generate currency rates
Currency conversions for Ruby
rticker is a command line-based stock ticker application capable of retrieving and displaying information about stocks, futures, currency pairs, and option contracts.