Update Xcode projects
Updates the gems of your Gemfile and fetches the links pointing to where their changelogs are
Capistrano extension that automatically check local repository with remote repository
Go ahead, just update. I dare you.
The library take raw date as input and adds a method to give formatted date. By using same gem, user can find the date difference from start date to end date in different format like seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years.
The ultimate email validator
Your summary here
Fiscal Year Date Functions
Keep your code DRY by inferring column validations from table properties! Automagically validate presence, length, numericality, inclusion and uniqueness of ActiveRecord backed columns.
Adds some semblance of performance to Ruby's core Date class.
Add split accessors for Date/Time/DateTime objects to easily set the date, time, hour, or minute.
BundleOutdatedFormatter is a command-line tool to format output of `bundle outdated`
Chef report handler to display resources updated in the Chef Run
Adds methods for getting a zodiac sign from any Date/Time object containing a date of birth, and can also extend ActiveRecord::Base adding some handy instance and class methods (for searching by a given zodiac sign and more).
Go style date formatting by example
Rails date and time fields generate multiple parameters which need t which need to be combined to create a coercible value. Teach virtus the trick with virtus-multiparams.
Check gem update.
A set of handy tools to upgrade your Rails application and keep it up to date
This tool adds the missing UUIDs into the installed Xcode plug-ins so that they can be loaded by newer versions of Xcode.
Validation for serialized model objects
Rails plugin that provides a validates_url_format_of method to ActiveRecord models. URLs are validated by regexp.
Date calculations based on a schedule.
Find out which gems in your bundle are outdated.
Specialized conversions of dates and times to strings.
Set a DateTime via two accessors, one for the date, one for the time
Zebra Datepicker packaged for rails
Adds extra functionality to date, such as .yesterday, .next_week, .end_of_next_month, .beginning_of_prev_month ... and the like
Parse and format i18n messages using ICU MessageFormat patterns, including simple placeholders, number and date placeholders, and selecting among submessages for gender and plural arguments.
Rails DatePicker-Integration
It provides validation of URIs (URLs) to ActiveModel records and ActionControllers in Rails 3.
A framework for handeling date- and time-related stuff in Ruby.
Touch `updated_at` by default with calls to `update_column(s)` and `update_all`
Provides acts_as_gov_uk_date to mark Rails model attributes as dates that will be entered as three separate text edit boxes, and a form_builder method gov_uk_date_field to display those fields.
Give your models as-of date temporal extensions. Built entirely for PostgreSQL >= 9.4
Rails support for <input type='date'> with a jQuery UI datepicker polyfill
Manage date ranges, months and quarters
Keep your Puppet file up-to-date with latest versions from the Forge and GitHub.
Your summary here
A captcha verification approach for Rails apps, directly integrated into ActiveRecord’s validation mechanism and providing helpers for ActionController and ActionView.
A simple date class that can be used to store partial date values in a single column/attribute. An example use case would include an archive, or catalogue entry where the complete date is unknown.
Library for recursively downloading and uploading entire directories from FTP servers. Supports 'quick' downloads pulling only files changed since a specified date and uploading downloading lists of files. Split out from Munkey - a Git <-> FTP tool
How many years, months and days are there between two dates
Myrrha provides the coercion framework which is missing to Ruby. Coercions are simply defined as a set of rules for converting values from source to target domains (in an abstract sense). As a typical and useful example, it comes with a coerce() method providing a unique entry point for converting a string to a numeric, a boolean, a date, a time, an URI, and so on.
IBAN validator for ActiveRecord attributes.
Semester related functions added to Date and DateTime in rails
date-formats - read / parse and print dates (and times) from around the world
Updates records from the console via your preferred editor. You can update a record's columns as well as <i>any attribute</i> that has accessor methods. Records are edited via a temporary file and once saved, the records are updated. Records go through a filter before and after editing the file. Yaml is the default filter, but you can define your own filter simply with a module and 2 expected methods. See ConsoleUpdate::Filter for more details. Compatible with all major Ruby versions and Rails 2.3.x and up.
Bootstrap Agency ported to Jekyll. Added lots of new features: Markdown support, custom pages, Google Analytics, customizable styling, and more! This is the most up-to-date Jekyll Agency theme.
A simple gem to find age using date of birth - works for leap years also
Renamed to octopress-date-format. - Automatically adds variables with nicely formated dates and time tags to Jekyll posts and pages.