A sinatra based app for rendering CSVs hosted on google docs or locally in custom HTML
Logging framework storing context id in thread local
Find missing or outdated files. For example, compare your local file system to an AWS S3 bucket.
RakeUp provides a set of tasks to automate the management of a local Rack based web application via Rake.
Loads a local JSON file and parses it
rack-asset-compiler is a Rack middleware that provides a generic interface for compiling static files, such as Sass or CoffeeScript files. rack-asset-compiler does not use any local file storage and makes use of caching headers such as "Cache-Control" and "If-Modified-Since". This makes it ideal for running on read-only filesystem systems such as Heroku.
hoe-travis is a Hoe plugin that allows your gem to gain maximum benefit from http://travis-ci.org. The plugin contains a <code>.travis.yml</code> generator and a pre-defined rake task which runs the tests and ensures your manifest file is correct. With hoe-travis it is easy to add additional checks. Custom checks can be easily verified locally by simply running a rake task instead of committing and pushing a change, waiting for travis to run your tests, then trying a new commit if you didn't fix the problem.
Garlic.js allows you to automatically persist your forms' text field values locally, until the form is submitted
Localization support for Mack Framework
Private Puppet forge server supports local files, both v1 and v3 API proxies
Tools and SDK for developing Ruby applications for Google App Engine. Includes a local development server and tools for testing and deployment."
This gem helps out when your application depends on subdomain support and you don't want to modify you /etc/hosts file all the time for your development environment.
Helper that renders globalize_translations fields on a per-locale basis, so you can use them separately in the same form and still saving them all at once in the same request.
Copy local git repository deploy strategy for capistrano.
The LWES Light-Weight Event System is a framework for allowing the exchange of information from many machines to many machines in a controlled, platform neutral, language neutral way. The exchange of information is done in a connectless fashion using multicast or unicast UDP, and using self describing data so that any platform or language can translate it to it's local dialect.
Capistrano extension that automatically check local repository with remote repository
Let's you run your puppet module tests in master/agent, apply or local mode.
R18n is a i18n tool to translate your Ruby application. It has nice Ruby-style syntax, filters, flexible locales, custom loaders, translation support for any classes, time and number localization, several user language support, agnostic core package with out-of-box support for Rails, Sinatra and desktop applications.
Create postgres dumps, download and replicate locally.
Export/import app localizations with help of xcodebuild -exportLocalizations/-importLocalizations tool
Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hundreds of messages. ar_mailer allows you to store messages into the database for later delivery by a separate process, ar_sendmail.
A Sinatra extension that provides i18n support to translate your web application. It is just a wrapper for R18n core library. It has nice Ruby-style syntax, filters, flexible locales, custom loaders, translation support for any classes, time and number localization, several user language support, agnostic core package with out-of-box support for Rails, Sinatra and desktop applications.
This library helps to execute code, locally or remote over ssh.
thread-local accessors for your classes
A simple plugin to make your local developnment environment available to the internet using the tunnlr.com service
Automatic detecting missing I18n translations tool.
Determine the local system's time zone
Allows testing vor valid html (including html5) and css. In addition you can configure the gem to use a locally installed validation service instead of the online w3c servers
A i18n tool to translate your desktop application in several languages. It is just a wrapper for R18n core library. It has nice Ruby-style syntax, filters, flexible locales, custom loaders, translation support for any classes, time and number localization, several user language support, agnostic core package with out-of-box support for Rails, Sinatra and desktop applications.
Apropos helps your site serve up the appropriate image for every visitor. Serving multiple versions of an image in responsive and/or localized web sites can be a chore, but Apropos simplifies and automates this task. Instead of manually writing a lot of CSS rules to swap different images, Apropos generates CSS for you based on a simple file naming convention.
Easily fetch text and static content from your locales
RightScraper provides a simple interface to download and keep local copies of remote repositories up-to-date using the following protocols: * git: RightScraper will clone then pull repos from git * SVN: RightScraper will checkout then update SVN repositories * tarballs: RightScraper will download, optionally uncompress and expand a given tar file On top of retrieving remote repositories, right_scraper also include "scrapers" that will analyze the repository content and instantiate "resources" as a result. Currently supported resources are Chef cookbooks and RightScale workflow definitions.
Aigu is a set of utility to process localization files to generate JSON files to send to Accent as well as taking JSON files from Accent and convert them back to localization files.
Clock interface with support for UTC and local timezones, timezone coercion, and dependency substitution
Dummy monkey patching for the dropbox ruby gem: 'dropbox'. You can test your Dropbox utility using a local folder to simulate your Dropbox folder.
Wraps installation and usage of the AWS DynamoDB local server tool
= The Owasp ESAPI Ruby project == Introduction The Owasp ESAPI Ruby is a port for outstanding release quality Owasp ESAPI project to the Ruby programming language. Ruby is now a famous programming language due to its Rails framework developed by David Heinemeier Hansson (http://twitter.com/dhh) that simplify the creation of a web application using a convention over configuration approach to simplify programmers' life. Despite Rails diffusion, there are a lot of Web framework out there that allow people to write web apps in Ruby (merb, sinatra, vintage) [http://accidentaltechnologist.com/ruby/10-alternative-ruby-web-frameworks/]. Owasp Esapi Ruby wants to bring all Ruby deevelopers a gem full of Secure APIs they can use whatever the framework they choose. == Why supporting only Ruby 1.9.2 and beyond? The OWASP Esapi Ruby gem will require at least version 1.9.2 of Ruby interpreter to make sure to have full advantages of the newer language APIs. In particular version 1.9.2 introduces radical changes in the following areas: === Regular expression engine (to be written) === UTF-8 support Unicode support in 1.9.2 is much better and provides better support for character set encoding/decoding * All strings have an additional chunk of info attached: Encoding * String#size takes encoding into account – returns the encoded character count * You can get the raw datasize * Indexed access is by encoded data – characters, not bytes * You can change encoding by force but it doesn’t convert the data === Dates and Time From "Programming Ruby 1.9" "As of Ruby 1.9.2, the range of dates that can be represented is no longer limited by the under- lying operating system’s time representation (so there’s no year 2038 problem). As a result, the year passed to the methods gm, local, new, mktime, and utc must now include the century—a year of 90 now represents 90 and not 1990." == Roadmap Please see ChangeLog file. == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Create documentation with rake yard task * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2011 the OWASP Foundation. See LICENSE for details.
Translates the Rails routes of your application into the languages defined in your locale files
Dynamically stores, parses and providers params. Uses module local readers.
When reading the subdomain of an xip.io request, you will get a different value compared to a local pow request. The reason for this is that the tld length is 1 by default, but an xip.io request has a tld length of 6. This gem inserts a middleware that corrects the tld length config of rails on the fly so that you can use local and xip requests at the same time without restarting the server.
Everything you need for a zoned Spree store: zoned pricing, zoned products, zoned product ordering, zoned locales, ... Probalbly essential to you if you operate outside of the US.
Step through local git branches from the command line, keeping or deleting each.
Capistrano extension to run mysqldump remotely, download, and import into your local Rails development database
Localization support for Ruby on Rails(>=2.3.2) by Ruby-GetText-Package.
This generator cross-posts entries to Medium. To work, this script requires a MEDIUM_USER_ID environment variable and a MEDIUM_INTEGRATION_TOKEN. The generator will only pick up posts with the following front matter: `crosspost_to_medium: true` You can control crossposting globally by setting `enabled: true` under the `jekyll-crosspost_to_medium` variable in your Jekyll configuration file. Setting it to false will skip the processing loop entirely which can be useful for local preview builds.
A Rails generator plugin & gem that generates Rails 2.2 and 2.3 I18n locale files for almost every known locale.
This package brings you useful utility and library which can help you to handle locale files and translations in your Ruby projects. It is build upon i18n library and extends it's simple format so you can simply track field changes or keep translator's notes. Conversion back to simple format is possible and as simple as call 'i18n-translate strip'. Offers also built-in simple console editor. Supported formats are YAML, Ruby, Gettext po, QT Linguist TS and Java Properties. Read README.md file and run i18n-translate without parameters for more information.
RTanque is a game for programmers. Players program the brain of a tank and then send their tank+brain into battle with other tanks. All tanks are otherwise equal. Rules of the game are simple: Last bot standing wins. Gameplay is also pretty simple. Each tank has a base, turret and radar, each of which rotate independently. The base moves the tank, the turret has a gun mounted to it which can fire at other tanks, and the radar detects other tanks in its field of vision. Have fun competing against friends' tanks or the sample ones included. Maybe you'll start a small league at your local Ruby meetup.
Localization utility for Rails apps
provide `hiroshimarb` command. hiroshimarb is Hiroshima.rb. Hiroshima.rb is local community of Ruby in Hiroshima/Japan