A Hashie::Mash joint to make #snakelife better
In goes a hash, out comes hidden fields. Great for preserving Rails parameters without abusing the session.
eav_hashes allows you to to leverage the power of the EAV database model in the way you would expect to use it: a hash. Unlike other gems which require you to create a special model and/or define which attributes you want to have EAV behavior on (both of which defeat the purpose), all you need to do with eav_hashes is add one line to your model and create a migration. All the heavy lifting is done for you.
Install gsl, statistics2 and provides a C extension to optimize the following methods * Vector#frecuencies * Vector#set_valid_data * Vector#check_type * Dataset#case_as_hash * Dataset#case_as_array * Bivariate::Tetrachoric
Praxis Blueprints is a library that allows for defining a reusable class structures that has a set of typed attributes and a set of views with which to render them. Instantiations of Blueprints resemble ruby Structs which respond to methods of the attribute names. Rendering is format-agnostic in that it results in a structured hash instead of an encoded string. Blueprints can automatically generate object structures that follow the attribute definitions.
Case Insensitive Case Preserving Hash
Enables Devise to hash passwords with Argon2id
Rails secret management by encrypting values in a JSON hash with a public/private keypair
:test == "test"
Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree.
blockchain-lite - build your own blockchain with crypto hashes - revolutionize the world with blockchains, blockchains, blockchains one block at a time
Convert the case of strings, symbols, and hash keys, including camelCase, PascalCase, and underscore_case
Adds more than 155 useful and frequently rather fundamental methods which are missing in Ruby programming language, to Array, File, Hash, Module, Object, String and Symbol classes. It tries to be similar project to Ruby Facets on principle, but less complex, more practical, non-atomic and organized by better way. Thanks to defensive and careful patching it should be compatible with all other libraries.
A fluentd plugin to flatten nested hash structure as a flat record
The Sensu Core built-in ruby_hash mutator
Dirty tracking within hashes (with or without indifferent access) or objects as it is expected to be!
The SHA-3 (Keccak) hash.
Performs pruning or one-level promotion of Hash attributes (typically labeled "private:"), and deep merges and joins of Hash objects. Works on Array objects containing Hash objects as well.
Allows database connections to be defined as URLS, then converted to hash for use in ActiveRecord
Utility method build on top of Ruby dig to navigate hashes mixed up with arrays.
Slim attributes boosts speed in Rails/Mysql ActiveRecord Models by avoiding instantiating Hashes for each result row, and lazily instantiating attributes as needed.
This app extends active record to allow you to change the polymorphic type value in relationships. It also extends active record batching functions to be able to order records while batching. - As a bonus. the same 'split_batches' function is made available to Arrays It also adds optional auditing functions and password hashing functions, as well as migration helpers
Modeling with Hashes made easy.
An in-memory implementation of RDF::Repository using native Ruby Hashes having insert-order preserving properties.
It's a rack middleware to parse multipart/related requests and rebuild a simple/merged parameters hash.
Inspired by the Gyoku gem for hash to xml conversion, XmlFu is designed to require no meta tagging for node attributes and content. (i.e. no :attributes! and no :order!)
Deep Hash matcher for rspec
A simple gem to easily use the Facebook Query Language. Just specify single queries as strings or use hashes to compose multiqueries and send them to Facebook using `Fql.execute(query)`.
Convert deeply nested Virtus or other objects that respond to attributes to hashes and arrays
This gem adds a custom matcher to RSpec to recursively compare nested Ruby data-structures consisting of `Hash` and `Array` elements. An order of elements in an array is ignored.
persist your objects to redis hashes.
Adds methods for Hash: - symbolize_keys - recursive_symbolize_keys Array: - to_csv (requires FasterCSV gem if ruby 1.8) - select_with_index - to_auto_complete_list - active_record_type_condition_rendering
Adds extensions to Array, Date, Enumerable, File, Hash, IO, String, Time, etc.
Check a password against a pbkdf2 hashed string. Useful to import password hashes from django application to rails/devise application
This gem extracts params given as a hash to structured data, that can be used when creating queries
Re-key a nested Hash to all-Symbol or -String keys
Hash to CSV is a Ruby Gem that flattens an array of hashes to CSV.
Hash Flattener is a Ruby Gem that recursively flattens a Hash using breadcrumbs as keys.
persist your objects to redis hashes
RBTree is a sorted associative collection that is implemented with Red-Black Tree. The elements of RBTree are ordered and its interface is the almost same as Hash, so simply you can consider RBTree sorted Hash.
Makes hashes object-like
A CLI tool & library to enhance and speed up script/exploit writing for CTF players (or security researchers, bug bounty hunters, pentesters but mostly focused on CTF) by patching the String class to add a short syntax of usual code patterns. Methods for base64, digest (hash), flag, rot (Caesar), hexadecimal, case, cgi (URL encoding/decoding, HTML escaping/unescaping), binary, leet (1337), decimal, XOR, whitespace strip, IP/URI/domain/email defang/refang.
Provides an easy way to specify which instances vars of your objects should be used as `key` in a Hash returned by the `#to_h` method. Also gives you a `YourClass::from_hash` to reconstruct the instances.
Make consistent hashcodes from flat Hashes, regardless of key ordering. Useful for hashing rows in a table.
A small C module that wraps libxml2's xmlreader to parse a XML string into a ruby hash
HTransform provides a simple DSL to transform arbitrary hashes into another, more arbitrary hash. Yay.
easily fetch values from nested ruby hashes
Converts ruby hashes and arrays into objects. Also works with JSON & YAML files.
[*] Lightweight ORM backed by any hash-like storage: Redis, LevelDB or plain old hashes.
Hash condition syntax for AR query everywhere!